
svrn isMG pnysr


pRm siqkfrXog,

sMpfdk jI,

vfihgurU jI kf Kflsf, vfihgurU jI kI Pqih]

BfeI suKivMdr isMG ‘sBrf’ horF dI afpxI ikqfb ‘sMqF dy kOqk…?’ ivcoN iek hor kivqf hfjLr hY.

afp df sLuBicMqk

svrn isMG pnysr[


klgI vfilaf pMQ idaf mflkf jI

iswK isKIEN piqq ikAuN hox lwg pey.

isKI rihq miradf nUM Buwl ky qy

dfVHI kysF nUM kql krvfAux lwg pey.

hMs mfn srovr nUM CwZ ky qy

ZfbF CwpVF ‘qy zyry lfAux lwg pey.

cog Cwz ky suicaF moqIaf dI

icwq zwzIaF Auqy BrmfAux lwg pey.

guru sfihb jI pMQ dI sfr lY lAu

qyrf pMQ insLfny qoN ihl cwilaf.

ijMnHF ivco kIqf sI vwK iehnUM

awj AuhnF dy ivc hI iml cwilaf

awj AuhnF dy ivc hI iml cwilaf.

BuipMdr isMG nfrvy

ismrnjIq isMG mfn|

vfihgurU jI kf Kflsf vfihgurU jI kI Pqih[
asl kfrn hY-qfkq dI BuwK, ijs hwQoN mjbUr ho ky sB lMgUr vFg iewDr-AuwDr CflF mfr rhy hn . qfkq leI hI sB rvfieqI (kFgrsI-akflI) hn. awj sB df ieko-iek insLfnf rih igaf hY idwlI srkfr qoN qfkq lY ky afjLfdI psMd iswKF dI soc nUM kwuclxf, gurU dI gwl jF isDFq jF syvf qF dUro lfigE BI nhIN JFkdy . iewQoN ienHF dI rUVIvfdI soc aqy mfniskqf dy dIvflIafpn vfry pqf lwgdf hY, BFvy hn rMk jF rfjy, jo ieh sB afjLfdI pwKI iswK soc nUM Kqm krn df Brm pflI bYTy hn. ieh qF iswKI dI qfkq nUM hI Buwl cuwky hn. ienFH nUM ieh vI Xfd nhIN ik afjLfdI leI sMGrsL krn df hwukm iswKF nUM gurU nfnk sfihb vloN imilaf hoieaf hY. sB hI mOjI TfkurF nUM ielm nhIN ik AunF dIaF koJIaF socF nUM kdy vI bUr nhIN pvygf.

mfn sfihb afpxI duwibDf dI zUMGfeI pfqfl qwk phuMc cwukI hY, duwD-Doqy, icwt-kwpVIey, msMd, mIsxy-clfk sB adfiraF (Dfrimk-rfjnIiqk)c hfvI hn, sB qoN pihlF Dfrimk adfiraf nUM eys cugl ivcoN CzfAuxf pvygf Pyr AuQo pRcfr, dlIlI-ivsQfr rFhI ienF BUqry nslI lMgUrF qy nwQ pfAux dy Auprfly, sdIaF bIq clIaF hn, koeI afh dI hyk hor ilKo, mfro:pVfeI vDfE, sBo-sUJ avyslI anpV huMdI jf rhI hY idn-bidn, swc dI gwl ilKx dI siprt, sB zfZy avysly bxy pey hn|

Auqm iPlfsPr-gurF qoN bilhfry jfx vflf dfs|

BuipMdr isMG nfrvy qoN|

svrn isMG pnysr


pRm siqkfrXog,

sMpfdk jI,

vfihgurU jI kf Kflsf, vfihgurU jI kI Pqih]

BfeI suKivMdr isMG ‘sBrf’ horF ny afpxI ikqfb ‘sMqF dy kOqk…?’ (gurmiq dI ksvwtI qy) Bfg 1 aqy 2 ivc axigxq nklI ‘sfDF bfry’ bhuq kuC iliKaf hY. ies kqfb ivc AunHF vloN iek Kfs not vI drj kIqf igaf hY: ‘jykr koeI cfhy qF ies kqfb nUM hU-b-hU Cfp ky vMz skdf hY]

iesy hI kqfb ivcoN hyT ilKI kivqf, ‘ieh ajokI jQydfrI?’ Byj irhF hF] AumId hY afp ies nUM svIkfr krogy. afp df aqI DMnvfdI hovFgf]

afp df sLuBicMqk

svrn isMG pnysr[

ieh ajokI jQydfrI?

jQydfrI! jQydfrI! jF iPr gwPydfrI

iswKI dI nf rfKI kry, ieh kYsI jQydfrI?

afpxf hukm Cwzy, pMQ dIaF jVHF vwZy

qfnfsLfhI bx bYTI ieh hYNkVbfjL jQydfrI.

gurU df isDFq nfhI, mn iehdf sLFq nfhI

kUkr dy vFgMU loBI ieh ajokI jQydfrI.

iswK msly df hwl nfhI, iswKI vflI gwl nfhI

bfdl dI dfsI bxI ieh PokI jQydfrI.

ihMdU sfnUM khI jfvy, gMgf vwl leI jfvy

lv kusL dI aolfd afKy ieh ihMdU jQydfrI.

sfDF dI JolI cuwk, lv kusL dI bxI puwq

iswKF dI ieh kry lwut, ieh bysmJ jQydfrI.

nkyl isafsIaF pfeI hoeI af, irwC nfc ncfeI hoeI af

zMzy awgy lfeI hoeI af, ieh cfplUs jQydfrI.

bfxI bfxf kol nfhI, kpUr isMG vrgf rol nfhI

sLOhrqF dI BuwK vyKo ieh ajokI jQydfrI.

pfE iswKo nkyl iehdy, ierfdy kro Pyl iehdy

nhIN qF iewjLq rihx nf dyAU ieh ajokI jQydfrI.

rwbf sux lY arj myrI, rihmq rhI hY sdf qyrI

Byj, kpUr isLMG, sLfm isLMG, awj bc jfey jQydfrI.

srdfr hrijMdr isMG ‘sBrf’ jI dI ieh ilKq hY qy AunHF df Puwt not hY, ‘idl nhIN sI krdf ik ieh kuwJ iliKaf jfdF pr jdoN iksy dy kIqy AupkfrF nUM ivsfr ky ikrdfr coN aikRqGxqf dI bdbU afAux lgdI hY qF AuQy BfeI gurdfs jI vrgy guriswKF dI klm vI nhI rukdI. sfzy ajoky jQydfrF qy afgUaF guru dy kIqy AupkfrF nUM ivsfr gurU Gr dy isDFq vloN ijvyN pfsf moiVaf hY Auh iKmfXog nhIN hY.

Swaran Singh Panesar
Leeds, West Yorkshire.

ismrnjIq isMG mfn

myry pMjfb awj qyrf kOx vflI ?

rfjf byprvfh, msq qy jLflm,

ivroDI iDr hNOsly qy akl qoN KflI.

pMjfb dI mOjUdf kFgrs srkfr cIP minstr kYptn amirMdr isMG dI agvfeI hyT afpxy pMj sflf sPr ivwcoN lwgBwg sfZy iqMn sfl pUry kr cuwkI hY . ies sMbMDI koeI do rfvF nhIN ik kFgrs pfrtI aqy ivsLysL krky kYptn amirMdr isMG ny afpxy cox mYnIPYsto ivc jo vfady kIqy sn, AunHF nUM pUrf nhIN kIqf igaf . Aultf hflq ieh hY ik lokF ivwc srkfr dI pfilsI nUM lY ky hI BMblBUsf bixaf hoieaf hY .

ijQoN qwk kYptn amirMdr isMG dI kurwpsLn ivruwD ivwZI muihMm df svfl hY, ieh qF hux Tuws ho cuwkI hY . kurwpsLn dI ieh muihMm srdfr pRkfsL isMG bfdl ivrwuD vI isrP ies leI hI sI ikAuNik bfdl ny 1997 dIaF coxF ivwc kYptn nUM itkt nhIN sI idwqI. ies leI kYptn ny bfdl nfl afpxI ikV kwZx leI bfdl, Ausdy pirvfr aqy AusdI pfrtI dy hor afgUaF Auqy byiemfnI dy kys drj krvfey. BfvyN kYptn amirMdr isMG ny ieh kys inwjI rMijsL kwZx leI drj krvfey sn pr ieh vI swcfeI hY ik bfdl, Ausdy pirvfr qy pfrtI dy afgUaF ny srkfr ivwc rihMdy hoey byhwd kurwpsLn kIqI sI aqy pMjfb dy KjLfny nUM rwj ky luwitaf sI . hux s[ amirMdr isMG ny iehnF sfry mukwdimaF nUM kfnUMn dy rfhIN TMzy bsqy ivwc pf idwqf hY . dUjy pfsy srdfr bfdl awj kwlH ijs qrHF dI isafsq kr rhy hn Aus nUM dyKidaF ieMJ lgdf hY ijvyN kYptn sfihb ny s[ bfdl Auqy kfTI pf leI hY . bVI hYrfnI dI gwl hY ik s[ amirMdr isMG ny pMjfb aqy pMQ pRqI iewk qoN bfad iewk glq PYslf ilaf pr bfdl sfihb mUMh ivwc GUMgxIaF pfeI bYTy rhy. asYNblI ivwc mwuK ivroDI iDr dy lIzr hox dy bfvjUd AuhnF kYptn dy iehnF glq PYsilaF ivwruD kdy jLubfn nhIN KolI . kYptn srkfr ny pMjfb dy pfxIaF sMbMDI "trmInysLn aYkt" qF pfs kr idwqf pr ies dI dPf 5 ijs ivc hirafxf, rfjsQfn aqy idwlI nUM pMjfb df pfxI gYr sMivDfink qrIky nfl jfx qy shI pfeI hoeI hY, nUM ijAuN dI iqAuN hI rihx idwqf. bfdl qy AuhnF dy aYm[aYl eyjL[ awKF mIt ky ies aYkt Awuqy dsqKq kr afey, koeI ivroDqf hI nhIN kIqI . sgoN Aultf aYkt dy pfs hox qoN 2 idn bfad bfdl sfihb ny aKbfrF vfilaF dy puwCx qy AuhnF nUM bhuq hI gYr ijMmyvfrfnf qy hfsohIxf jvfb idwqf -"aKy, mYN qF aYkt nUM cMgI qrHF piVaf hI nhIN sI." kI ieh ijLMmyvfr lIzrF vflI gwl hY? hux 1984 dy iswK kqlyafm sMbMDI nfnfvqI kimsLn dI irport afeI hY ijs ivwc shI qwQ hI pysL nhIN kIqy gey hn. ies mfmly ivwc vI sYNtr dI kFgrs srkfr ny kfqlF nUM sjLf idvfAux bfry lMmf smF cuwpI vwtI rwKI aqy koeI kfrvfeI hI nhIN kIqI. bfdl sfihb ies bfry vI kuJ nhIN boly . AunHF ny pihlF pMjfb aqy idwlI ivwc nfnfvqI kimsLn dI irport iKlfP mujLfhry krn df aYlfn kIqf sI pr bfad ivwc ipwCy ht gey.

pMjfb ivwc zyZ dhfkf cwlI jwdo jihd bfry kYptn ny pihlF ikhf sI ik iswK juJfrUvfd dI ies lihr sMbMDI kimsLn bxf ky jfiejLf ilaf jfvygf aqy AusdI irport anusfr kfrvfeI hovygI. pr bfad ivc Auh ies

gwl qoN muwkr gey aqy bfdl sfihb ny vI amirMdr isMG dI GurkI qoN zrdy hoey ies mfmly qy cuwpI Dfr leI . mgroN tI[vI[ Auqy iewk bymfienf aqy byiswtf ijhI bihs idKf ky lokF dIaF awKF ivwc Gwtf pfAux dI koisLsL kIqI geI .

vfjpfeI aqy mnmohn isMG ny vwK-vwK mOky pMjfb af ky dirafvF nUM joVn dI gwl kIqI jo ik sMivDfn dy srfsr Ault hY. ies mfmly ivc bfdl qy kYptn dovF ny hI kdy vI afpxy ienHF akfvF dI gwl nUM nhIN kwitaf qy cuwp DfrnI hI byhqr smJI .

hfl hI ivwc jdoN pRfeIm minstr mnmohn isMG pMjfb afey qF kYptn amirMdr isMNG ny pMjfb aqy iswKF dIaF icrF qo ltkdIaF mMgF ivwcoN iksy iek bfry vI pRfeIm minstr nfl gwl nhIN kIqI . pMjfb dI ieko-iek kudrqI pUMjI pfxI Auwqy gvFZI sUby hirafxf, idwlI, cMzIgV aqy rfjsQfn ny ies qrHF njLrF jmfeIaF hoeIaF hn ijvyN ibwlI dI njLr duwD Auqy huMdI hY jdoN ik pMjfb kol koeI PflqU pfxI hY hI nhIN. pr cIP minstr ny pMjfb qy pMjfbIOaF dy ies drd bfry pRfeIm minstr kol mUMh qwk nhIN Koilaf. pMjfbI iksfnF nUM AujfV ky vsfeI geI pMjfb dI rfjDfnI cMzIgVH df mslf pMjfb ivroDI mfniskqf qoN pIVq afgUaF vloN idn pRqI idn kIqI jf rhI ibafnbfjLI sdkf gMBIr huMdf jf irhf hY. PrFs ivc pwg df mslf iswK kOm ivwc ros df iek vwzf kfrn hY ijsdf hwl lwiBaf jfxf bhuq jrUrI hY . 1984 ivwc Poj ny drbfr sfihb Auwqy hmly vyly qosLfKfnf luwitaf sI aqy iswK kOm dIaF keI aihm, ieiqhfisk aqy anmol vsqF afpxy kbjLy ivwc lY leIaF sn, ijhnF dI pRfpqI iswK kOm dI iewk pRbl iewCf hY . 1984 dy iswK kqlyafm smyN AuwjVy iswK aqy bYrkF Cwz ky afAux vfly DrmI PojI, ijhnF ivcoN bhuqy qF Ausy smyN mfr idwqy gey sn pr jo bcy hn, AuhnF df muV vsybf aqy AuhnF dI ijMdgI muV lIh qy lY ky afAux dI gMBIr jLrUrq hY. iswK nOjvfn ipCly 21 sflf qoN gYrkfnUMnI aqy gYr sMivDfink qrIky nfl jylHF ivwc zwky hoey hn ijnHF nUM afjLfd krvfAuxf pMQ qy pMjfb dI ijLMmyvfrI hY. pr ienHF sfry msilaF nUM nf qF kdy akflI srkfr, nf kYptn srkfr aqy nf hI hux sYNtr dI mnmohn isMG srkfr ny goilaf hY .

ieh sfry phfV ijwzy msly pMjfb aqy iswKF dy sfhmxy ijAuN dy iqAuN KVy hn. duwK dI gwl hY ik kYptn sfihb ny bqOr cIP minstr pMjfb isvfey bIbI sonIaf gFDI dIaF isPqF dy pul bMnky KusLfmd krn dy hor kuJ kIqf hI nhIN . Auprokq msilaF qoN ielfvf hor vI ijvyN jlMDr-aMimRqsr jI[tI[ roz nUM cOVf krnf, vfhgf qoN husYnIvflf qwk bfrzr nUM Kolxf, rfjfsFsI hvfeI awzy df mslf afid bfry vI kYptn sfihb mcly hI bxy rhy. luiDafxy ivKyy 100 kroV dI lfgq nfl bxy hspqfl df qF pRfeIm minstr koloN AudGftn krvfieaf igaf jdoN ik pMjfb dy isvl hspqflF ivc nf qF zfktr, nf dvfeIaF aqy nf hI aYksry msLInF hn. grIb lokF nUM ielfj leI dr-dr dIaF TokrF KfxIaF pYdIaF hn. pr pMjfb srkfr cfhyy Auh rvfieqI akflIaF dI sI qyy cfhy mOjUdf kFgrs srkfr-ieh lok AuhnF afr[ aYm[pI[ zfktrF dIaF dukfnF nUM vI bMd krvfAux qy quly hoey hn jo ik lokF nUM idn rfq aYmrjYNsI dI shUlq muhweIaf krvfAuNdy hn. kwul imlf ky ikhf jf skdf hY ik pRfeIm minstr dI ies PyrI dOrfn kYptn amirMdr isMG ny afpxI kursI dI slfmqI nUM muwK rwKidaF bws bIbI sonIaf gFDI dy gux gfAux hI kIqy.

kYptn sfihb dy ipCly irkfrz nUM dyK ky vI iehI pqf lwgdf hY ik iehnF ny jo vI kdm cuwky, hmysLF afpxy inwjI svfrQF nUM mUhry rwK ky hI cwuky hn . ies leI ienHF koloN bhuqI afs vI nhIN kIqI jf skdI ik ieh pMjfb aqy iswKF dy msilaF nUM hwl krfAux dy koeI Xqn krngy . hux hfl hI ivwc amirMdr isMG ny afpxy aqy afpxy vjLIrF leI 18 itEtf kYmrI nF dIaF mihMgIaF kfrF KrIdIaF hn. iehnF ivcoN 4 kfrF dI

vrqoN ieh afpxy Gr leI hI kr rhy hn. dUjy pfsy ivroDI iDr dy afgU iehnF mihMgIaF kfrF bfry aKbfrF ivc rOlf qF bhuq pf rhy hn pr AuhnF dI afpxI aYs[jI[pI[sI[ dI pRDfn ims jgIr kOr ny vI gurU Gr dI golk ivcoN afpxy leI pMjfb srkfr dI qrjL qy iek kYmrI kfr KrId leI hY . pUry pMjfb ivwc ibjlI dy 16-16 GMty dy kwt lwgdy rhy hn aqy iksfnF nUM pUrI ibjlI hux vI nhIN iml rhI . dUjy pfsy kYptn sfihb dy moqI bfg dy mihlF nUM pMjfb dI girwz ivwcoN spYsLl 4 PIzr lgvf ky cOvI GMty ibjlI idwqI jf rhI hY. iehnF gwlF qoN sfP pqf lgdf hY ik iks qrHF cIP minstr vloN afpxy sLfhI TfT aqy sLohrq dI pUrqI leI srkfrI KjLfny dI durvrqoN kIqI jf rhI hY aqy iks qrHF ibjlI corI krn ivc iehnF vloN afpxf Xogdfn pfieaf jf irhf hY. hYrfnI dI gwl hY ik bfvjUd ieMnIaF pRqwK byinXmIaF dy muwK ivroDI dy lIzr s[ bfdl aqy AuhnF dI sihXogI pfrtI Bfjpf vloN koeI ivroD hI nhIN kIqf jf irhf. spwsLt ids irhf hY ik bfdl dy AunHF dy sihXogIaF dy idlF ivwc amirMdr isMG df zr ikMnf Gr kr cuwikaf hY. ‘duMm dbf ky bYTxf’ sLfied iesy nUM hI afKdy hn.

ipwCy ijhy jdoN s[ amirMdr isMG kYnyzf gey qF AuwQy torFto ivKy izskI gurduafrf sfihb vI gey, ijwQy ik Kfilsqen dy postr vgYrf lwgy hoey sn. jdoN vfps ihMdosqfn prqy aqy mIzIaf vfilaF ny ienHF kolNo ies sbMDI svfl pwuCy qF sLrimMdgI mihsUs kridaF koeI shI jvfb hI nhIN dy sky. aslIaq ieh hY ik kYptn sfihb kdy iksy ivcfrDfrf nMU smripq ho ky qF qur hI nhIN sky. isDFq nfl juVy rihxf aqy Aus leI mr imtxf-ies qrHF df ienHF ivwc mfdf hI nhIN hY . iesy qrHF kuJ sfl pihlF jdoN ieh vlYq dy tUr qy gey qF afpxy srkfrI vPd qoN 8 idn qwk guMm rhy. ienHF srkfrI vPd dy iksy mYNbr nUM pqf hI nf lwgx idwqf ik eyny idnF qwk ikwQy rhy. iehdy bfry qF hux isrP iehI dws skdy hn ik ikhVy kfrnF krky ieh 8 idn qwk gvfcy rhy . iesy hI sfl ienHF ny dubeI df vI iewk KuPIaf dOrf kIqf . jdoN ies qrHF dy svfl AuwTxy sLurU hoey ik dubeI dOry smyN ienHF dy nfl kOx sI, kI krn gey sn, ikwQy Tihry, inXmF anusfr cIP minstr nUM sYNtr qoN jo mnjLUrI lYxI pYNdI hY Auh ienHF leI sI ik nhIN - ieh sfry svflF dy jvfb dyx dI QF awgoN ienHF iPr afkV ivKfeI aqy sYNtr qoN bxdI mnjLUrI vI dOry AuprMq leI. hux koeI dwsy Blf iewk cIP minstr nUM kI loV hY corF vFg dOrf krn dI.

ivdysLI dOiraF dOrfn gfieb ho jfxf qF ienHF dI iPqrq hY hI, ihMdosqfn ivwc rihMidaF vI jd kdy pMjfb qoN bfhr idwlI jF ihmfcl jFdy hn qF ies bfry ienHF dy dPqr qwk nUM pqf nhIN huMdf, hor qF iksy nUM kI pqf hoxf hY. pbilk nUM imlxf qF dUr ieh qF afpxy vjLIrF, aYm[aYl[eyjL[ qy aPsrF qwk nUM imlx qoN ienkfr kr idMdy hn . jykr koeI imlx jFdf hY qF afpxy aihlkfrF qoN aKvf idMdy hn ik ‘rfjf jI qF iewQy hY hI nhIN’. ienHF dI hflq qF mwisaf dy myly ivwc gvfcI gF vrgI hY ijsdf koeI QF itkfxf hI nhIN lwBdf.

iewk hor bVI rfijaF vflI sLfhI afdq hY s[ amirMdr isMG dy suBfa ivwc- kdy vI iksy pRogrfm Auwqy TIk smyN qy nhIN phuMcdy aqy bhuqI vfr qF gYr hfjLr hI ho jFdy hn . pRogrfmF qy juVy hoey lok AuzIk-AuzIk ky inrfsLqf ivwc GrF nMU prq jFdy hn . iewQoN qwk ik pRfeIm minstr vfly pRogrfm ivwc vI ieh pRfeIm minstr qoN lyt puwjy . kYbint dI mIitMg ivwcoN gYr hfjLr ho jfxf ienHF leI iek afm gwl hY. kI ies qrHF dI qihjLIb rwKxf jLmhUrI rfj ivwc cuxy hoey iewk cIP minstr nUM Pwbdf hY?

pMjfb ivwc ies smyN sVkF dI ijMnI Ksqf hflq hY, sLfied hI iksy hor sUby ivwc hovy. cIP minstr df hfl ieh hY ik sVkF rfhIN sPr krnf psMd hI nhIN krdy, ijwQy jFdy hn hvfeI jhfjL rfhIN hI jFdy hn .

idlcsp gwl ieh vI hY ik ijho ijhI sUJ ienHF dI afpxI hY Auho ijhf ienHF df pfielt hY . kuJ mhIny hoey hn ik ienHF dy pfielt ny jhfj Auqfrnf sI idwlI dy pflmpur hvfeI awzy Auwqy, pr Auqfr idwqf pRfeIm minstr dI irhfiesL dy iblkul nfl BfrI surwiKaf pRbMD vfly sPdrjMg hvfeI awzy Auwqy . ies nfl AuwQy qF iewk dm twlIaF vwjxIaF sLurU ho geIaF qy rYwz alrt jfrI ho igaf. sikAuirtI vfilaF ny ienHF vwl nUM bMdUkF qfx leIaF qy iehnF nUM hwQ KVy krky bfhr nUM afAuxf ipaf. so ieh aslIaq hY iehnF dy isafxypx dI.

jdoN cIP minstr ny sVkF rfhIN sPr hI nhIN krnf qF iPr sVkF TIk krn df Aus nUM iKafl vI ikvyN afvy? BfvyN ijMny mrjLI aYksIzYNt hox, bwsF Aultx, sVkF ivwc toey BfvyN hor pY jfx- ienHF nUM koeI prvfh hI nhIN . huxy-huxy ienHF ny cfr kroV rupey isrP afpxy dPqr nUM KUbsUrq bxfAux leI Krc idwqy aqy jvfb ieh idwqf ik ieh sfrf kuJ iPrMgIaF nUM idKfAux leI kIqf hY. ienHF dy Bfxy iPrMgIaF nUM pqf hI nhIN ik pMjfb ivwc iswiKaF, ishq shUlqF, ibjlI pfxI, buZfpf pYnsLnF afid muZlIaF jLrUrqF df kI hfl hY. ieh sLfied jfxdy nhIN ik AunHF kol vI qF afpxy jsUs hn ijnHF rfhIN AunHF nUM sfrI jfxkfrI iml jFdI hY. ieh BfvyN hfQI dy bfhrly dMdF vFg AunHF nUM idKfeI kuJ hor hI jfx.

kYptn amirMdr isMG vloN afpxy ivroDIaF nUM qsIhy duafAuxy, jylF ivwc zwkxf, qsIhy dyx smyN dIaF vIzIE iPlmF bxvfAuxIaF qy iPr ieh vIzIE iPlmF vyK ky cfGIaF mfr-mfr ky KusL hoxf ienHF dI jLfbr soc aqy rfjfsLfhI afdqF df spwsLt sbUq hY . kdy ieh byaMq isMG vFg akflIaF nUM ‘quMn dyx’ dIaF gwlF krdy hn aqy kdy mYnUM jylH aMdr zwk ky cfbIaF gvfAux vrgI byqukI qy hosLI gwl krdy hn. ies qrHF DmkIaF dy ky ieh afpxI dihsLgrdI nfl rfj clfAuxf cfhuMdy hn . aijhf krky iehnF ny rvfieqI akflIaF nUM qF zrf ilaf hY pr ienklfbI akflIaF nUM vI ieh ies qrHF icwq kr dyxgy- ieh iehnF df BulyKf hI hY . iehnF dy rfj ivwc pihlF qF bIbI mnjoq kOr Auwqy JUTf afr[zI[aYks df kys pfieaf jFdf hY aqy jLflm puils aPsrF nUM pMjfb ivwc luwtmfr krn, DwkysLfhI krn aqy dihsLqgrdI krn dI pUrI Kuwl idwqI jFdI hY qy jdoN ‘pMjfb rfeIts Porm’ vloN ies vrqfry iKlfP jLordfr sMGrsL ivwiZaf igaf qF kihx lwgy ik puils aPsrF nUM ajy vI dihsLqgrdI dy idnF vflIaF hI afdqF peIaF hoeIaF hn . ies qrHF plF ivwc hI rMg bdl lYNdy hn . dUjy pfsy bfdl sfihb ny vI ienHF DwkysLfhIaF iKlfP jLubfn qwk nhIN ihlfeI. AuhnF qF sgoN jLfbr kfnUMn potf jo ik vfjpfeI srkfr vloN isrP Gwt-igxqIaF nUM kwuclx leI bxfieaf igaf sI, dI vI jLordfr hmfieq kIqI sI.

kYptn amirMdr isMG afpxy sfQI kFgrsI vjLIrF aqy aYm[aYl[eyjL[ nUM ieh kih ky zrfAuNdy hn ik quhfzy ivwc aMgryjLI smJx qy bolx dI kfblIaq nhIN hY aqy qusIN afpxI gwl bIbI sonIaf gFDI nUM nhIN smJf skdy, Auh qF myrI aMgryjLI hI smJdI hY. ies qrHF ieh afpxy sfQIaF nUM kFgrs pRDfn bIbI sonIaf gFDI dy nyVy hI nhIN jfx idMdy. jdik aslIaq ieh hY ik bIbI sonIaf ietlI dI jMmpl hY aqy aMgryjLI jLubfn Aus leI vI sfzy vFg hI iewk ivdysLI bolI hY.

kYptn amirMdr isMG dI kfrjLsLYlI nUM dyKidaF pqf lgdf hY ik ienHF iksy kMm ivwc koeI plYinMg qF kIqI hI nhIN. ijvyN ik pihlF vI mYN iliKaY ik pl-pl ivwc PYsly bdldy hn. biTMzy dy qyl dy kfrKfny nUM pihlF rwd krvf idwqf qy hux Ausy PYktrI nUM lgvfAux leI jLor lf rhy hn . PjLUl KrcI kr kr ky srkfrI KjLfny df byVf grk kr ky rwK idwqf hY ienHF ny . pMjfb ivwc ibjlI sMkt idn-b-idn vwD irhY . ibjlI dI pYdfvfr ikvyN vDfeI jfvy ies pfsy vwl ienHF kdy iDafn nhIN idwqf . koeI iKafl hI nhIN kIqf jf irhf ik ikvyN PflqU Krcy Gtfey jfx qy lokF nUM vwD qoN vWD shUlq muhweIaf krvfeI jfvy . ieh qF bws afpxI

ihtlrsLfhI clf ky hI CflF mfrI jf rhy hn . hr rojL aKbfrF ivwc afpxIaF vwzIaF-vwzIaF PotoaF vfly iesLiqhfr lvf rhy hn . ies qrHF jnqf df pYsf afpxI sLKsIaq AuBfrn leI vrq rhy hn . rojLfnf JUTy ibafn idMdy hn . iewQoN qwk ik ilKqI ibafnF Auqy dsqKq krky muwkr jFdy hn. aijhf krn ivwc ienHF nUM koeI sLrm vI mihsUs nhIN huMdI . 1994 ivwc ienHF ny s[ surjIq isMG brnflf, jQydfr jgdyv isMG qlvMzI, jQydfr gurcrn isMG tOhVf qy myry smyq sLRI akfl qKq sfihb ivKy Kfilsqfn dI mMg nUM smripq dsqfvyjL ‘aMimRqsr aYlfnnfmy’ Auwqy dsqKq kIqy pr bfd ivwc muwkr gey . KfilsqfnaF qoN sLkqI lYxI qy iPr AunHF dIaF hI kfmryz hriksLn surjIq, aYl[ ky[ azvfnI, vfjpfeI, mrhUm rfjysL pfielt, vI[pI[ isMG afid kol cuglIaF kr dyxIaF- ies klf ivwc vI ieh bVy inpuMn rhy hn. awj vI iehI kMm kr rhy hn. idwlI srkfr dI imlIBugq aqy sLih nfl pihlF KfilsqfnIaF nUM kYd krvfAuxf qy iPr qsIhy idvfAuxy . ienHF dI Kud dI isafsI ijMdgI vwl jykr dyKIey qF ieh sB qoN pihlF kFgrs dI JolI ivwc izwgy sn. ies AuprMq AunHF rvfieqI akflIaF ivwc sLfiml ho gey, ijnHF nMU hux ieh ‘sMivDfn pfVn vfly kirmInl’ dwsdy hn. awj kwl iPr kFgrs ivwc hn aqy ‘mrjIviVaF’ qy ‘afnMdpur sfihb dy mqy’ iKlfP bVf jLor lgf-lgf ky boldy hn . koeI ienHF nUM puwCy ik rvfieqI akflIaF ivc afAux qoN pihlF quhfnUM cMgI qrHF pqf sI mrjIviVaF bfry, afnMdpur sfihb dy mqy bfry aqy rvfieqI akflIaF vloN sMivDfn pfVn bfry-iPr qusIN ienHF ivwc afey hI ikAuN? asl kfrn hY-qfkq dI BuwK, ijs hwQoN mjbUr ho ky ieh lMgUr vFg iewDr-AuwDr CflF mfrdy hn . qfkq leI hI ieh kFgrs ivcoN rvfieqI akflIaF ivwc afey sn qy iPr qfkq leI hI rvfieqI akflIaF ivcoN kFgrs ivc cly gey . awj ienHF df ieko-iek insLfnf rih igaf hY idwlI srkfr qoN qfkq lY ky afjLfdI psMd iswKF dI soc nUM kuclxf . iewQoN ienHF dI rUVIvfdI soc aqy mfniskqf dy dIvflIafpn hI pqf lwgdf hY jo ieh afjLfdI pwKI iswK soc nUM Kqm krn df Brm pflI bYTy hn. ieh qF iswKI aqy akflIaF dI qfkq nUM hI Buwl cuwky hn. ienFH nUM ieh vI Xfd nhIN ik afjLfdI leI sMGrsL krn df hukm iswKF nUM gurU nfnk sfihb vloN imilaf hoieaf hY . ies mOjI Tfkur nUM ielm nhIN ik ies dIaF koJIaF socF nUM kdy vI bUr nhIN pvygf .

ismrnjIq isMG mfn,

pRDfn, sLRomxI akflI dl (aMimRqsr).

arivMdr isMG

Sikh Marg Staff,

Waheguru ji ka khalsa

Waheguru ji ki fateh

Parkash Utsav Mubarek

Thank you for your service to the mankind by providing limitless knowledge available on this site. I am a jagasu (learner) and would like to know when the word WAHEGURU came to existence in time of gurus. Was it introduced by Guru Angad saheb ji?

Please put it forward to the scholars who can shed some light on subject.

Kind regards

Arvinder Singh

gurmIq isMG afstRylIaf

Dear Makhan Singh,

Waheguru jee ka Khalsa Waheguru jee kee Fateh
Thanks for updating Website every week. I have gone through all articles by Giani Jagtar Singh Jachak (USA), Prof. Inder Singh Ghagga, Avtar Singh Missionary, Giani Surjit Singh. I am sure other Cyber Mates will also like to read by clicking: www.sikhmarg.com With best wishes and Charhdi Kalaa of the Guru Panth Globally.
Gurmit Singh (Sydney)

gurcrn isMG (ijAux vflf) brYNptn

‘afpxY ahMkfir jgqu jilaf’ qy 27 nvMbr 2005 nUM sYmInfr.

aihMkfir, hAumY aqy loB moh koeI vkfAU mfl nhI hn. ieh iksy bjLfr ivc KrIdx jfeIey qF vI imldy nhI. ieh sfnuM jnm qoN hI pRfpwq huMdy hn. ieh sfzy sLrIr ivc krqy ny afp pfey hn qy gurbfxI muqfbk, "krqf afip aBulu hY, n BulY iksY df Bulfieaf ]" krqy ny jo kuJ vI kIqf hY TIk hI kIqf hY. jy ikDry sfnUM koeI qrutI njLr afAuNdI hY qF isrP sfzy smJx ivc hI glqI hY.

bVy lok, igafnI iDafnI, pfTI qy ardfsIey, Dfrimk afgU qy jwQydfr ardfs krdy suxy gey hn ik hy akfl purK jIE! sfzy sLrIr ivcoN kfm, kroD, loB, moh qy ahMkfir nUM dUr kro jI. ieh ardfs TIk nhI jo krqy nUM afpxf inXm bdlx vfsqy mjLbUr kr rhI hY. kI TIk hY kI glq hY bfry vIcfr krn leI " The living Treasure" jIvn jfc df KjLfnf dy ikRqI isMGF dy do jwiQaF dy kIrqn drbfrF nUM suxIey qy sYmInfr ivc Bfg leIey.

25 nvMbr 2005 idn sLukrvfr df pRogrfm.

  1. 25 nvMbr 2005 nUM sLfm dy 4 qoN 5 vjy qk sur sfgr rYzIE aqy tI[vI ienHF df ‘tfk sLo’ hovygf
  2. 25 nvMbr 2005 nUM sLfm dy 6 qoN 8[30 vjy qk sRI gurU nfnk iswK sYNtr gilzn roz aqy siprcUal iswK sYNtr rYkszyl kIrqn drbfr hovygf.

26 nvMbr 2005 idn sLincrvfr df pRogrfm.

1[ 26 nvMbr, sLincrvfr, 12 vjy duiphr nUM iek GMty vfsqy rYzIE ‘pMjfb

dI gUMj’ qoN ienHF dI gwlbfq nUM iswDf pRsfrx kIqf jfvygf.

2[ 26 nvMbr 2005 nUM sLfm dy 6 qoN 8[30 vjy qk sRI gurU nfnk iswK

sYNtr gilzn roz qy siprcUal iswK sYNtr rYkszyl kIrqn drbfr


27 nvMbr idn aYqvfr nUM pRImIam bYNkuiethfl, lKnAu zrfeIv, imsIsfAugf ivKy hAumY qy aihMkfir dy Xog vrqoN krn bfry sYmInfr kIqf jf irhf hY. ies pMj GMty dy pRogrfm qy bolx leI vIr BuipMdr isMG jI inAUXfrk qoN ivsLysL qOr qy phuMc rhy hn. sfry BYxF BrfvF nUM vDIaf jIvn jfc iswKx leI KulfH swdf idwqf jFdf hY. BivK ivc hor ijLafdf qy vDIaf pRogrfm krn leI sihXogIaF dI loV hY. ijLafdf jfxkfrI leI sR[ jsvIr isMG mFgt, PUn nMbr 416 627 1984 aqy sR[ primMdr isMG pRmfr nUM PUn nMbr 905 858 8904 qy sMprk kro jI.

gurU pMQ dy dfs, isMG sBf ieMntrnYsLnl kYnyzf brYNptn.

gurmIq isMG afstRylIaf

Ç ÃÄ siqgur pRsfid ] Ç

[By the Grace of Supreme True Entity]


Guru Nanak Sahib is the Founder of Sikh Religion. According to the Sikh Historians - Scholars, Guru Sahib was born at "Rai Bhoay Dee Talwandi (now known as Nankana Sahib in Pakistan), on 27th March 1469. He was followed by nine successors namely, Guru Angad Sahib, Guru Amardas Sahib, Guru Ramdas Sahib, Guru Arjun Sahib, Guru Hargobind Sahib, Guru Har Rai Sahib, Guru Harkishan Sahib, Guru Tegh Bahadur Sahib and Guru Gobind Singh Sahib, who breathed his last on 7th October 1708. There was thus a continuous and unbroken period of 239 years during which the teachings of Guru Nanak Sahib were assimilated and practised. The followers of Sikh religion are known as "Sikhs or Khalsa". Although, the great majority of the Sikhs live in the northern state of Punjab, others reside in Chandigarh, Haryana, Delhi, and scattered in other parts of India. A large number of Sikhs have also settled in Canada, UK, USA, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, East Africa, Australia, Fiji and New Zealand, etc.

According to the "2004 Encyclopaedia Britannica Book of the Year", World population of the Sikhs is reported to be "24.295 millions" i. e. 6th major religion of the World. Region-wise, "Sikh" population is reproduced as follows: -



23,410,000.  243,000.  551,000.  59,000. 33,000.  24,295,000

As per the Census held on 7th August 2001, there are "17,401" Sikhs in Australia.

The Sikhs revere their Gurus (Divine Spiritual Enlighteners) as the followers of other religions do: Moses for Jews, Gautam Buddha for Buddhists, Jesus Christ for Christians, Prophet Muhammad for Muslims, and Brahma-Vishnu-Shiva-Rama-Krishna & other numerous gods for Hindus.

The Medieval India was vitiated by various conflicts of cults and creeds. Moreover, the rigidity of caste and concept of ‘Ahimsa’ were responsible for the consequent raids by the foreign adventurers. In the eleventh century, when Muslim raiders became the rulers of India, entire Hindu population was subject to slavery. There was neither any one to challenge the cruel rulers nor to enlighten and ameliorate the suffering masses. From his early childhood, Guru Nanak Sahib showed a meditative and contemplative nature. He was thus loved both by the Hindus and Muslims. In spite of the difficult means of transport and communications during the 15th and 16th centuries, Guru Sahib travelled as far as Assam in the East, Sri Lanka in the South, Tibet in the North and Mecca in the West. He met a lot of people including rulers and priests of other religions and had fruitful discussions with the main object to share the message of the Almighty God, Who equally loves all. His teachings (Divine Word) are enshrined in the "Guru Granth Sahib" - the most sacred Scripture of the Sikhs. While sharing his message of love, peace, dignity, equality and sharing, etc., he was very lucid, polite, humble but at the same time logical, clear, convincing, firm and fearless.

GURU NANAK’S BELIEF IN GOD: Guru Nanak Sahib firmly believed that God alone is the Absolutely True Supreme Reality. The concept of God is reflected in Prologue to the Guru Granth Sahib, which reads - "God is the One Immortal Supreme True Entity – the Sole Creator, the everlasting Truth, doer of the entire universe and whole cosmos, neither afraid of anyone nor having any enmity with anyone, the formless and timeless invisible Entity, beyond birth and death but ever existent as self-illumined. By practicing the Revealed Divine Word, Almighty God’s Grace could be attained. Guru Nanak Sahib opines that God is Universal, Who does not belong to any one race, region or nation. God is Mother and Father of all human beings. Guru Nanak Sahib also explained that God does not reside high in sky or on any other planet. He taught: "Why search for God outside, When He is here within us all"

HIS REVOLT AGAINST CASTE: Guru Nanak Sahib considered all human beings as children of God. He proclaimed that how can the mere incident of birth prejudice and ordain an individual’s career and destiny? He further emphasised that how can any one be high or low when the Divine Potter made all persons of the same basic material? - "All human beings are made out of the same clay. But the Potter fashioned them into vessels of many sorts. The body of all human beings contains five elements. Oh Consider, if any one has more or less in ones composition." In place of caste - "jaat", Guru Nanak Sahib emphasised - "joat", the inner Divine-light possessed by the individual. So, a person’s status depends on his / her evolution, behaviour and good or bad deeds. According to Guru Nanak Sahib, birth or profession of any person does not make anyone as ‘untouchable’ or of high caste. Thus concept of social equality was the lynchpin of the Guru’s faith and he categorically declared: "Religion does not consist in theories and mantras. The person, who considers all as equals is religious." In fact, when asked by the Maulvi of Mecca – "Who is superior: Hindu or Muslim?" Guru Nanak Sahib replied without any fear or favour: "God cares not for labels. The Creator searches the hearts of all persons and judges them according to their actions. A person’s worth depends on ones deeds and not on creed. Those who perform good deeds are alone accepted in God’s True Court". Guru Nanak Sahib also stressed that God’s Grace is not restricted to any one nation, region or religion and accordingly, all were encouraged to live in harmony and with love, dignity, equality, mutual trust, understanding and welfare of the whole Universe.

Thus, Guru Nanak Sahib strove to bring Hindus and Muslims together. His life and teachings are a symbol of harmony. A popular couplet describes him as a Guru for the Hindus and a Pir for the Muslims. Furthermore, Guru Sahib not only verbally pleaded the cause of lowly and socially backward and downtrodden people, but also felt honoured to be as one of them. He says: "Nanak is the lowliest among the lowly, he resides with them and has nothing to do with those who are egoist because of their so called worldly status based on caste or wealth. It is there and there, O’ God, that you look upon so mercifully, where the lowly are looked after and honoured."

REVOLT AGAINST SOCIAL PARASITES: Well before the birth of Guru Nanak Sahib, Indian society was surrounded by religious and social parasites. At the one end the cruel rulers, landlords and greedy traders were exploiting the masses for their personal benefits and at the other end, were the religious priests - Brahmins, Mullahs, Yogis and various other mendicants. Guru Sahib raised his voice and condemned them: "Without knowing the True Lord, one sings His praises. A starving Mullah turns his home into a Mosque. To earn a living, one has his ears split; He becomes a mendicant and loses his self-respect. Do not fall at the feet of such a person who calls himself a Yogi or Pir, but lives on begging". Guru Sahib also exposed the hypocrisy of the promoters of religion and the pious pretenders: "Those who murder men recite the Namaz. Those who use the fatal knife wear the sacred thread". He preached that to live on the labour of others was irreligious. Guru Nanak Sahib regarded the use of income derived through exploitation as misappropriation: "To misappropriate the share of others, is like beef for a Hindu and pork for a Muslim". He also admonished the rulers for their misdeeds.

PROTECTOR OF WOMEN’S CAUSE: In medieval India, women were equated as untouchables and treated as household slaves. They were sold in child marriages, condemned to a miserable widowhood if they escaped ‘suttee immolation’, were regarded unfit for religious instructions or temporal assignments. But Guru Nanak Sahib had the rare courage to equate women with men. Guru says, "Why call them inferior when they give birth to all human beings including the Kings and Prophets?" Thus, Sikh Gents and Ladies practise married family life and they do not share West’s concept of "gay, lesbian and single parents tradition or continue to live for number of years as boy-girl friends." The Western system has been creating a lot of frustration amongst their children and burden on social welfare activities whereas Sikhs enjoy wholesome of family life with great devotion and satisfaction. It is interesting to mention that currently, a Sikh woman - Bibi Jagir Kaur is the President of the Sikhs’ Supreme elected body, which looks after the administration of "Darbaar Sahib Complex, Amritsar" and other various historical Gurduaras - (Sikhs’ Religious Places - Congregational Halls).

THE CHAMPION OF NATIONHOOD: Guru Nanak Sahib gave a new concept to his contemporaries – the entity of nationhood. India up to his times was regarded as a conglomeration of various communities and tribes, differing from one another in their social, ethnic and cultural features. Guru Nanak did his best to unify all classes of people under the banner of a single nation. He used the word "Hindustan" to express the entity and identity of the country and her people. Guru Nanak also optimistically noted that the people would certainly rise when they get a competent and suitable leader - "Another, a disciple of the hero will rise in the land."

TOWARDS THE OPEN SOCIETY: Guru Nanak Sahib replaced inertia by action, ‘Ahimsa’, by heroic resistance and asceticism by a grapple with life. All the essentials of the open society were carried into daily practice; the joy of the living world, the superiority of the householder to the recluse, the sharing of bread, the sovereignty of the people and equality of all faiths - in short the secularism of human Brotherhood. Guru Nanak Sahib was the Liberator of the mind and the pioneer of the modern renaissance.

SALVATION THEORY: Guru Nanak Sahib rejected another popular concept that salvation could be acquired only through this "Avataar or that Messiah." According to him, there are no saviours except the Almighty God’s Order. The socalled saviours only pointed to themselves and thus blasphemed against Almighty God. The Guru absolutely rejected personality-cult, hero-worship, idolatry and all the ritual bathing, penance, mantras, miracles and oracles. Guru Nanak Sahib practised the love of God, the love of man and the world as an entity resident within the Creator. In this world, both Good and Evil have each a role. Light acquires importance on account of darkness. Devil and evil disappear when we fully abide by the Creator’s Will and perform the right deeds based on nothing but "Truthful living" in this world. Guru Sahib says: "Everything is below Truthfulness, but Truthful living is the highest of all virtues."

HEAVEN AND HELL: Guru Nanak Sahib did not share others thought of Heaven in the sky and Hell deep under the seas. The Sikhs do not believe in any hell where persons after death are tortured and burnt or they enjoy all luxuries in heaven. Sikhs believe that peace of mind and a state of equipoise attained by performing noble deeds and controlling worldly desires lead us to a heavenly life here in this world. Whereas forgetting the True Lord and excessive indulging in lust, anger, greed, attachment, ego bring misery and despair, which is tantamount to living in a hell.

FUTILITY OF RITUALS: Guru Nanak Sahib’s approach and way of preaching, sometimes, was very dramatic, just to invite the attention of the people with whom he wanted to have discussion. For instant, the purpose of his throwing water from river Ganges at Hardvaar to the West, and not towards the rising Sun (East) as the Hindu pilgrims were doing, was only to show the futility of the whimsical belief and wrong worship being practised by the Hindus. Similarly, his act of sleeping at Mecca, with his feet towards ‘Kaaba’, did not mean disrespect to the sacred place of the Muslims but was meant to demonstrate quite unassumingly, that God is everywhere and not confined to any particular place or direction, whatsoever. On another occasion when the Brahmins at Kurukshetra insisted on fasting and abstaining from cooking food during the solar eclipse, Guru Nanak’s reply was that there was no merit in such unfounded practices but his message was one of virtuous living and noble deeds. Thus wherever Guru Nanak Sahib went, he preached the need of purity of thought and right actions while always realising the presence of ‘Akaal Purkh’ - because he was a staunch believer in the existence, oneness, omnipotence, omnipresence and omniscience of the Almighty God.

THE UNIQUE UNIVERSAL APPROACH: The unique and universal religion established by Guru Nanak Sahib can also be the religion of the modern space age. Guru Nanak Sahib, five centuries ago, talked of millions of worlds, universes, suns and moons, as the science does reveal today and still in the process of sighting different planets. His teachings were based on true logic and Divine spiritual wisdom. There is no place for blind faith, religious bigotry or fanaticism in the fundamental principles or actual day-to- day practicing of the Sikh religion. What Guru Nanak Sahib earnestly wished is that a Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Jew, Muslim or a Yogi, etc. should become pious and remain faithful to his/her Faith because true religion does not teach to hate or to persecute persons of other faiths.

THE SIKH IDENTITY: All religions prescribe certain basic principles so dear to the Founders of their respective Faiths. Accordingly, all over the world, a Sikh could also be identified by virtue of the following characteristics –

Any person, who faithfully believes in:

a) One Immortal Supreme True Entity, the Almighty God - (Akaal Purkh / Waheguru);

b) Ten Sikh Gurus from Guru Nanak Sahib to Guru Gobind Singh Sahib (1469-1708);

c) Guru Granth Sahib (incorporating Divine Word revealed through Gurbaani Hymns);

d) Teachings & Utterances of the Sikh Gurus (as per a Guide to the Sikh Way of Life);

e) Amrit Initiation Ceremony bequeathed by Guru Gobind Singh Sahib;

f) Keeping up the long uncut hair, beard, moustaches and eyebrows, and Turban on head for Singh males and headscarf for Kaur females;

g) Observance of equality without any distinction of caste, class, colour, creed, gender, profession, race, region or religion and the person is recognizable as a "Singh or Kaur", who does not owe allegiance to any other religion, is a "SIKH".

CONCLUSION: Guru Nanak Sahib ordained a threefold injunction to the Sikhs: (1) ‘Naam Japna’ - Meditation on God, which does not mean sitting cross-legged in abstract contemplation. It means reading, understanding and practising the Divine Word to enable us to get a sense of perspective on life, to distinguish between that which is important and the many trivial things that so easily dominate our lives. (2) ‘Kiret Karnaa’ - means to earn livelihood with honesty and hard work without any exploitation or cheating. (3) ‘Vand Schaknaa’ perhaps the most important of all, is sharing our earnings with other needy persons; not only wealth but also our time, energy and skills. It is a practical approach embodied in the Sikh teaching of ‘Seva’ - Service to others, which leads us to strive for the welfare of entire mankind irrespective of any distinction. I must say that no one can describe the greatness of Guru Nanak Sahib as he lived for the welfare of the whole world.

{Computerised for free distribution, based on the articles in "The Sikh Messenger, London"}

[Twice a day, Sikhs all over the world pray for the well being of all]

Sikh Khalsa Mission Inc; 9 - Hamlin Street, Quakers Hill, N S W - 2763, AUSTRALIA

mnpRIq kOr

Sat Sri Akal Ji,

I got your email address from Internet. I wanted to introduce you to a new magazine which we are launching on global level to the Sikh Community the name of the magazine is KAURS. It is indeed an ambitious but a sincere effort on our part to reach as many readers as we can.

It is a new magazine being launched in November, 2005 and it is a bilingual (English and Punjabi) and bi monthly magazine. To get detail information about the contents of the magazine you can go to our website at www.kaurs.com .

The magazine seeks to provide an entertaining and educational reading experience to Sikh's internationally. The vision of the management of this magazine is to reach millions of South Asian population around the globe. To give you perspective on circulation numbers the Punjabi community in Toronto is 250,000 is strong and expanding. Even if the magazine reaches 10 % of the community we are assured a distribution in the range of 25,000.

We therefore encourage you to tap this niche market by advertising, subscribing and promoting your products and services through KAURS. Your advertisements will be a very warm gesture of support towards the welfare of Sikh women since the magazine will be distributed at subsidized rates in India. Being a new magazine the advertising rates of magazine are very nominal and low.

We have received an overwhelming response from the community during related TV talk shows and announcements during events. Lately, the response to our website www.kaurs.com has also demonstrated the enthusiasm of the community regarding this magazine.

I look forward to hearing from you and discussing the prospects of promoting your products through our magazine personally at a time of your convenience. I look forward to work with you. You can Subscribe Online to the magazine by visiting the website www.kaurs.com. As a side note I would sincerely appreciate if you could pass on the word to as many potential subscribers as you can.Please feel free to contact me anytime with any queries.


Manpreet Kaur

Marketing Coordinator

Kaurs International Inc.

amIqf isMG

I am Amita Singh from Delhi Kala Sahib's FAN
Sikh Marg site seems to have a problem, Best of my efforts failed to send out an E Mail, Hope this reaches you ! Kindly relay this to Kala sahib.
"Ki Karna Hai!  Thodi E Mail da Intzar hai  "
Panth ka Daas
Amita Singh
(not:- quhfzI ieh eI-myl aPgfnf sfihb nUM Byj idWqI sI, AumId hY ik afp jI nUM ies df AuWqr iml igaf hovygf. 'isWK mfrg' df eI-myl QoVy ijhy smyN bfad bdlxf sfzI mjLbUrI hY. iek afm mjdUr hox dy kfrx asIN zfk pMj idn, 24 GMitaF ivc isrP iek vfr hI dyK skdy hF. jdoN bhuq ijLafdf jMk afAux lwg pvy qF kMm dI zfk CFtxI aOKI ho jFdI hY ies leI zfk df pqf bdlxf pYNdf hY. ies bfry asIN keI vfrI muWK pMny dy not lgf cuwky hF. hux iPr sB pfTkF nUM Xfd krvfAuNdy hF ik 'isWK mfrg' nUM KLq ilKx leI TIk pqf isrP muwK pMny qy hI huMdf hY-sMpfdk)

gurcrn isMG (ijAux vflf) brYNptn

iswKI pRcfr leI sihXogIaF dI loV.

ipCly 200 sflF dy Xojnf bwD pRcfr ny gurU nfnk sfihb dI iswKI nUM ies kdr Korf lfieaf hY ik ijLafdfqr qr iswK lok iek buJI hoeI mombwqI vrgy bx gey hn. ies mmbwqI df Dfgf vI iblkul ivc vV cuikaf hY qy lwK koisLsL krn dy bfad vI ieh mombwqI icxg nhI PV rhI qy ies krky hI ijLafdfqr iswK jgq bfibaF dy pYrF qy afpxf isr invf invf ky hI kMm clf irhf hY jo gurU nfnk sfihb dI iswKI dy iblkul Ault hY.

ipCly do ku hPiqaF qoN myry sMprk ivc do pRIvfr afey hn ijnHF dy ivcoN iek ny 4500 (cfr hjLfr pMj sO) qy dUsry pRIvfr ny 2500 (do hjLfr pMj sO) kYnzIan zflr lPfPy ivc pfky sMqF nUM mwQf tyikaf. sMqF ny AunHF dy sfry ivgVy hoey kMm hox dI grFtI idwqI. pr iksy dy ivgVy kMm hox jF nf hox pr sfD bfby df kMm jLrUr sOr igaf. iswK gurU sfihbfn df hukm qF ies dy iblkul ivprIq hY.

rMku rfAu jf kY eyk smfin ] kIt hsiq sgl pUrfn ] bIE pUiC n msliq DrY ] jo ikCu krY su afpih krY ]2]m:5, pMnf 863]

(hy BfeI ! Aus pRBU df iDafn Diraf kr) ijs dI ingfh ivc iek kMgfl mnuwK aqy iek rfjf iewko ijhy hn, jo kIVy hfQI sBnF ivc hI ivafpk hY, jyhVf iksy hor ƒ puwC ky (koeI kMm krn dI) sflfh nhIN krdf, (sgoN) jo kuJ krdf hY Auh afp krdf hY .2.mqlb iksy nUM mwQf tyk ky qy pYsy dy kuwC ivgiVaf nhI svfiraf jf skdf.

qIsrI pfqsLfhI df hukm hY ik jo lok pYsy lY ky iksy df kMm hox jLF krn dI grFtI idMdy hn Auh sMq nhI. Auh isrP afpxy pyt leI ieh ByK bxf ky ies dunIaF nUM lut rhy hn.

mÚ 3 ] aiBafgq eyih n afKIain ij pr Gir Bojnu kryin ] AudrY kfrix afpxy bhly ByiK kryin ] aiBafgq syeI nfnkf ij afqm gAuxu kryin ] Bfil lhin shu afpxf inj Gir rhxu kryin ]2] {pMnf 949}

arQ :—jo mnuwK prfey Gr ivc rotI KFdy hn qy afpxf pyt Brn dI KLfqr keI ByK krdy hn, AuhnF ƒ ‘aiBafgq’ (sfDU) nhIN afKIdf .

hy nfnk ! ‘aiBafgq’ AuhI hn jo afqmk mMzl dI sYr krdy hn, afpxy asl Gr (pRBU) ivc invfs rwKdy hn qy afpxy Ksm-pRBU ƒ lwB lYNdy hn .2.

icty ijn ky kpVy mYly icq kTor jIAu] iqn muiK nfmu n AUpjY dUjY ivafpy cor jIAu] mUlu n bUJih afpxf sy psUaf sy Zor jIAu]3] m:1, pMnf 751]

(bguly vyKx ƒ icwty hn, qIrQF Auqy BI invfs rwKdy hn, pr smfDI lf ky mwCIaF hI PVdy hn, iqvyN hI) ijnHF dy kwpVy qF icwty hn pr mn mYly hn qy inrdeI hn AuhnF dy mUMhoN (afKx nfl mn ivc) pRBU df nfm prgt nhIN huMdf Auh (bfhroN sfD idwsdy hn asl ivc) cor hn, Auh mfieaf dy moh ivc Psy hoey hn .3.

gurU arjn dyv jI dI sMq dI ieh pRIBfsLf dwsdy hn:

afsf mhlf 5] afT phr inkit kir jfnY ] pRB kf kIaf mITf mfnY ] eyku nfmu sMqn afDfru ] hoie rhy sB kI pg Cfru ]1] sMq rhq sunhu myry BfeI ] Auaf kI mihmf kQnu n jfeI ]1] rhfAu ] pMnf 392]

hy myry vIr ! (prmfqmf dy) sMq dI jIvn-jugqI sux (Aus df jIvn ieqnf AuWcf hY ik) Aus df vzwpx ibafn nhIN kIqf jf skdf .1.rhfAu.

prmfqmf df Bgq prmfqmf ƒ awTy pihr afpxy nyVy vwsdf smJdf hY, jo kuJ prmfqmf krdf hY Aus ƒ imwTf kr ky mMndf hY . (hy vIr !) prmfqmf df nfm hI sMq jnF (dI ijLMdgI) df afsrf (bixaf rihMdf) hY . sMq jn sBnF dy pYrF dI DUV bxy rihMdy hn .1.

(hy BfeI ! sMq Auh hY) ijs dy ihrdy ivc isrPL hir ismrn df hI afhr itikaf rihMdf hY, sdf afnMd rihx vfly prmfqmf dI isPLiq sflfh hI (sMq dI ijLMdgI df) shfrf hY.

ipCly sfl ivc isMG sBf ieMntrnYsLnl brYNptn ny iek kFnPrMs krvfeI sI ijs ivc 250 ku ivafkqIaF ny ihsf ilaf. iswKI dy pRcfr leI bukilt Cpfvf ky vMzx leI gurmiq igafn imsLnrI kfljL luiDafxf nUM 60,000[00 (swT hjLfr ruipaf) Byijaf. iswK ieqhfs, imQhfs, iqAuhfr qy iswK isDFq kI hY dI iek sI[zI jo pRo[ ieMdr isMG Gwgf jI dy sLbdF ivc hY, bfxI ‘jpu’ dI ivafiKaf, igafnI hrBjn isMG inAuXfrk vfilaF dI, iek sI[ zI, jo ik bhuq hI sLlfGf Xog hY iqafr krvf ky kfPI lokF ivc Gwt qoN Gwt lfgq qy vMzI. qIsrI sI[ zI[ ‘df ilivMg tirXr’ nfm dI sMsQf dI hY jo iswK sMgqF ny kfPI psMd kIqI hY, vI vMzI. ienHF iqMnF sI[ zIjL dI lMbfeI 70-80 GMty bxdI hY. ienHF iqMNnF sI[zIjL dy suxn nfl hI hr ivafkqI nUM iswK Drm dy muZly isDFqF dI vfkPIaq ho jFdI hY. ies sMsQf dy moZI df nfm ‘vIr BuipMdr isMG hY’ jo ikqy krky ieMjnIar hn pr iswKI nUM smrpwq hox krky AunHF ny 40 ku sfl dI Aumr ivc hI rItfierimMt lY leI hY qy pUrf smF iswKI dy pRcfr ivc hI lfAuNdy hn. ies sfl do qy iqMn julfeI nUM rYikszyl qy gilzn roz brYNptn gurduafrf sfihbfn ivc ienHF ny kQf qy kIrqn kIqf. ienHf df kIrqn qy kQf krn df ZMg iblkul invyklf hY, srl pMjfbI, jy loV pvy qF aMgryjLI qy ihMdI ivc vI, krdy hn qy sMgqF iblkul awC awC kr AuTdIaF hn.

aglf pRogrfm iesy hI gurp df 25, 26 qy 27 nvMbr 2005 nUM brYNptn qy rYkslzyl gurduafrf sihbfn ivc krvAux df pRogrfm bx igaf hY jo ies pRkfr hovygf:

inAU-Xfrk qoN ‘ilivMg tirXr’ dy nfm Qwly kMm krn vfly ikRqI isMGF dy do jwQy sMgqF nUM inhfl krn, qy gurU gRMQ sfihb ivc aMikq AupdysL nfl joVn leI 25, 26 qy 27 nvMbr 2005 nUM brYNptn ivKy phuMc rhy hn. sRI gurU nfnk iswK sYNtr gilzn roz qy siprcUal iswK sYNtr rYkszyl 25 qy 26 nvMbr 2005 nUM sLbd df kIrqn qy ivafiKaf krngy. 27 nvMbr 2005 nUM prImIam bYNkuat hfl, lKnAU zrfeIv, imsIsfAugf ivKy sYmInfr hovygf. ijs df ivsLf iek dUjy nfl myl-jol, vwzy df Coty nfl qfl-myl, vwKrIaF vwKrIaF nslF df iek dUjy nfl qfl-myl afid.

kQf-kIrqn df ienHF dy do jwiQaF dy pRogrfm df vyrvf, 25 qy 26 nvMbr 2005, idn sLukrvfr qy sLincrvfr, ies pRkfr hY.

1[ gilzn roz gurdafrf sfihb sLfm nUM 6 qoN 8[30 vjy qk.

2[ rYikszyl gurdafrf sfihb sLfm nUM 6 qoN 8[30 vjy qk.

27 nvMbr 2005 nUM prImIam bYNkuat hfl, lKnAU zrfeIv, imsIsfAugf ivKy dupihr 11 vjy qoN sLfm dy 4 vjy qk sYmInfr hovygf. swB nUM KulHf swdf idwqf jFdf hY.

jy kr mnuKqf nUM sfDF dy cuMgl ivcoN mukq krvAuxf hY aqy gurU nfnk sfihb dy pRcfr nUM ijLafdf qoN ijLafdf lokF kol phuMcfxf cfhuMdy ho qF sfnUM quhfzy sfQ dI aqI loV hY qy ies kMm leI gurU jI dy ies muKvfk, "afpu gvfeIaY qf shu pfeIaY aAuru kYsI cqurfeI" anusfr ijhVy swjx vI ies cMgy kMm leI sfQ dyxf cfhuMdy hn Auh nIcy ilKy nMbrF qy sMprk krn. sR[ jsvIr isMG nMbr 905 602 9724 aqy pRimMdr isMG pRmfr 905 858 8904 qy PUn kro jI.

gurU pMQ dy dfs,

isMG sBf ieMntrnYsLnl brYNptn,

gurcrn isMG (ijAux vflf) brYNptn.

mihMdr isMG (ielYktRIkl ieMjnIairMg df ividafrQI)

Khalsa Jeo !!!

Wahe Guru Ji Ka Khalsa !!

Wahe Guru Ji Ki Fateh !!

I really appreciate your website Sikhmarg.com. I would ask you if you can upload Bani Rehraas Sahib ji. Right now I have to do my Rehraas Sahib and it's not available and I dont have a administrative rights to install punjabi fonts and read it from other websites..

Aap da Dhanwadi,


~Mohinder Singh
Student of Electrical Engineering

amndIp isMG Éflsf

iswK sMgqF dIaF awKF `c Gwtf pf rhy ibhfrI BeIey df prdfPfÈ

13 akqUbr 2005, vIrvfr ƒ gurduafrf sRI gurU isMG sBf, sI-blfk, ivkfs purI, nvIN idwlI ivKy svyr dy dIvfn ivwc iek bËurg srdfr jI hfiËr hoey. dIvfn dI smfpqI `qy AunHF ny sMgqF ƒ apIl kIqI ik mY ielfhfbfd df vsnIk hF aqy mYƒ afpxy bImfr puwqr df ielfË krvfAux leI 50 hËfr rupey dI sÉq loV hY. pr ieMnf pYsf iekwqr kr pfAuxf myrI smrwQf qoN bfhr dI gwl hY. ies leI gurU drbfr ivwc hfiËr sMgqF myrI mdd krn dI Kycl krn.

gurduafry ivwc hfiËr sMgqF `co kuJ swjxF ny Aus bËurg ‘iswK` dI mdd leI afpo-afpxI smrwQf anusfr rupey-pYsy dI mdd kIqI. bfkI dI sMgq ƒ bfhr jFidaF vyK Auh bËurg ny ikhf, ‘‘jy quhfzy bwcy dI hflq ies qrHF hovy, qF kI Aus dI mdd nhIN krogy?`` bs iPr kI sI - Bfvuk hoeIaF iswK sMgqF ny mfieaf dy gwiPaF nfl Aus dI JolI Br idwqI.

ies sfry vfikafq dOrfn, kuwJ isMGF ny mihsUs kIqf ik ieh ÈÉs iqMn sfl pihlF vI iesy gurduafry `qoN, iehI khfxI suxf ky sMgqF qoN pYsy btor ky lY igaf sI. gurduafrf kmytI dy mYNbrF vwloN ies bËurg dI pwuC-pVqfl kIqI geI pr Ausny afpxI AuhI khfxI duhrf idwqI. mYNbrF vwloN sÉqI nfl pyÈ afAux `qy Auh Gbrf igaf aqy sfrf rfË KolH idwqf.

iswKI idwK vfly bËurg ny dwisaf ik myrf nFa suryÈ pfTk hY aqy mYN ibhfr dy krIm gMj ielfky df vsnIk hF. Ausny hor dwisaf ik Aus dI guËr-bsr df qrIkf iswK sMgqF ƒ DoKf dy ky pYsy Augrfhuxf hI hY. iswKI vys ivwc luky ies ibhfrI BeIey qoN iek zfierI vI brfmd hoeI, ijs ivwc idwlI dy vwK-vwK gurduafiraF dy nFa aqy pqy sn. ies dy nfl-nfl ieh jfxkfrI vI Èfiml sI ik ikhVy gurduafry ivwc kdoN vwzf smfgm huMdf hY. gurduafrf kmytI dy mYNbrF vwloN ies bhrUpIey dI qlfÈI lYx `qy Ausny afpxf aslI srUp aqy gly ivwc pfeIaF rudrfkÈ dIaF mflfvF vI idKfeIaF. gurduafrf kmytI vwloN nËdIkI Qfxy ivwc irport drj krvfAux qoN bfad ies bhrUpIey ƒ Cwz idwqf igaf.

ies ivwc koeI Èwk nhIN ik bhuq sfry iswK-ivroDI ansr, iswKI Bys Dfrn krky iswK sMgqF dIaF BfvnfvF df lfB cuwkidaF hoieaF mfiek lfB pRfpq krdy hn. ies qoN ielfvf, iswKI srUp ivwc Cupy bihrUpIey aijhIaF sMgIn vfrdfqF ƒ aMjfm idMdy hn, ijs nfl iswK kOm dI hyTI hoey. afr[aYs[aYs[ ny qF iswKI Bys vfly ibhfrI BeIaF dI iek pUrI dI pUrI POj ijhI iqafr kr rwKI hY. bfbrI msijd Zfhux `c ijwQy ihMdU kwtVpMQI Ëmfq df hwQ sI, AuQy iswK Bys ivwc iqafr kIqI BeIaf POj dI vI iswDy rUp `c ÈmUlIaq sI. iswK kOm ƒ iesdf KfimafËf qd Bugqxf ipaf jd muslmfnF dIaF nËrF ivwc iswK Èwk dy Gyry ivwc afey sn.

iswK kOm ƒ milafmyt krn leI biËwd ienHF lokF dy hOsly bVy vwD gey hn. ipwCy ijhy luiDafxf dy iswK imÈnrI kflj ƒ BeIaf ÈkqI vwloN icwTI afeI sI ik Auh ihMdU kwtVpMQI jmfqF bfry kuwJ vI nf ilKx. ipCly smyN dOrfn idwlI dy jnkpurI ielfky ivwc vI iswKI Bys ivwc Cupy iek bRfhmx jogf Èrmf df prdfPfÈ hoieaf sI, joik lMby smyN qoN gurduafry ivwc hYz-gMRQI dI izAUtI krdf af irhf sI.

ieho ijhy lok pihloN-pihl iksy nf iksy qrIky iswK gurduafrf sfihbfn `c GuspYT krdy hn. AuprMq iswK sMgqF dy pYsy nfl hI iswKI isDfqF df Gfx krn dy afpxy imÈn `c jut jFdy hn. loV hY ik jfgruk iswK iek mMc `qy iekwqr ho ky pMQ-ivroDI ÈkqIaF vwloN ho rhy srIrk aqy bOiDk hmilaF ƒ rokx leI koeI Tos nIqI bxfAux.

-amndIp isMG Éflsf

nvI idlI

inmrqjIq isWDU


I came across sikhmarg.com and its a great site with lot of information, and i was amazed by the fact that you guys are based in Quesnel (and if i am not wrong this town is about 600 kms from vancouver), as i am always intrested where the fellow sikhs are based all over th world, can you please tell me how many other sikh families are in the area, and any other info. about our events that happen in the community and if there is a Gurudwara Sahhib in Quesnel?

Much appreciated


(inmrqjIq jI, hF asIN kunYl ivc hI rihMdy hF aqy ieh vYnkUvr qoN lg pg 650 iklomItr Auqr vwl hY. awj qoN koeI 25 ku sfl pihlF iewQy pMjfbI isWKF dy 250-300 pRIvfr rihMdy sn ijhVy ik hux Gt ky awDy ku rih gey hn. bhuqy rItfier ho ky vYnkUvr aqy srI mUv ho gey hn. gurduafry ies vyly Coty ijhy do hn-sMpfdk)

dlIp isMG Kflsf

gurU sfihbfn vlo bKsLI hoeI srdfrI gYrF idaF pYrF AuWpr ikAuN?

dunIaf dy ijs vI dysL ivwc ingfh mfrIey qF Kflsy dy jYkfry boly so inhfl dIaF gMUjF qkrIbn suxn nMU iml hI jFdIaf hn. aijhy kuwJ hI dysL hoxgy ijwQy gurU ky iswKF ny afpxI rihx sihx vflI jgHf dy nfl-nfl afpxy gurU df Gr nf bxfieaf hovy. nhI qF gurU ky iswKF ny hr sMBv koisLsL krky gurdvfrf sfihb nMU bnfAux df Auprflf jrUr kIqf hY. pr ijhnf gurdvfiraf nMu gurU ky iswKF ny purI lgn aqy sLrDF nfl bxfieaF sI AuhnF df pRbMD awj kuwJ mqlb pRsq JolI cuwkf ny afpxy hwQ lY ky pMQ dIaf jVF ivwc qyjLfb pfAux df kMm kr rhy hn. iehnf df iewko hI mksd hY gurdvfry jfAu cfh pkoVy Cko, kIrqn kro, ho sky qF Dfrnf vflf jF kivqf vgYrf pV ky smf pUrf krky ardfs krky lMgr Cko aqy GrF nMu jfAu. iswKI dI ivcfr jF gurbfxI dI ivcfr Buwlky vI nhI krnI. aimRMq Ckx jF CkfAux dI gl krn jF krfAux dI pUrI pfbMdI ieh lok lfAudy hn. bfhro afey jiQaf nMu ieh jrUrI qfgId krdy hn ky gwl AuhI krnI ijhVI sfiraf nMU cMgI lwgy . mqlb sLrfb –mIt dy ivruwD koeI gwl nhI krnI aimRMq Ckx dI pRyrnf sMgq nMU nhI krnI. ieh lok jfxy axjfxy iswK Drm dy ivroDIaf df KuwlL ky sfQ dy rhy hn. gurU kIaf sMgqF df bhfnf lfAudy hn ky sMgqF ivwc ijafdf qr klInsLyvn lok hMUdy hn Auhnf df idwl duKdf hY jdo romF dI byadbI nf krn dI gwl kIqI jFdI hY jF nisLaf dy iKlfP Buwl BuluKy ikqy koeI gwl kr jFdf hY. gurU ky Dfn Auwpr pln vfly gRMQI isMG AuhI khfxIaf suxfAudy hn jo iehnF bygYrq lokf nMU cMgIaf lwgdIaf hn. ieh lok gurU sfihbfn dI kurbfnIaf nMu imwtI ivwc imlf ky afpxy rYx bsyry dy iPkr ivwc hI sfrI ijMdgI gurU kf aMn Kf ky aikRqGxqf df sbUq dy rhy hn iehnF lokf ny kdy vI aimRMq Ckx dI pRyrnf sMgqf nMu nhI dyxI. ies ivwc koeI aqkQnI nhI ky awj ikRpfnDfrI msMdf aqy klIn sLyvn msMdf ny sFJy qor qy gurU goibMd isMG mhFrfj jI vlo sfjy Kflsy nMU iswK ivroDI lfbI dI clfeI jf rhI lihr ivwc afpxy vlo pUrf jor lf ky lfgU kIqf jf irhf hY. bfxI aqy bfxy dI gwl krn vfilaf leI ieh lok sYLqfnf vfly idmfg nfl gurdvfiraf dy drbfjy bMd kr rhy hn. Kflsf hmysLf hI inzr aqy inRBY ho ky iviciraf hY. afAu gurU ky ipafry iswKo hmysLf hI cyqMn rhIey.


dlIp isMG Kflsf

zRf zI[ aYys[ itvfxf

ipafry Kflsf jI qMu kdo AuwTygf qMu suwiqaf?

iswK Drm ivwc BfrqI eyjMsIaf dI dKl aMdfjI Kqrnfk!

iswK kOm nMU Kqm krn dy mnsUby hmysLf hI pMQ ivroDI lfvI GVHdI rhI hY. 31 akqUbr nMu ieMdrf gFDI dy kql qo bfad jo kqlyafm isWKF dI nslkusLI leI hoieaF Aus dy leI ijMmyvfr lok mMqrI bx ky ivcr rhy hn. nfnfvqI kimsLn dI irport iswK kOMm nfl nfl dgf hY. awj sLhIdf dIaf lfsLf Auwpr bYT ky afpxf qorI Pulkf clf rhy lIzrf nMU smJx dI loV hY. nhI qf ieiqhfs kdy muafP nhI krygf. afr, ayYs, ayYs dy eyjMt purI dunIaf ivwc psr cuwky hn. iehnF eyjMtf dy jrIey hI pMQ dI ajfd hsqI dI gwl krn vfilaf leI gurDfmf dy dr bMd ho rhy hn. iswKF nMU ihMdU dwsx vfilaf leI Kuwl rhy hn. iswKF dI kfql jmfq kFgrs dunIaf dy ivwc afpxy eyjMtf dy rfhI gurdvfiraF df pRbMD afpxy hwQ Toikaf dy hwQ dy rhI hY. sfzy gurdvfiraf dy Auwpr msMd bx ky bYTy aKoqI iswKF ny BolIaF BflIaf sMgqf nMU gumrfh krI rwiKaf hY. awj iswK kOm dI afbrU nMU kfiem rwKx vfly joiDaf nMU Buwl ky ibprn dI rIq Auwpr cwl rhy hn.

gurU kry iehnF mnMuvfdIaf qo kOm df KihVf Cuwt sky.

pMQ ivroDI lfvI leI iksy kvI dI cfr sqrf klbMD hn:

pMQ doKIAu mOq nf tlxI iksy pwj bhfny,

ijwqy soeI jfxIey, jo hws bxn insLfny

pfAudy amr sLhidIaf, joDy mrdfny

Kfry cVdy ajl dy, bMnH hwQI gfny

lLflc qy nf zoldy, kdy msq dIvfny

mwKIaf idgx jUT qy, pr sVdy prvfny]

vfhgurU jI kf Kflsf, vfihgurU jI kI Pqih]

zRf zI[ aYys itvfxf

amndIp isMG KLflsf

iswK juafnI

aY iswK juafnI, ikAu qMU hoeI ey,

nisLaF dI isLkfr awj.

gurbfxI dy aMimRq nMU Cwz, ikA qMU hoeI ey

gPLlq dI vPfdfr awj.

rfh dwisaf qYnM,U gurU ny,

bnx df sicafr awj.

iPr, ikA qMU, ho rhI ey,

JUTy rsF ‘c’ KLuafr awj.

prq af vfips, mokf eI ajy

bxfAx df Auwcf,ikrdfr awj.

Zih pih crnI, gUru dI, bx jf,

gurmiq dI pihrydfr awj.

‘amn’gurmiq dy isvf,

koeI nhI, myrf Xfr awj.

zf amrjIq isMG tFzf (isznI)

do-cfr sqrF / sLbd-vIcfr

"dulB dyh"

"dulB dyh" iewk bicwqr jyhI ngrI, pivwqrqf dI qsvIr. KLjLfnf hY durlwB jyhf qy ieh iek dfq, bKLisSs hY, qy cfnx df rfh vI. ieh dyh nfnk dI iek bhumuwlI, guxF lwdI insLfnI dI Cuh coN hY. afm krky myry vrgy lok dyh df Bfr cuwkI iPrdy ny-hryk kol ieh dyh durlB nhIN ho skdI hY nf hI sMBv hY. hF ies mfrg dI pYV jrUr lwBI jf skdI hY jF bIa bIijaf jf skdf hY-jF kho ik JfV vDIaf ilaf jf skdf hY. qy Auh vI hjLUr hryk imwtI dy mwQy c nhIN iliKaf huMdf ik ieh Kyq vDIaf JfV dy skdf hY.

akfl purK dI ikrpf sdkf hI ieh durlB dyh bxdI jF khfAuNdI hY. hryk PYktrI nhIN vDIaf stYzrz dI vsqU jF kho ik pRozkt pYdf kr skdI-hryk PYktrI nhIN nfeIkI jF aYzIzfs vrgIaF stYzrz dIaF vsqUaF bxfAux dy kfibl. Kfs kwpVf, rMg, zIjLfeIn hI ieh swB kuJ kr skdy ny qy ipwCy ies dy inpuMn kfrIgrF dI tolI huMdI hY –qusIN jfxdy hI ho-jo iek inRdysLk dI ingfh hyT kMm krdI hY-ieh swB kuJ zUMGI KojL dIaF hI keI inwkIaF 2 pOVIaF huMdIaF hn-

hr iewk nfnk dIaF vizafeIaF nMU gRihx nhIN kr skdf-nf hI hryk dI eynI phuMc hI huMdI hY- ijvyN ik hr koeI sMsfr pRiswD ivigafnI jF zfktr nhIN bx skdf- ieh nfnk hI sI ijs ny ibn jLor, sgoN ipafr qy dlIlF dI gwTVI KolH ky keIaF nMU iensfnIaq df rfh ivKfieaf-pr QoVy hI quhfzy vrgy lok ies qy cwl sky jo sLbd vIcfrdy ny, aml krn dI koisSs ‘c lwgy hoey ny.

asIN kihMdy jrUr hF pr afp vI nhIN krdy jF kho ik kr pfAuNdy-sfzf lokF nMU nPLrq aqy kRoD qoN dUr rihx df AupdysL jrUr huMdf hY pr afpxy qy kdy vI lfgU nhIN kIqf. ijMnI nPLrq aqy kRoD dI kfienfq myry isMGF dy GrF c AusrI peI hY–nfnk hI jfxdf hY-pqf nhIN kdoN Zihx gIaF ieh nPLrq aqy kRoD dIaF kMDF-sgoN inwq hor lya cVH rhy ny Auwpr dI-

iensfn jy Auh rwb dI rjLf ‘Wc rhy qF mOq dy zr qoN vI Cutkfrf pf skdf hY qy byaMq BuWlF krky vI nyk qy swcy rfh qy qur skdf hY jy nfnk dI imhr hovy qF. ijvyN sohxf Gr Ausfrn leI sfdf smfn pr iqwKI buwDI vwD jrUrI huMdI hY.

ijwQy nPLrq aqy kRoD jg ipaf,Auh dyh kdy vI durlB nhIN rhygI-ho skdf mYN glq vI hovF qusIN vwD isafxy ho, iehdy bfry mYnMU dwsxf. inmrqf qy imwTq bfry nfnk hr QF kih irhf hY-qy swB qoN vwD mYN isMG hI iehdy isLkfr dyKy ny. ieh sLfied kudrqI hY jF sfzy hI ihwsy afieaf hovy.

-zf amrjIq isMG tFzf (isznI)

KuMz crcf

igafnI jI df lMgVf tfAUt

spIkr isMG

beI qobf qobf. ikho ijhf jLmfnf af igaf. igafnI jI df vI tfAUt. sfzy ielfky ivc puils vfilaF df iek tfAUt huMdf sI. sfry Aus nMU lMgVf kihMdy sn. lMg mfr ky qurdf sI qy lokF ny AusdIaF krqUqF dyKidaF qrs Kfx dI bjfey hkfrq nfl AusnMU lMgVf hI kihxf sLurU kr idwqf. Aus df kMm puils vfilaF dI muKbrI krnI aqy AunF nfl sOdybfjLI krvfAuxf huMdf sI. kihMdy ik KfVkUaF dy tYm ivc Aus ny bVy muMzy PVvfey aqy keIaF nMU CuzvfAux leI AunF dy GridaF dI puils aPsrF nfl sOdybfjLI krvfeI. pr afh qF iblkul hI nvI gl sux rhy hF. kihMidaF jLbfn zrdI hY. suixaf hY ik gurUGr dy vwzy igafnI ny vI rfjDfnI vfly sLihr ivc afpxf iek eyjMt pfilaf hoieaf hY, lMgVf. Auh vI lMgVf hY, sfzy ipzF vfly tfAUt lMgVy vFg pr kMm Aus qo vI BYVy krdf hY. ikAuNik sfzy ipzF vflf lMgVf qF puils vfilaF dy sOdy krvfAuNdf sI, pr rfjDfnI vflf lMgVf gurUGr dy vwzy gRMQI igafnI df tfAUt aqy eylcI hY. dsdy hn ik jdoN igafnI jI afpxI post dI vrqoN kridaF iksy nMU qlb krdy hn qF ieh lMgVf hI rfjDfnI ivc AunF nfl igafnI jI df sOdF krvfAuNdf hY. ipCy ijhy igafnI jI ny iek cMzfl buVHy nMU qlb kr ilaf. pysLI qo pihlf pihlf lMgVy ny gwl KolH leI sI. kihMdy ik swq lwK ivc gwl inbVI sI. iesy krky ieh cMzfl buVHf ijs ny bok dfVHI vfly nMU imstr kfql df snmfn kIqf sI, vfl vfl igafnI jI ny bcf ilaf. hor sux lE. gFh cMzfl bfbf vI Pyr pUrf cMzfl sI. Aus ny ikhVf pYsf afpxy GroN Kricaf. blik Aultf kmf ilaf. kihMdy hn ik igafnI jI dI qlbI qoN bfad iswDf Bwijaf bok dfVHI vfly imstr kfql kol igaf. ijs ny buhq sfry iswK mfry sn. Aus nMU jfky kihMdf ik dyKo, quhfzf snmfn krn krky igafnI myry ipCy pY igaf hY. hux mYnM bcfE. Cwzx leI 10 lwK mMgdf. jy nf idwqf qF pMQ ivcoN kwZ dAU aqy qusI pihlf ijhVf lwKF myry qy KricaF, quhfzf Auh vI bykfr jfAu. ies krky ijQy aYnf Kricaf AuQy QoVf hor Krc lE. imstr kfql qoN ds lwK hor lY ky ivcoN swq ies ny igafnI nMU dy idwqf aqy iqMn suixaf hY ik ies ivcoN vI bcf igaf.

CI CI . ikMnf gMd. guru GrF ivc bYTky aYnf gMd. kI ienF lokF nMu pfp nhI lgdf ik Dfrimk ahuidaF qy bYTky aYho ijhy mfVy krm krdy hn. ieh gwlF sux ky mn duKI huMdf hY.

pr ieho ijhI gwl mYN iek vfr murdfGft dy cOkIdfr nMU kih bYTf. koeI Kfs bMdf hspqfl dfKl sI . mr igaf. post mfrtm qoN bfad asI Aus dI lfsL lYx gey. lfsL dyx qoN pihlf izAUtI vflf cOkIdfr kihMdf, myrf cfh pfxI vI dy jfE jI. mYnMU gusf af igaf. mYN ikhf ik kuJ sLrm kr. asI lfsL lYx afey hF. iek pfsy sfzf bMdf mr igaf qy qUM Auqo cfh pfxI mMgdF.

myrI gl qy iCQf pYx dI bjfey Auh ZITF dI qrF mUMh bxfky kihMdf, "jy gusf nf kro qF srdfr jI iek gwl khF". "hF ds" mY gusy ivc Aus nMU ikhf.

"myrY kol qF roj lfsLF lYx vfly hI afANudy hn . jMJ cVHAux vflf qF ieQy koeI nhI afAuNdf". Aus dI gwl sux mY suMn ho igaf aqy sO df not dyky mUMh dUjy pfsy kr ilaf. sfzy igafnI jI dI vI iehI hflq hY ies ny vI qF pYsy qlbIaF ivcoN hI kmfAuxy huMdy hn. pRbMDk kmytI ikhVf ies nMU lwKF rupeIaf idMdI hY. jF ivcfrf dysL ivdysL dy dory krky BIK mMg ilafAuNdf hY. purfxy sfD ipMzF ivc lokF kol BIK mMgx jFdy sn. ieh ikAuik vwzf igafnI hY , ies krky ieh ieMtrnYsLnl lYvl qy BIK mMgx jFdf hY.

cl Cwzo. ieho ijhIaF gwlF krky mn Kwtf huMdf hY. ijhVy guru Gr bYTky ieho ijhy pfp krdy hn. Auh afpy jI Brngy. asI ikAuN afpxf idl sfVnf. afpxy pMQ df bfbf afpy rfKf.

Source: Amritsar Times (page 15) October 12-18 2005

(Typed by Sarbjit Singh)

blbIr isMG sUc, aYzvokyt




jIvn df iewk jrUrI isDFq hY, AudfsI!

jIvn ’c ikhVf Drm hY ijwQy nhIN hY, AudfsI!

jIvn kmjLor nhIN, BYa df nF hY, AudfsI!

jIvn dy aMdroN hI lwBo, ies df ielfjL, AudfsI!

jIvn ’c ies dI cfbI hI hY igafn, AudfsI!

jIvn df igafn hY gRihsq, AudfsI!

jIvn df ieh iewk isLMgfr hY, AudfsI!

jIvn dI pihcfx qoN jo axjfx hY, AudfsI!

jIvn Aus df hY hI kI hY iPr? AudfsI!

jIvn dy qjrby ’coN lMGfAuNdI hY, AudfsI!

jIvn dy ivCoVy nMU idKfAuNdI hY, AudfsI!

jIvn dy kfm nMU dbfAuNdI hY, AudfsI!

jIvn dy kRoD nMU smJfAuNdI hY, AudfsI!

jIvn dy moh nMU CzfAuNdI hY, AudfsI!

jIvn dy loB nMU AuzfAuNdI hY, AudfsI!

jIvn dy hMkfr nMU GtfAuNdI hY, AudfsI!

jIvn ’c inaF dI Bfvnf vI ilafAuNdI hY, AudfsI!

jIvn ’c inaF hI ieKlfkI kMm hY, AudfsI!

jIvn dIy gRihsqI ’c vI afAuNdI hY, AudfsI!

jIvn ’c bMdy nMU bMdf bxfAuNdI hY, AudfsI!

jIvn dy cfnx qy hnyry nMU prgfAuNdI hY, AudfsI!

jIvn dI gMBIrqf dI zUMGfeI hI hY, AudfsI!

jIvn ’c afpxy qy bygfny dy Prk df nF hY, AudfsI!

jIvn ’coN akl vfly dy Kor nMU imtfAuNdI hY, AudfsI!

jIvn dI asl pihcfx hI hY, AudfsI!

jIvn ijAuxf isKfANudI hY, AudfsI!

jIvn’c KLusLI nMU jgfAuNdI hY, AudfsI!

jIvn ’c jo iswKy jfc, AuhI hY jIvn, AudfsI!


blbIr isMG sUc, aYzvokyt;

mnuwKI aiDkfrF leI srgrm;

muKI qy bulfrf,

iswK ivcfr mMc, luiDafxf.

14 akqUbr 2005

prqfp isMG

Respected S. Makhan Singh Purewal Ji,

Wahe Guru Ji Ka Khalsa, Wahe Guru Ji Ki Fateh

It gives us pleasure to inform you that God is manifesting through United Sikhs Organization. From last two months United Sikhs have been communicating with us. They are taking care almost everything like food, schooling of the children, medical treatment of Gurpreet Kaur. Finally we have decided to go back to India because my son Vikam Partap Singh is facing lot of problems due to his Sikhi Turban, He is the only Sikh student in the country, we would like to maintain our young generation like a Sikh. So we have decided to go back to India.

United Sikhs Organization is providing us air tickets and other expenses God bless them.



And other sangat we do not know their names Wahe Guru Bless Them

Your Sikh family

Partap Singh

Gurpreet Kaur

Manpreet Kaur

Vikram Partap Singh


Wahe Guru Ji Ka Khalsa, Wahe Guru Ji Ki Fateh

Here is the progress report from Mr. Bhupinder Singh Liddar in S. Partap Singh's case :

Sat Siri Akal!

I apologize for not writing to you earlier. I met for lunch with Peru's Ambassador G. Russo yesterday who told me he has already written to Peru's Foreign Ministry about Pratap Singh's predicament. Yesterday, the Ambassador also promised to write to Peru's Minister of Education.

Coincidentally, we were having lunch in the Parliamentary Restaurant and who came and joined us for a discussion - none other than Navdeep Singh Bains, the turbaned Canadian MP. We three talked about Mr. Pratap Singh's situation and impressed on the Ambassador to assist in every manner possible.

I will inform you as soon as I hear back from Ambassador Russo regarding the admission of Mr. Pratap Singh's son.

With very best wishes,

Bhupinder S. Liddar

S. Bhupindr Singh Liddar, stationed in Ottawa, moves in diplomatic circles. On account of his expertise in foreign affairs and diplomatic skills he was nominated to the post of first Consul- General in Chandigarh in Oct, 2003. But it did not work out because of unfortunate factional politics within the liberal party. Before the appointment he was Publisher/Editor of "Diplomat & International Canada" magazine,and Editor of Parliamentary Liaison Newsletter, Ottawa. Now the government has apologized to him for acting on wrong information, he is due for any appointment shortly. In the meantime he has very kindly volunteered and taken up S. Partap Singh of Peru's case. We are really thankful to Mr. Liddar for his kind help and efforts. Mr. Liddar also advised us sometime back that we all living in different countries can contact Peru's ambassadors in our own countries and impress upon them the need to help S. Partap Singh More information on Mr. Liddar can be read on his web site


Jagpal Singh Tiwana


primMdr DflIvfl

ipafry sMpfdk jIE,

kml kMg df iliKaf ivaMg ‘sMq bfbf srbnfs jI (kfrF vfilaF) nfl mulfkfq’ psMd afieaf hY ieh sfzy smfj nUM syD dyx leI bhuq hI lfhybMd sfbq hovygf. ies ivaMg leI kml jI vDfeI dy pfqr hn.

primMdr DflIvfl

Parminder Dhaliwal


nfnk isMG idWlI

Man Yog,
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

I am very impressed about your website "SIKHMARG.com". I am Punjabi Typist in Computer and also huge knowledge of computer and Internet. My Punjabi is very good. If you have any vacancy then contact me. I will sending you my resume.

I am waiting for your reply.
Thanks & regads
Nanak Singh

srvjIq isMG

aKOqI sfD sMq

aih ny sMq klyrf vfly, iewDr sMq JMzyrf vfly.

ieh sMq ny jOHVF vfly aOh sMq ny mOVF vfly.

iek sMq ny jvwdI vfly, dUjy sMq ny GvwdI vfly.

ieh bfby hn nfnksrIey, ieh sMq hn aMbrsrIey.

afh sMq ny jogy vfly, ieh byYTy hn mogy vfly.

ieh sMq hn jOhlF vfly, dUjy sMq hn DOhlF vfly.

iek sMq ny dUDfDfrI, dUjy sMq hn iewiCafDfrI.

bfgF vfly, ieh cfh vfly, mwKxI vfly XWKxI vfly.

ieh bfby hn mnsUrF vfly, afh sMq ny hUrF vfly.

ieh bfbf bnKMzI ey, aOh bfbf cOKMzI ey.

ieh sMq hn srfvF vfly, dUjy sMq mnfvF vfly.

iek bfby ny isafV vfly, qy afh bfby ny mnvfV vfly.

iek sMq ny kMblI vfly, dUjy sMq ny sMglI vfly.

afh sMq ny ZysIaF vfly, aOh sMq ny KysIaF vfly

jMzF vfly JMzF vfly, lIrF vfly qIrF vfly.

poxhfrI, dUDfDfrI, prIaF vfly jLrIaF vfly.

iek bfby hwQ hOlf krdy, ieh bfby hn JfVf krdy.

lflF vfly, jflF vfly, moqIaF vfly, joqIaF vfly.

zMzy vfly, JMzy vfly aKfVy vfly bulfry vfly.

qpVI vfly, CwpVI vfly, rfDf suafmI, aMqr jfmI.

kqfrF vfly, phfVF vfly, mflf vfly jvflf vfly.

ikMgrI vfly, isMgrI vfly, imafxI vfly lilafxI vfly.

tftF vfly, PftF vfly, PUMkF vfly Dfgf krdy.

koeI sMq ikRsLn Bgq hY, koeI bfbf rfm Bgq hY.

koeI sMq vr sfry dyvy, koeI BUq vs kr dyvy.

koeI sMq inrI PUk hI mfry, koeI nfl pfT krfvy.

koeI irwDIaF iswDIaF dyvy, keI bfby ny lFdy tyvy.

keI kMnF ivc mMqr idMdy, kMnf-mMnf kurr kryNdy.

aWKr iek igafn nf afvy, iPr vI pUrn sMq khfvy.

keI rwb nMU kMno PVH lYdy, mUMh mMgIaF murfdF idMdy.

(sMqF dy kOqk ‘c DNMnvfd sihq)

ivsLv isWK kONsl

WSC-AR Member Organizations Contribute Over $125,000 To Katrina Relief Efforts;
Appeals to Sikh Community to Continue Supporting Relief Work and
Contributing Generously as Hurricane Rita Approaches


September 23, 2005
Contact: Dr. Tarunjit Singh, Secretary General, World Sikh Council - America Region, 614-210-0591,

Less than a month after hurricane Katrina devastated parts of Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida, the member organizations of the World Sikh Council - America Region (WSC-AR) have responded by donating and pledging over $125,000 towards the relief efforts, and providing support for those affected by this tragedy.

Contributions by the member organizations have been made to the American Red Cross, WSC-AR's Katrina Aid Campaign, United Sikhs' Ghanaia Katrina Hurricane Relief, Salvation Army, and other relief agencies and efforts.

WSC-AR appreciates the relief efforts being carried out by the local Sikh communities of Baton Rouge, Dallas, Houston, Chicago, Dayton, Richmond, and others, as well as United Sikhs' efforts in Donaldsonville and elsewhere.

Mr. Amolak Singh, Chairperson of WSC-AR, a 25 year resident of New Orleans, said, "We thank the Sikh community across the entire country for contributing generously towards the relief efforts. Thousands are homeless and countless more don't know the fate of their relatives and friends."

Dr. Anahat Kaur, Vice-Chairperson of WSC-AR, added, "With hurricane Rita on the horizon, it is important that Sikhs continue to donate generously to a reliable charity or relief campaign of their choice so that some comfort can be provided to those affected by these tragedies. Sikhs in receiving communities are encouraged to continue support of those displaced."

WSC-AR calls upon Sikh organizations to contribute to a charity organization / campaign of their choice which will provide accurate disclosure of disbursement of funds received.

WSC-AR has been in touch with its member Gurdwaras and is compiling information about the financial contributions and relief efforts being undertaken by them. We call upon non-member Sikhs organizations to send us information about their contributions and local relief efforts at so that the contributions of the Sikh community can be pooled to evaluate the significant national impact on the relief efforts.

Contributions to WSC-AR's Katrina Aid Campaign payable to "World Sikh Council - America Region" while earmarking them for Katrina Aid Campaign,

can be mailed to:
World Sikh Council - America Region
P.O. Box 3635
Columbus, Ohio 43210, USA

Funds contributed to WSC-AR's campaign will be donated to the American Red Cross's Hurricane 2005 Relief effort, and Sikh as well as other agencies providing direct relief to those affected by this tragedy.

WSC-AR is a representative and elected body of Sikh Gurdwaras and institutions in the United States. Its members include 31 Gurdwaras (Sikh places of worship) and 6 other Sikh institutions across the nation.

blbIr isMG sUc, aYzvokyt

siqkfrXog zf[ mihMdr isMG iZwloN


KLflsf kflj, aMimRqsr.

vfihgurU jI kf KLflsf ]

vfihgurU jI kI PLiqh ]

ivsLf : nfnksLfhI kYlMzr : mslf aqy smfDfn

afp jI vloN Auprokq ivsLy ’qy imqI 8 mfrc 2003 nUM krvfey jf rhy sYmInfr sbMDI swdf-pwqr pRfpq hoieaf. ivsLy sbMDI afpxy ivcfr dyx qoN pihlF afp jI df DMnvfd krnf jLrUrI smJdf hF.

awj mnuwK afpxy afp ƒ Buwl ky dUsiraF ƒ gurmuK iswK bxn df afdysL dy irhf hY qy afpxI KyzI jf rhI rfjsI cflF ƒ jfiejL TihrfAux ivc ruwiJaf hoieaf hY aqy afpxI pIVHI Qwly sotf Pyrn ƒ iblkul iqafr nhIN hY.

gwl ivsLy dI krdy hoey ies iswty ’qy phuMcxf aOKf nhIN ik brfbrI qy srbwq dy Bly df pYgLfm dyx vfly iswK Drm anusfr jF ies ƒ snmuK rwK ky iqafr kIqf nfnksLfhI kYlMzr iksy qrHF vI nf hI qnfa pYdf krygf qy nf hI ies nfl iswKF dI mnuwKqf nfl sFJ GtygI. mfnXog srdfr ikRpfl isMG bzUMgr, pRDfn, sLRomxI gurduafrf pRbMDk kmytI ny TIk ikhf hY ik nfnksLfhI kYlMzr lfgU hox nfl iswK iek vwKrI kOm hn dy isDFq ƒ bl imlygf. nfnksLfhI kYlMzr dy lfgU hox nfl iswK kOm ƒ smJx leI dysL-ivdysLF ivc hor shfieqf imlygI.

myry iek iswK msilaF ’qy sFJ krn vfly imwqr ny huxy hI iksy rsfly ivc inGfr vwl gey iswKF qy aijhy hI rfjsI qy iswK afgUaF dy prdy Zkx dI mnsLf nfl ieh kihx qoN AuWkf hI sMkoc nhIN kIqf ik jy brfbrI dy nF hyT iswK bIbIaF ƒ kIrqn krn qy qVksfr syvf krn df aiDkfr idwqf jf irhf hY qF ieh sRI hirmMdr sfihb ƒ ‘nfeIt klwb’ bxfAux brfbr hovygf. sRI gurU gRMQ sfihb dI iswiKaf qy bdlIaF pRsiQqIaF ƒ muwK rwKidaF aijhf ivcfr dyxf koeI AusfrU nhIN lgdf, sgoN PjLUl dI bihs CyVx vflI gwl hY ijs qoN ijMnf hI sMkoc kIqf jfvy QoVHf hY. iesy pRkfr bhuqy aMimRqDfrI iswK mirafdf dI pflxf pUrn rUp ivc nhIN krdy qy nf hI ies ƒ srl krn leI afvfjL AuTfAuNdy hn. ies nfl bhuqy aMimRqDfrIaF dI siQqI hfso-hIxI huMdI jf rhI hY. jy ieh gwl ies sYmInfr ivc vI ivcfr leI jfvy qF TIk hovygf. jy myrf suJfa iswK Drm dy pRymIaF ƒ iksy qrHF Tys phuMcfAux vflf hovy qF ies ƒ rwd kr dyxf hI Xog hY. mYN qF jLmInI scfeI ƒ pRgt krn dI koisLsL kIqI hY ies qoN ielfvf hor kuJ nhIN.

afp jI vloN jykr Auprokq suJfvF ’qy gOr krnf TIk smiJaf igaf qF dfs smJygf ik afp jI ny ies inmfxy dI hfjLrI ies sYmInfr ivc pRvfn kr leI hY.


imqI 6 mfrc 2003

blbIr isMG sUc, aYzvokyt

mnuwKI aiDkfrF leI srgrm

(not:- blbIr isMG sUc dI icWTI df asIN kuwJ jrUrI ihWsf hI Cfipaf hY-sMpfdk)

blbIr isMG sUc, aYzvokyt

‘Simon Wiesenthal’

Holocaust survivor Simon Wiesenthal, an untiring campaigner who helped track down hundreds of Nazi war criminals, died today in Vienna aged 96, the US-based centre which bears his name said

What can be the best tribute to this untiring campaigner?

In India criminals are identified and Known but never faced justice where as holocaust survivor Simon Wiesenthal, an untiring campaigner who helped track down hundreds of Nazi war criminals might have successful in his mission to some extent for getting justice and shall be remembered in the history as the US-based centre which bears his name but here what to do? The present enlightened World is silent about the discriminatory killings and injustice persists in the name of politics in India and it is likely to take further bad shape. What diplomacy it is on the part of developed countries claming to have matured democracy and acting as ‘Watch dog’? Is the World still in search of persons like Simon Wiesenthal to raise alarm and cry for remedial immediate action? Please give awakening call the World over for justice so that the perpetrators of organized crime and collaborators of violence of Indian State do not go scot-free and unpunished. It can be the best tribute to this untiring campaigner at this junction.

Balbir Singh Sooch, Advocate;
Human Rights Activist; and

September 21, 2005
Mobile: 98143-34544

sLmsLyr isMG KLflsf

Guru Pyare Khalsa jio

Waheguru ji ka khalsa Waheguru ji ke fateh

Khalsa jio,Veer Dharminder Singhhas written very good articles and such more articles should come in media so that people must know the real values of sikhism.

I agree with most of things what veer DharminderSingh has written about langar.It is also true that lot of gurudwara managements help with langar alsoon sports days.I think it is not bad from gurudwara managements to help with langarto sports club but they need to control alcohol there and if they still can't get control then they should stop giving langar to such clubs.But before they make such decision about banned on langar to sports clubs,they need to make clear to sangat about it also.

Thanks forsending such articles to das.

Waheguru ji ka khalsa Waheguru ji ke fateh


Khalsabrothers is a small group of some gursikhs,who are distributing free VCD, AUDIO, MP3CD.VIDEOS & DVD cassettes and litrerature to sangat with a aim of bringing gurbani and Basics Principles of sikhism from home to home and to Non Sikhs.
It is non-profit religous group and is diong all this sewa for free,just to let the world to know about sikhsim.
If you have any question or need any help,just mail us and we will try to reply to u within 24 hours back also.

DrimMdr isMG

KyzF aqy lMgr bfry

afm jIvn ivwc dyKx nMU afANudf hY ky jd vI ikqy koeI tUrnfmYNt pMjfbIaF vlNo krvfey jFdy hn. AuwQy afm pyprF ivwc moto iesLiqhfr hMudy hn ky Plfny gurdvfrf sfihb qNo sMgqF dI syvf leI lMgr dI syvf kIqI jfvygI. hux suafl ieh hY ky lMgr vfly vI iswK, bxfAux vfly vI iswK, Kfx vfly vI iswK. iPr AuwQy sLrfb aqy mIt df dOr clfANux vfly vI iswK.

awj iswK Drm nMU idsLfhIx krn leI iswK ivroDI lfbI pUrI qrHF nfl sLMGrsLsLIl hY. jy sLrfb, mIt, iesLiqhfr bfjI Kyzf dy pRbMDkf vlo kIqI jf skdI hY qF kI mhF jF Coilaf dI dfl aqy afty dIaF rotIaF nhI bxf ho skdIaF. sLrfb dy nfl lMgr Kfx vfilE Boly vIro lMgr dI mirXfdf df iKafl kro vIro quhfzf ksUr nhI hY ksUr hY pRbMDkf df jo PokI sLohrq leI gurmirXfdf df Gfx kr rhy hn. Kyz myilaF ivwc pRbMDk Kud sLrfb nfl rwjy hoey hMUdy hn. vIro jy afpF hux nf sMBfl kIqI ijhnF bwicaF df afpf rOlf pfANudy hF ky asI afpxy bwicaF nMU afpxy ivrsy nfl joVnf hY ieh afAux vfly smNy ivwc quhfzy nflNo cfr rdy Awuqy hI hoxgy . qusI qF sLrfb / mIt vrqAudy ho ieh nvyN nisLaf df pRXog krngy aqy krfAuxgy.

afpxy ivrsy dI qrfsdI Auwpr irhf nf igaf, ies leI qF do sLbd ilKx leI mjbUr hoieaF hF. vIro afpxy bwicaF nMU isWK Drm dIaF rhurIqf nfl joVo nhIN qF smf afpF nMU muafP nhIN krygf.

quhfzf vIr ,

DrimMdr isMG

hrdIp isMG PrIdfbfd

Waheguru ji ka khalsa waheguru ji ki fateh 

I like this site very much. I have read almost all the articles of all the scholars in this site. I want to ask some questions:

1. What is the meaning of waheguru?

2. From where this word is originated?

3. Which guru sahib has discovered this word?

4. Waheguru is the name of god?

5. Does "naam japo" means waheguru waheguru simram?

Please answer these questions with reference to gurbani.

Waiting for reply 

Hardeep singh faridabad 

(hrdIp isMG jI afp jI dy sfry svflF dy jvfb ipRM: igafnI surjIq isMG jI dy iek lyK ivc pihlF hI 'isWK mfrg' qy mOjUd hn. ies lyK nUM pVHn leI ieWQy kilk kro jI-sMpfdk)

blbIr isMG sUc, aYzvokyt

A Poem About Importance Of House Holder- Having Family Life

By Balbir Singh Sooch


duinafvI pVHfeI nfloN vI hY vwzI hY, gRihsqI!

BfvyN ieh pUrI jF aDUrI, pr vwzI hY, gRihsqI!

kfm, kRoD, moh, loB qy hMkfr vI hY, gRihsqI!

ienHF df ielfj vI hY, ivWc gRihsqI!

suwcI kmfeI qy swcI BgqI hY, gRihsqI!

sPlqf qy hfr nfl vI juVI hY, gRihsqI!

kurbfnI qy iqafg df vI sbk hY, gRihsqI!

‘iswK Drm’ df qfhIN qF AupdysL hY, gRihsqI!

gRihsqI hY Drm qy Drm hY gRihsqI!

gwl kI? ijLMdgI hI hY, gRihsqI!

iensfnI ijLMdgI df sLIsLf hI hY, gRihsqI!

BgqI qy sLkqI df nFAu hI hY, gRihsqI!

ijLMdgI pCfxo, ijAux leI hY, gRihsqI!

iPr puwCF dI loV nhIN hY, ik kI hY? gRihsqI!


blbIr isMG sUc, aYzvokyt,

mnuwKI aiDkfrF leI srgrm;

muKI qy bulfrf,

iswK ivcfr mMc, luiDafxf.

anUp isMG pfiksqfn

wgkk wgkf
veer ji

My name is anup Singh from Pakistan and my age is 18 I saw your site and I like it so much veer ji want to send u letter before some time but I was busy but now I saw ur mail I m very please.

Veer ji I am a student of SIKH MISSIONARY COLLEGE LUDHIANA and I attend gurmat classes here but veer ji I have no facility and I am alone in parchar in my village and I want the new khoj of gurmat because our guru is not SAKHIES our guru is gurbani and I need ur help for this work so veer ji request to u that please send me some free literature free on lby post bcaz I m very poor but I want to make a complete Sikh I also call to veer avtar Singh missionary u can ask from AVTAR SINGH MISSIONARY CA usa about me so please send me some free gurmat literature on by post I ll b very thanks ful to u for this act of kindness

Thanks ur veer ANUP SINGH from Pakistan ph no is -------0092-939-501055

So please send me mail that can u send me free literature or not thanks wgkk wgkf

(srdfr anUp isMG jI afp jI df iewk KLq pihlF vI 'isWK mfrg' qy ies bfry Cp cuwkf hY ijhVf ik avqfr isMG imsLnrI ny Byijaf sI. iltrycr bfry bynqI ieh hY ik myry pfs ies qrHF df koeI vI iltrycr nhIN hY. mYN qF iewk sfDfrn mjdUrI krn vflf gurU df tuwtf Puwtf ijhf isWK hF, afpxf smf aqy dsvMD ivcoN Krc krky ies sfeIt nUM clf irhf hF. AuNj vI ieWQy ibdysLF ivc PrI vMzx leI iltrycr CpfAuxf kfPI mihMgf pYNdf hY. ieh qF ieMzIaf ivcoN hI pRfpq kIqf jf skdf hY. ies bfry qusIN ikrpf krky isWK imsLnrI kflj luiDafxf nfl sMprk krn dI Kycl kro jI-sMpfdk)

rivMdr isMG nvIN idWlI)

Respected MS Purewal ji, Waheguru ji ka Khalsa Waheguru ji ki fateh

I have been studying Dasam Granth brought out by Gobind Sadan of so called Baba Virsa Singh and shabdarth by Dr. Rattan Singh Jaggi.Anurag Singh son of historian Dr. Tarlochan Singh has added a chapter on Bani of Guru Gobind Singh to the biography of Tenth Devine Master by his father Dr. Tarlochan Singh and has tried to prove that dasam granth is composition of Guru Sahib and purpose was to train sikhs in psychology and sex and has gone on to state that such has been expressed in bible and other western scriptures also and nobody so far has ried to purge these from scriptures . A lobby of Chandigarh sikhs, namely Bhai Ardaman Singh Bagrhian, Giani Bhag Singh, Gurbakhsh Singh Kala Afghana, Giani Gurdit Singh are trying to prove that such and such chapters were not penned by Guru Gobind Singh. He has even quoted Bhai Gurdas by mentioning the evrn he who compiled Guru Granth Sahib and was a witness to martyrdon of Guru Arjun Dev ji, has not mentioned this in! his vars. So what if Bhai Nand Lal ji, Koer Singh (Gur Bhilas Patshahi Dasvin) have not indicated about compilation of Dasam Granth in their writtings. I shared my views with Giani Surjit Singh ji . I have started studying Old Testament and dialogues of Plato and only then can contribute for Sikh Marg. Sachi Sakhi is a book by Sirdar Kapur Singh and all sikhs should be made aware of its contents. Giani Surjit Singh ji in due course of time will put this on Sikh Marg.

Ravinder Singh New Delhi.

svrn isMG pnysr (gurmIq isMG astRylIaf)

Women in Panj Piaras.

(12 September 2005)

The Editor,

Vaheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Vaheguru Ji Ki Fateh.

In my view, the president of the SGPC, Bibi Jagir Kaur has taken the right decision to enforce the clause (b) of the Sikh Rehit Maryada regarding women’s participation in the Panj Piaras. In this respect, Singh Sahib Giani Joginder Singh Vedhanti should have readily joined Bibi Jagir Kaur without any question and helped her to tow the line in the right direction.

The Sikh Rehit Maryada in its English version, on page 33, Ceremony of Baptism and Initiation - Article XXIV, clause (b) already takes very good care of the issue. It clearly states that, "At the place where ambrosial baptism is to be administered, the holy Guru Granth Sahib should be installed and ceremonially opened. Also present should be six committed baptized Sikhs, one of whom should sit in attendance of the Guru Granth Sahib and the other five should be there to administer the ambrosial baptism. These six may even include Sikh women. All of them must have taken bath and washed their hair.

The implementation of the specified clause (b) which is an integral part of the existing Sikh Rehit Maryada needs no further discussion whatsoever or even an of approval from the main server (mukh sevadaar) of Sri Akaal Takht, Singh Sahib Gyani Joginder Singh Vedhanti. Somehow, Singh Sahib got involved and he decided to hold a formal meeting with his ‘shreek bhaees’, the mukh sevadaars, Singh Sahibaan of the four Takhts so as to reach a conclusive decision.

The Sikh nation is fully aware that Singh Sahib and his four equally unpredictable ‘shreek bhai’ characters who are well-known for their age-old unscrupulous and hostile views on the Sikh Rehit Maryada, Sikh beliefs and practices, could/would not have ever come to terms with an issue that would have turned their own world upside-down. Therefore, inevitably for the obvious reasons they left the matter hanging in the air indefinitely. The whole episode was a gross despicable act and a complete waste of resources. This is what I would call ‘a blind leading the blind’ situation where the decision-making skills have not only been misconstrued but also voided entirely.

Sadly the ever increasing number of the unscrupulous, mindless fanatics and the most selfish Sant Babas, leaders of the mainly male- dominated Taksaals, Sant Smaj, Deras and the like, have no remorse whatsoever in undermining the fundamentals of the Sikh ideology. In the recent weeks gone, millions of people saw them on the television screens acting in direct confrontation with Bibi Jagir Kaur’s decision. This illustrated their sheer stubbornness, aggressiveness, threatening behaviour, their hostility, stupidity, their intentional discrimination against women, and a complete failure to practice the Divine Teachings of Guru Nanak’s message of equality, which is a complete negation of the Sikh values and cultures.

These ‘Masands or the Keshdhari Hindus’ that include some of the so-called prominent Sikhs such as Bhai Ranjit Singh, who has served as a mukh sevadaar at the Akaal Takht, together with his supporters who now question the Sikh Rehit Maryada are nothing but a total disgrace who may be construed as blasphemous to the Sikh religious teaching and the Sikh nation. I wonder if they ever did protest as strongly as they are doing now against those Hindu fundamentalist writers sponsored by the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh and many other Sikh Panth Virodhi organisations like them who have been constantly publishing books, distributing leaflets in which they have deliberately carried out systematic character assassination of all our Great Sikh Gurus, Great Sikh Martyrs and the Great Sikh warriors and those writers who are fully determined to destroy, distort or rewrite the entire Sikh History. These ‘Masands or the Keshdhari Hindus’ are the biggest enemies of the Sikh Panth. They should be condemned in totality and they do not deserve to be referred to as Sikhs at all.

To the good fortune of the Sikh nation, majority of Shardavaan Gursikh families, Gursikh scholars, thousands of ordinary like-minded men, women and numerous Sikh organisations across the world who have true love for Guru and Gursikhi and a thorough understanding of the Sikh ideology, have very rightly welcomed Bibi Ji’s decision. We have also heard about numerous Sikh organisations in Panjab where women are now known to be actively participating in the Panj Piaras for the past many, many years. It is even more encouraging to learn that more and more organisations would now be coming forward to follow suit. I sincerely hope that all major Sikh organisations in the UK would also do likewise in the near future.

In the recent weeks, Alpha Punjabi News and one UK based Satellite Radio Station reported the highlights of this disturbing issue. I followed the news and the discussion programme with some interest and I was shocked to hear some of the most irresponsible, unintelligent comments that directly contradicted the Sikh Rehit Maryada and the Great Gurus’ divine teachings. Equally disappointing was the fact that most of such comments came from not only ordinary Sikh men and women, but also came from the few so-called prominent Sikh leaders who represent well-known and established Sikh institutions in India and the UK.

Obviously, the selfish and the ‘Haumai and Hankaar’ infested so-called Sikh community leaders are persistently engaged and are fully determined to destroy the remnants of the rich Sikh heritage anyway. They oppose the issue of women’s seva in the majority of the Gurdwaras across the world. They have never bothered to study the Sikh Rehit Maryada or to follow the Gurus’ teachings enshrined in Sri Guru Granth Sahib themselves. Additionally, the people who argue that women are not hygienic during their menstrual cycle are very wrong indeed. Through their true reflection of absurdity, immaturity and immoral personal characters, they have failed to comprehend the law of the nature, that the chemical and biological make-up of human bodies, whether male or female is no different when it comes to natural connotation of human body’s functioning and re-productiveness. Consequently, all fertile women and men are obliged to conscientiously and gracefully honour that significant adolescence cycle. Naturally, they are conscientiously prepared to face all situations with great sense of pride. Similarly, during adolescence when a young man goes through that same natural process and wets his Kachera does that make him an unclean person in the same sense?

Over the past few decades, we have experienced an ever-growing number of so-called deraedaars, sants and the spiritual leaders who frequently indulge and engage themselves in immoral activities such as deception, child abuse and rape of women. Would such a group of filthy-minded characters ever have the courage to question or reject their own mothers, sisters, wives, daughters, nieces, daughters-in-law who may be at their disposal to look after their household affairs, cook and serve their meals promptly and possibly handling Gutkaas to recite ‘Nit Name banees’ at home in such situations? I am sure they would not dare to do that in their own home. However, I do find it very disturbing and distressful to note that without any justifiable argument, these arrogant ‘Masands’ are causing unnecessary havoc in the Sikh world.

Only recently, one of my dear friends, Harmandar Singh quoted in one of his e-mails, ‘The illiterate of the 21st Century, are not those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn [AlvinTofler] and he further asked, "Don’t you think this applies to some of our leaders"? Of course, it does and in addition, I would say that, ‘There is none so blind as those who will not see’ and ‘There is none so deaf as those who will not hear.’ This new breed of so-called community leaders and the unscrupulous Holy men are uprooting the fundamentals of the Khalsa Panth, who are utter disgrace but have no shame at all.

Sikh history has it, when Sahib Sri Guru Gobind Singh created Khalsa in 1699 at Sri Kesgarh Sahib; there were SEVEN great personalities present in the tent; Guru Sahib Ji, Mata Sahib Deva[n] Ji and the five would-be Panj Piaray. Guru Sahib Ji, aided by Mata Ji who sweetened the water with ‘pataasae’, prepared Amrit and baptised the Five Loved Ones. The infallible Guru Ji’s well thought-out agenda and his action made Mata Ji his equal collaborate in the Historic Baptismal Ceremony - thus he set the ceremonial procedure in line with the Sikh Gurus’ Divine Teachings and revealed the Khalsa. Henceforth, it is recorded that whenever Amrit Sanchar ceremony took place, Mata Ji was always by Guru Ji’s side and helped Guru Sahib respectfully and attained the title of the ‘mother of Khalsa’.

The word ‘Khalsa’ meaning ‘pure’ applies to both men and women alike. Therefore, it is a neutral gender. As Khalsas, all males, females hold equal status, and as mentioned in Gurbani, we are all brides of One Creator husband, the Akaal Purkh Vaheguru.

The main cause for concern is that the egoistic biparvaadi ‘Kursi and Gohlak’ loving leaders attach great importance to their self-styled organisations and insist on their ‘Parampra [s]’ that deliberately deny women the right to do seva. For many decades such people, their organisations and their ‘Parampra [s]’ have done a great deal of irreparable damage to Sikhi and the entire Sikh Nation. Whatever the word ‘Parampra’ means to them, in reality, it is insignificant after all and certainly, no ‘Parampra’ could ever be above our Great Guru Ji’s Divine Teachings.

As for my personal knowledge, I would be very grateful if someone could enlighten me as to who gave the men [Panj Pyaras] an absolute right to shunt off the ‘mother of Khalsa’ and to play her role in the present day Amrit Sanchar ceremonies.

We Sikhs must learn to organise ourselves in order to safeguard our rich Sikh Heritage, Sikh History, and the Sikh Identity. Furthermore, we have to address numerous burning issues that the entire Sikh community faces throughout the world with promptness and One Strong Voice.

Panth da sevadaar

Swaran Singh Panesar, Leeds, West Yorkshire.

prqfp isMG

Respected S.Makhan Singh Purewal ji,

hrjIq isMG aqy isLMgfrf isMG mfn

Dear Brother S partap singh jee
please ck doc in joint reçu mony 245 $ for you
sent by shingara singh mann today 
United Sikhs france
Please tell me any other information about your turban case in lima
Guru fateh to all
Guru fateh khalsa jee
i sent 245 $ to spartap singh today
reçu in side please ck
