
amrjIq isMG/kOr

Vaheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Vaheguru Ji Ki Fateh.

I have been reading various articles on your web site (in punjabi) and have found them to be enlightening. I would like to save some for future reference/distribution to others etc. Please advise if fonts are available for download.

Thank you in advance.

svrn isMG pnysr

Dear Editors,

Appended below please find 'Heroes for Peace' poster attachment for your referenc or publication purposes.

I would be very grateful if you could kindly acknowledge both Messages

Aap sabhna da bauhat, bauhat dhanvaad karda hoiya,

Panth da sevadaar

Swaran Singh Panesar

Leeds, West Yorkshire, England.

(not:- svrn isMG pnysr vloN ByjI hoeI sfrI smgrI dI asIN iek PfeIl bxf ky 'pI[ zI[ aYWP[' POrmyt ivc pf idWqI hY. ies nUM pVHn leI jF zfAunloz krn leI ieWQy kilk kro jI. asIN pihlF vI keI vfrI bynqI kr cuwky hF ik pMjfbI ilKq nUM asIN pihl idMdy hF. aMgryjLI df nf qF sfnUM bhuqf gUVf igafn hY aqy nf hI lMmIaF ilKqF pVHn leI smf. ieh ilKq vI asINN ienHF dIaF ipClIaF icWTIaF dy aDfr qy aqy gurmIq isMG afstRylIaf vloN pVH ky idwqy vIcfrF dy aDfr qy pf rhy hF-sMpfdk)

blbIr isMG sUc, aYzvokyt

Letter of Congratulation to Shromani Akali Dal (Amritsar)

Respected Prof Gursharan Singh ji,

Parliament Secretary of Sardar Simranjit Singh Mann,

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Kee Fateh

Congratulations for adopting clear cut stand and it can be attained positively by grace of God with support of people of Punjab and International Community which can not and never be against justice and human rights of Sikhs and Punjabis= sovereignty for Sikhs and Punjabis.

The resolutions passed during the Maghi Mela conference of Shiromani Akali Dal (Amritsar) held at Mukatsar on 13.1.2006 are significant as there is an indication in your resolutions that your party shall never be encircled by agents, double agents, stooges and it looks hereafter, your party having an apparent leader Sardar Simranjit Singh Mann shall build up its own image in the people of Punjab for getting them justice to its finality and decisive end.

Sikh Vichar Manch is of the opinion that all people of Punjab, in view of the true principles of SIKHISM, shall definitely trust Sardar Simranjit Singh Mann & his party whose aim is not only to defeat Sardar Badal and his son in coming election but to do something more for the unemployed youth and welfare of whole Punjab as an Unit.

Sikh Vichar Manch wishes for the well being of whole Punjab, the people of Punjab must support and trust Sardar Simranjit Singh Mann & his party without any suspicion. A few communal Hindus politically aligned to Delhi and other factions working against the interest of Punjab from the very beginning may always create confusion in the minds of common Punjabis and will never resist themselves from their assigned task for their own vested interests otherwise Punjabi & Sikhs are politically one on many issues. Similar can be the behaviour of the surrendered militants in practice in coming elections at the instance of their Masters. The people of Punjab wish to see peaceful, corruption free and a regime practicing rule of law in Punjab for which party i.e. Shiromani Akali Dal (Amritsar) of Sardar Simranjit Singh remains to be tested in power so far.

With regards to all

Balbir Singh Sooch,

Chief and Spokesperson,



zf amrjIq tFzf (isznI)

surjIq pfqr nMU kho/ zf amrjIq tFzf (isznI)

pfqr! mY sihkdf inwkf ijhf rih igaf pMjfb hF-

pMc nfd, spq isMDU sF kdy-

mihjodfVo qy hVwHpf df sohj qy suhwpx

qYnMU sLfied cyqy hovy-

nfnk, PrId qy buwly dI Drq qy

kdy pfvn gMRQ qy vydF dy pwqy puMgry sn

julm nfl iswJx leI goibMd ny

swcI suwcI qlvfr isrjI sI-

EdoN ajy nfnk dy GroN

mfiKA imwTy suwcy sLbdF dI mihk afAuNdI sI-

Drm dI pOVI ajy ivAupfr, isafsq nhIN sI cVHI-

srhMd dIaF nIhF nfl moh sI koeI iksy nMU

cmkOr ‘c cmkdy qIr sn idsdy jvfnI nMU -

afpxy hI puwqrF dy KUn dy

sUhy pfxIaF ‘c lfsLF ZoNhdy

ZfeI ku bcy duwK drd dy diraf

moh pfxI dy Guwt nMU qrs rhy hn-

ijhdy kol iksy idn afpxIaF icVIHaF dy

aflHxy pfAux jogI vI zflI nhIN bcxI-

kdy myrI aOlfd Kuwd aMn dI borI

gurbq Gr Cwz ky afAuNdI sI-

arsL dy pMny qy myrf nF lukfeI ny sLyr iliKaf sI-

hr idn hfdsf lY ky AudY huMdf hY eyQy-

muhwbq dy sfh guafc gey hn ruwKF dy ijLhn ‘coN

aKLbfr hfkm dy GrIN sLfm kwtdI hY-

kdy swQrF qy sOx vfly dy puwqrF ny

sIny qy pwb Drn qoN roikaf sI- abdflI, gjnvI nMU

jLulm byiensfPI dIaF

sdIaF qoN pYVF hn-myrI ihwk qy

awj isafsq ny mMjy zfh ley ny hr glI moV qy-

hwk swc qy imhnq

myry poqiVaF ‘c iliKaf hoieaf sI

bVy cfa nfl vMzdf sF

nykI dy bIa afpxy puwqrF nMU-

EdoN ajy KyqF dy puwq

isafVF ‘c BuwK qy duwK nhIN sn kyrdy-

plF ‘c surg dy JUitaF vrgf njLfrf

huMdf sI jybF ‘c -

EdoN ajy Kyq c KVHI qkdIr nhI sI ivkdI iksy dI-

siBafcfr qy bolI nUM bfhrlI vf nhIN sI lwgI-

surjIq pfqr nMU kho-

aglI vfr bfhroN ikiqEN

jLihr nfloN kOVIaF imrcF df bIj PLVI afvy

qy ivhiVaF ‘c bIjy-

muitafrF dy isrF qy jy PulkfrI nhIN

dupwty qF isrkxo roky

pfqr ikwQy jf rhy hn qyry sohxy cIry

ijhnF dIaF afpF gwl kiraf krdy sF-

pwgF nMU nwqIaF df sLOk ikwQoN cVH igaf hY?

KyqF dirafvF dy kMiZaF qoN

vMJl vI ikqy guafc geI hY, Xfrf!

qy sux jy kMjLkF kwuKF ‘c hI

eydF dm qoVdIaF rhIaF

qF cUrIaF kuwt ky kOx Kvfeygf smyN nMU-

kI CYxy, sfrMgI qy qUMby dy bol Krby sn

JMumr, sMmI, igwDf, BMgVf qF rwK lYNdf

mF dy ivhiVaF ‘c-

Xfr afpxy ipMzF dIaF sfmF ‘coN qF

vfirs sLfh qy isLv dy gIqF dI

pihlI hyk jnm lYNdI sI-

qMU hrPLF df jfieaf

ies kflI hnyrI leI koeI nvIN njLm qF ilK-

kml kMg

vyKo loko TwgF df Twg

bIbf dfhVf ZwTIE pwg,

vyKo loko TwgF df Twg

kOm vI Twg leI, pMQ vI Twg ilaf

ijhVf vI cMgf, Aus nfl Ps ipaf

cfrH irhf pYNqI sflF qoN vwg

bIbf dfhVf ZwTIE pwg,

vyKo loko TwgF df Twg

afpxf Gr eyhnUM, bVf hI ipafrf

‘afp bco’ iehdf, sdf hI nfhrf

KUn AubflLf inrf vFgUM Jwg

bIbf dfhVf ZwTIE pwg,

vyKo loko TwgF df Twg

hwQ ivwc iesdy, corF dI cfbI

JUT dI krdf, sdf hI lfbI

gulfbI huMdI sI isr qy pwg

bIbf dfhVf ZwTIE pwg,

vyKo loko TwgF df Twg

BIV pvy jd, Bwj ieh jFdf

hwk prfieaf, jor’n KFdf

sony dI muMdI’c koly df ng

bIbf dfhVf ZwTIE pwg,

vyKo loko TwgF df Twg

eyhdy jo kfry, ikvyN krF ibafn

ibnF qlvfr qoN, KflI imafn

hor nf iesdy mgr qUM lwg

bIbf dfhVf ZwTIE pwg,

vyKo loko TwgF df Twg

sfry mfr qy, afp nI mrdf

pYr qy DoKy, DVIaF krdf

pMjfb’c bIjy iesny awk

bIbf dfhVf ZwTIE pwg,

vyKo loko TwgF df Twg

doglI muwZ qoN, ies dI nIqI

nfl vYrI dy, ies dI pRIqI

pIqy sI Br Br lhU dy jwg

bIbf dfhVf ZwTIE pwg,

vyKo loko TwgF df Twg

pMQ vI Gr df, kOm vI Gr dI

ijhVI sI iehdy, ipwCy KVdI

sB df bx bYTf ieh rwb

bIbf dfhVf ZwTIE pwg,

vyKo loko TwgF df Twg

jyb’c pf ky, iswK nUM rwKdf

BfvyN afp, nhIN hY kwK df

iPr vI irhf bdfm hY cwb

bIbf dfhVf ZwTIE pwg,

vyKo loko TwgF df Twg

kOm qF rulL geI, nsLy dy ivwc

irhf ey kursI, ajy vI iKwc

kol sI qfkq kIqf nf kwK

bIbf dfhVf ZwTIE pwg,

vyKo loko TwgF df Twg

icVI sony dI, lwut leI sfrI

pf leI iesny, cor bjLfrI

kihMdf loko! Kf lE Pwk

bIbf dfhVf ZwTIE pwg,

vyKo loko TwgF df Twg

kroVF rupeIey, ijs ny sFBy

lwKF’eI lokIN, ijs ny mFjy

lf lf vyK rhy hux hwQ

bIbf dfhVf ZwTIE pwg,

vyKo loko TwgF df Twg

hfly vI vyKo, htdI nf afdq

Dwky vI Kfvy, ivwc adflq

vYrI qmfsLy irhf hY qwk

bIbf dfhVf ZwTIE pwg,

vyKo loko TwgF df Twg

sLrm qF sfrI, lf ky Kf leI

vYrI’n XfrI, jd qoN pf leI

kuxbf vI pYV irhf ey dwb

bIbf dfhVf ZwTIE pwg,

vyKo loko TwgF df Twg

hor nf hux, ies nUM cmlfE

nf ijafdf hux, iKwlF pfE

ijwQy jfvy lfAuNdf awg

bIbf dfhVf ZwTIE pwg,

vyKo loko TwgF df Twg

swcI kichrI, jy lokF dI bxjy

lok idmfg’cy, gwl jy vVHjy

afAux nqIjy cMgy hI awj

bIbf dfhVf ZwTIE pwg,

vyKo loko TwgF df Twg

smJ gey hoxI, qusIN khfxI

cuwp sLYqfn dI, bVI hY mfVI

‘kMg’ ny iliKaf swco swc

bIbf dfhVf ZwTIE pwg,

vyKo loko TwgF df Twg

kml kMg

09 jnvrI 2006

lKvIr isMG igWl

This is the Group which won the election in the Freemont Gurdwara, the largest Gurdwara in the Northern California.  'Panthak Slate' defeated the 'United Sikhs Alliance' led by the former gurdwara Chaowdhuries.  This United Sikhs Group had controlled the gurdwara for several years but at last this group was defeated last year after many years of court battles and frustrating expereinces of the sangat.  Ajit Jalandhar Newpaper reported in its report from california that Sikh Youth of America, an organization of psuedo-Khalis! tanis had worked behind the scenes to defeat the Panthak Slate.  They had also used the Newspaper locally in punjabi to propagate things against the Panthak Slate but it did not work.  United Sikhs alliance is allied with AGPC ( the so called Gurdwaras organization which has no gurdwara as its member)  and Dr. Amarjit Singh aka Khalistan Affairs center, aka Spokesman of the defunct Panthik Committee ( thugs and traitors of the Khalistan movement), and now spokesman of Shadow organization like Voices of Freedom and United Sikhs. Sikh youth of America is one single organization responsible for fights in the major gurdwaras like Richmond HIll, NY, Virginia, Lankersheim gurdwara in Los angeles, Glenn Rock Gurdwara in NJ,   and many other orgnaizations.  These people act under the orders of Amarjit SIngh and other so called leaders of the khalsitani groups.  But with Wahguru's kirpa they have been defeated every where and in the Freemont Gurdwara. Sangat is relieved that these goons are not coming back especially jandi and his co.  Many members of Sikh Youth America(none of these guys are youth and they even have grandchildren) had also created a big fight in Freemont several years ago and shot Gurmit Singh out side the gurdwara.

We wonder how is that the President  of AGPC and leader of Sikh Youth of America, Yadwinder Singh was in India and taking pictures with Daljit Singh bittu, former leader of the Panthik Committee, who has been released by Indian Govt. and going around freely when he had so many cases against him.  ( he even said that He is proud of the Indian Justice System after he was released) Sometimes people wonder that on one hand Indian Govt is spending so much to get some Sikhs from America like Barapind and how come these people are freely traveling everywhere.  Something is wrong somewhere. 

These guys called Prof. Darshan Singh a traitor and Amarjit tried to barr him to do kirtan in Freemont Gurdwara with his goondas and they repeated this other places also.  We wonder what Amarjit has to say about Bittu now released and free in India and is no longer talking about the same Khalistan.  Since Bittu is techinically Amarjit's boss as head of the group, does he have any leg to stand.  These guys have brought such bad name to the Sikh community first proving to the world that Sikhs are terrorists by doing all kinds of violence against people who did not agree with them and in the West fighting in the gurdwaras, violence, court fights and misappriarating funds of the gurdwara when they were under their control to send it to their friends here and back home which was misu! sed to go after the really genuine Khalistanis.

Some of the members of the Panthak Slate in Freemont are really respectable members of the community.  They are the relatives of the people who have killed by Indian Govt but these guys know that we have to act responsibly and honestly.  Behniwal and his family have done such a great job from last 3 decades.  Sangat has overwhelmingly supported them and also approved the recent land purchase for the gurdwara sahib. Now this gurdwara can come back to its glory again. 

Lets do Ardas that pantakh leadership work under Wahguru's Kirpa.

Lakhbir Singh Gill!


gurpRIq isMG smrf

Waheguru ji Ka khalsa waheguru ji ki fateh,

I really appreciate,admire and respect the article written by Gursharan Singh ji kasail.This is very true in Gurdwaras, where sangat brings 3.25% milk and that milk tek matha (bows his head), AS WELL AS sher brand atta.

I will want to tell you a true incident on new year, I am naming Gurdwara, Dixie Gurdwara, there one very good learned person by the name of Amrik Singh (from Chandigarh) comes and do katha. He is a learned person, he indirectly says against derawad, santwaad etc.

He even openly said that vaisakhi is 30 march. Now whenever he is doing katha a very aged person records him every sunday.

Now at the eve of new year I was sitting right in front, many people were making their milk and atta bow in front of Guru granth sahib ji and leave it right there.

My question here is "Is it hygienic to leave eating products like flour (atta), khand (sugar), milk in front of guru granth sahib ji. Ants (chittiyan) will come and eat paper!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. (Guru Granth sahib ji is on paper)

Back to the point, that aged uncle who walks with a stick in his hand stood up and moved that atte ki bori which was not PLACED IN FRONT OF GURU GRANTH SAHIB BUT RIGHT NEXT TO GURU GRANTH SAHIB JI AWAY AT THE END.


President  was standing there all the time.



pRo: gursLrn isMG (ismrnjIq isMG mfn)

Press statement of Shiromani Akali Dal (Amritsar)

to the Chandigarh Press Corp. dated 29.12.2005

The Shiromani Akali Dal (Amritsar) express alarm at the total indiscipline, lawlessness, corruptibility, brutality and the total chaos prevailing in the Panjab Police. It is functioning without direction and control. The government through its Home Department and political oversight has lost all control of this monster. It indulges in extra judicial murders like the killings of Gajinder Singh and Arun Masih, both of Jammu and Kashmir, on 21 September 2005 at Pathankot. Daily Lathi Charges at innocent citizen, brutal torture of political opponents of Amarinder Singh, at its interrogation centres, planting of RDX and AK 47 rifles on Sikhs like Manjot Kaur of Chandigarh and Bhagwan Singh, Chamkaur Singh and Manpreet Singh by Jagraon District Police, all this to show that terrorism is rife, so as it give Amarinder Singh and S.S. Virk the rational to use the police more violently, killing of Dalits as at Tanda of Leader. No constable or officer wears the prescribed uniform. Uniform, jackets, turbans, socks, shoes, fifties of every colour and hue is worn as these pictures will prove. No traffic constable or officer performs his duty due to which accidents and deaths on roads are daily occurrences. Policemen, officers and vehicles are performing illegal and irregular duties from the Governor at the top down to local, petty politician at the village level. See Hindustan Times report dated 17.12.2005, attached. S.S. Virk has been charge-sheeted by the Government of India for lack of integrity. The Panjab Government has written to the Government of India that S.S. Virk is so ill that he can’t lift himself out of bed. The Shiromani Akali Dal (Amritsar) feels that a moment has come in history to implement the 1903 Police Commission report to appoint the senior most District Magistrate to head the police department as chaotic affairs have come to prevail in its midst and there is no fit officer in its ranks to head it.

The Shiromani Akali Dal has always been the protector of the peoples rights, safety of the honour of women and protection of life, liberty and property of the citizenry. The Shiromani Akali Dal (Amritsar) is amazed that Parkash Singh Badal and Kawaljit Singh have decried the Panjab Police’s orders to reduce securitymen amongst all politicians. We feel that Shiromani Akali Dal (Badal) has lost touch with the people and lives in ivory towers. It was a mute observer in the Panjab Assembly to the vicious attack by Amarinder Singh and the Congress. It’s members in parliament, both Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha are either absent or boycott its proceedings or walk out or abstain from voting on matters of public import like recently when they absented themselves on the vote to expel corrupt MP’s charged with accepting bribes for asking questions in parliament. They however, support BJP and vote in parliament for legislating draconian and communal laws like POTA. They now lack the moral right to lead the historic Shiromani Akali Dal.

The Shiromani Akali Dal (Amritsar) is concerned about the use of military force by Pakistan on its civilian population in Balochistan. We ask President Prevez Musharraf to withdraw the armed forces from that unfortunate state as we seek a similar withdrawal of the Indian army from Kashmir and the North East. The place of the armed forces in India and Pakistan is in their respective barracks or borders and not to murder, rape and destroy the civilian population. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and President Musharraf must do this immediately and destroy their respective WMD’s as both countries have no proper democratic, judicial or parliamentary structure neither transparency nor accountability to maintain nuclear arms.

Simranjit Singh Mann,

President, Shiromani Akali Dal (Amritsar)

amndIp isMG KLflsf

dsLmysL ipqf nMU pukfr

dyKo awj dsLmysL ipqf, qyry isMG ikDr nMU jf rhy ny

awj axK afpxI nMU Buwlky, qy, gwl nfl gulfmI lf rhy ny

pfKMz qy vihmF Brmf qoN, qMU KLflsf pMQ htfieaf sI

iek swcy purK akfl dy hI, qMU nfm df rfh idKlfieaf sI

pr awj qyrf Auh isMG dfqf, BrmF dy gMd ivc Pisaf ey

grU gRMQ dy Bwul AupdysL igaf, ibprF dI rIq ’c’ risaf ey

iml bYT ky soc ivcfrn dI, qMU pMQ nMU gwl smJfeI sI

srbq KLflsy iml bYTx, qMU dfqf rIq clfeI sI

iml bYTx dI gwl Bwlky qy, awj, iek dUjy dI pwg lf rhy ny

ijqny iswK Auqny DVy bxy, sB pMQ nMU KorMU lf rhy ny

gurU gRMQ nMU kih ky gurU, dfqf qMU srbAuc gurU drsLfieaf ey

qyrI bfxI ivwc rwl-gwZ krky, iek hor sLrIk bxfieaf ey

mnGVq khfxIaF GVIaF jo, swB qyry nfm hI lf rhy ny

gurU gRMQ dy quwl hI, kih AusnMMU, iek QF pRkfsL krf rhy ny

krdy gurU Gr bdnfm msMd, qMU ijhVy sfV mukfey ny

Auh nvyN rUp dy ivWc, dfqf, muV jnm Dfr ky afey ny

dfdI qy poiqaF sMg gMgU, sI idqf jLulm kmf dfqf

Aus gMgU dy hI vfrsF nMU, awj mn rhy ny rihnumf dfqf

qKLq idwlI dIaF kMDF nMU, qyry KLflsy KUb ihlfieaf sI

lfl iklHy qy KLflseI, JMzf isMGF Julfieaf sI

qyiraF ienHF isMGF ny, KLud apxf awj mfx Gtfieaf ey

Aus qKLq idwlI sfhvyN hI, ienHF apxf sIs Jukfieaf ey

jfqF nMU qyiraF isMGF awj, nFa apxy nfl sjfieaf ey

jfqF dy nFa qy, ienHF swB ny awj, apxf gurduafr bxfieaf ey

hy dfqf apxI imhr kro, isMGF nMU akl df dfn idAu

ivrsy nMU Buwlx nf ‘amn’, apxy isMGF nMU aijhI pihcfx idAu.

amndIp isMG KLflsf

nvIN idwlI

svrn isMG pnysr

Dear all,

Vaheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Vaheguru Ji Ki Fateh.

Aap Sabhna Noo Maha[n]vali Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji Dae Prakash Utsav dee bauhat, bauhat Vadhaee.

God grant us the serenity to accept the things we cannot change,

courage to change the things we can, and wisdom to know the difference,

and with Your Graceful Blessings we may emerge as selfless role model Gursikhs.

Swaran Singh Panesar

Leeds, West Yorkshire,


primMdr isMG prvfnf aqy avqfr isMG imsLnrI

kYlyPornIaF dy buwDIjIvI vrg vloN XUnfieitz iswK alfieMs dI gurduafrf PrImFt dIaF 8 jnvrI 2006 nUM ho rhIaF coxF ivwc ztvIN hmfieq

asIN iswK alfieMs dI ies krky hmfieq kr rhy hF ik ienHF ny srbAuwcmqf gurU gRMQ sfihb jI nUM idwqI hY aqy sB dy brfbr dy hwkF dI aqy iswK rihq mrXfdf lfgU krn, aOrqF aqy bjurgF nUM brfrbr df hwk dyx aqy nOjvfnF nUM nfl lY ky cwlx nUM afpxf muwdf bxfieaf hY. gurduafrf sfihb ivwc hr Auh aOrq mrd mfeI BfeI pRbMD ivwc af skdf hY jo gurU gRMQ sfihb nUM afpxf gurU mMndf hoieaf hor iksy dyhDfrI jF zyrfvfdI sfD sMq jF sMprdf nUM nhIN mMndf BfvyN Auh aMimRqDfrI hY, kysfDfrI hY jF syvk hY ikAuNik gur Purmfn hY-syvk iswK pUjx siB afvih sB gfvih hir hir AUqm bfxI]gfivaf suixaf iqin kf hir QFie pfvY ijin siqgur kI afigaf siq siq kir mfnI](gurU gMRQ) asIN hF-gurmiq imsLnrI srkl sYkrmYNto qoN sR[ srbjIq isMG sMDU, sR[ igafn isMG imsLnrI, sR[ hfkm isMG aqy pRo[ mwKx isMG. gurU goibMd isMG stwzI srkl sYnhojy kYlyPornIaF qoN zf[ gurmIq isMG brsfl, zf[ hrmn isMG, sR[ iewkbfl isMG aqy sR[ dljIq isMG. imsLnrI srkl sYlmF aqy ibkrs PIlz qoN Bf[ aMimRqpfl isMG, sR[ blkfr isMG aqy sR[ srdUl isMG isDfnF, rIno qoN Bf[ bKsLIsL isMG, sihq sBf by eyrIaf qoN sR[ primMdr isMG prvfnF aqy sfQI, bfbf dIp isMG tksfl phUivMz qoN Bf[ suKdyv isMG kYlyPornIaF aqy Bf[ rGbIr isMG DflIvfl, kfr syvf vfly Bf[ ajmyr isMG, bfbf prsn isMG aqy bfbf nMd isMG. sfbkf hYwz gRMQI kYptn svrn isMG, isMG sBf XUbf istI qoN sR[ kuldIp isMG aqy krsn qoN sR[ rfijMdr isMG. gurU gRMQ pRcfr kYlyPornIaF qoN bIbI hr ismrq kOr (amrIkn iswK) imsLnrI kflj vloN ipRsIpl jsbIr isMG, vfeIs ipRM[ hrBjn isMG aqy poR[ sR[ipafrf isMG afidk sfry sMgqF nUM apIl krdy hF ik zyrfvfdIaF aqy sMpRdfeIaF qoN gurduafrf PrImFt df pRbMD Czf ky sFJy gTjoV iswK alfieMs nUM afpxf kImqI vot pf ky syvf df mOkf idE !

blbIr isMG sUc aYzvokyt

An Open Letter to Hon’ble President A P J Abdul Kalam, Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh And Smt Sonia Gandhi, Chairperson of United Progressive Alliance -Present Ruling Group i.e. Government of India



Most respectfully, you are known powerful individuals in power for liberal and progressive thinking not like your predecessors and other leadership presently available in India leaving some exceptions as Mr. Som Nath Chatterjee, Speaker of Lok Sabha, Sardar Simranjit Singh Mann etc. if Sikh Vichar Manch is not wrong to say so.

You all are well aware of that minorities faced injustice though the Manch shall specifically pointed injustice meted out to the Sikhs in the past and continuing so till date without any check, justice and the criminals in uniform or in the shape of agents and double agents are being patronized by Indian government agencies.

You know, if at all any inquiry is ordered and investigation is made by the Hon’ble Courts, National Human Rights Commission etc or at their instance (though those are not so Hon’ble due to the bindings on their independent functioning and decision making checks of legislature, executive and other corrupt considerations and offerings) that is finally thrown in dust-bin without any action and justice or a mere eye wash action taken as was the practice in this independent India. For example: the Manch requests to pay attention to the writings displayed on website


Can your honour as a team change this practice? But no change is evident in this practice till date.

No-doubt by ruthless killings of Sikhs in Punjab and else where in India, your predecessors in power were successful in projecting dummy leadership for Sikhs in order to ignore their just demands directly related to their ‘Sovereign Identity and Rights’ but Sikhs may never forget their past and injustice done to them. Please do something in this direction in order to bring peace in this Sub-continent and for justice to Sikhs.

Here is a ‘test case i.e. murder of Bhai Gurdev Singh Kaunke’ for showing your true/genuine intentions in the direction to give justice. No further inquiry is required in this case as truth has already been surfaced regarding the ‘murder Bhai Gurdev Singh Kaunke’. In support of this, the Manch quotes the reports of Addl. Director General of Police Mr. BP Tiwari and of NGO whereby true facts, rather confessions proving the murder of Bhai Gurdev Singh Kaunke are with government of State of Punjab.

What else is required, in view of the acquired irrefutable evidence as three committee members were able to secretly tape record their conversation with a senior superintendent of police, which disclosed how Bhai Gurdev Singh Kaunke was actually killed under torture.

In case of any doubt the activists who recorded the statements and written the facts in the book, "REDUCED TO ASHES- The Insurgency and Human Rights in Punjab" can be summoned for verifying the facts with tapes mentioned therein for providing justice in this case.

The report is available online at:


The Manch likes to quote the related portion from the book at page 107-108 as under:

"Impunity by all means: Rights and the dead-ends of law at page 107

Gurdev Singh Kaunke

An example of the mindless monstrosity, which K. P. S. Gill’s hard-line eventually became, follows:

In May 1998, the Committee for Coordination on Disappearances in Punjab (CCDP) investigated the enforced disappearance of Gurdev Singh Kaunke, former acting head priest of the Akal Takht, following his 25 December 1992 arrest from his home in Kaunke village under Jagraon subdivision of Ludhiana district. The police authorities later claimed that Gurdev Singh Kaunke escaped from their custody on 2 January 1993. The claim was widely condemned as false. Prakash Singh Badal, then leader of the Akali Dal who became the chief minister of Punjab in early 1997, publicly accused the Congress government of the state of masterminding Kaunke’s abduction and disappearance, and demanded a high powered judicial inquiry. Badal was arrested while attempting to visit the bereaved family of Gurdev Singh Kaunke at their village on 5 January 1992.

The CCDP was able to acquire conclusive evidence to show that Gurdev Singh was inhumanly tortured first at the Sadar police station of Jagraon and then at the Criminal Investigation Agency (CIA) interrogation center from 25 December 1992 to 1 January 1993. The Committee also acquired irrefutable evidence to establish that the former head priest was killed under torture.

On 5 June 1998, a delegation of the committee members met chief minister Prakash Singh Badal to acquaint him with its findings and to demand the registration of a case, an independent official investigation and prosecution of the culprits. The delegation included former Supreme Court judge Kuldip Singh. The chief minister directed an official inquiry to be conducted by B. P. Tiwari, additional director general of police, Punjab.



Police Quotas for Murders: Interview with an SSP

In the course of investigating the case of Gurdev Singh Kaunke, three committee members were able to secretly tape record their conversation with a senior superintendent of police, which disclosed how Gurdev Singh was actually killed under torture. The interview also revealed the banal world of torture and murder that, in the name of counter-insurgency, had become a routine for a set of police officers to obtain good, powerful positions. We are not releasing the full transcript of the discussion out of respect for an honest officer who risked his career in telling us the truth.

The SSP told us the following about what used to happen in the days before the SSP’s periodic meetings with DGP K.P.S. Gill: "You can check that up! Before such a meeting with Gill, 300 to 400 Sikhs used to die in Punjab. Every SSP had to report: I have killed 14. The other who said I have killed 28 was appreciated more.  The third SSP who had to outsmart the first two had to report 31. The night before the meeting with Gill, the Sikhs used to die so that the SSPs could vie with each other in showing their anti-terrorist achievements."

The B. P. Tiwari Inquiry Committee submitted its report to the government in the first week of May 1999. But the government chose to withhold the report from the public and took no action on its recommendations. In April 2002, Simranjit Singh Mann moved the High Court of Punjab and Haryana for directions to the state of Punjab to make the report public. The high court issued notice, and the state government demanded two months’ time to examine the report. In the end, the state government declined to produce the report and the high court ordered another investigation, which is still pending. These pending inquiries belong to the Kafkaesque bureaucracy of denial, diversion and cover-up, and seem to be stock-in-trade of the politics of impunity in India.

Upendra Baxi’s following words sum up the reality: "Management of organized political iolence requires multifarious use of the ‘law as a sustained device of cover-up strategies and operations. What actually happened ought never to be allowed to achieve juridical verification? Judicial commissions of enquiry must be so constituted as to serve as weapons of political warfare; if at all these establish prima facie facts of political violence, they must do so in ways that make rights, redress and rehabilitation almost impossible…

Investigative agencies should not have autonomous status that allows them to establish the truth of what happened. If appellate courts, especially the Supreme Court, were to investigate matters in ways profoundly subversive of the operative violent multi-party consensus, all efforts must be made to render futile these occasional adjudicative leadership feats. Politically patronized leaders of the Bar, including Advocate Generals, the Solicitor General, and even the Attorney General of India, should be effectively mobilized to subserve truth-monopolization.

In view of the acquired irrefutable evidence as three committee members were able to secretly tape record their conversation with a senior superintendent of police, which disclosed how Bhai Gurdev Singh Kaunke’ was actually killed under torture and report submitted by Addl. Director General of Police Mr. B P TIWARI, your honorable are requested to order a registration of a criminal case against the police personnel involved so that they must face justice.

With anticipation

Sikh Vichar Manch

Through its

Chief & spokesperson,

Balbir Singh Sooch, Advocate, Ludhiana.

January 1, 2006


srvjIq isMG

jQydfr mwkV dy nfm pwqr

siqkfr Xog jQydfr avqfr isMG mwkV jI,

pRDfn sLoRmxI gurduafrf pRbMDk kmytI,

aMimRqsr sfihb.

vfihgurU jI kf Éflsf vfihgurU jI kI PLiqh.

afp jI vlo sLoRmxI kmytI dy pRDn dI ijMmyvfrI nMU sMBflx qo ipCo iek afs dI ikrn idKfeI idwqI hY, ik ikvy KwKVIaF hoeI iswK kOm nMU iekwTI krn aqy sRI akfl qKLq sfihb jI dI mfx-mrXfdf nMU bhfl krn leI afp jI vlo buhq hI gMBIr jqn arMB kIqy gey hn. sRI akfl qKLq sfihb dI mfx-mrXfdf nMU Zfh lfAux vfilaF qoN sucyq krn dy ibafn qF afp jI qoN pihly pRDfnF dy vI aKLbfrF ivc aksr Cwpdy hI rihMdy sn pr hoeI kfrvfeI bfry kdy nhI piVHaf. afs krdy hF ik afp jI vlo arMBy gey ies mhfn kfrj dy bVy hI suKfvyN aqy spwsLt iswty sfhmxy afAuxyy cfhIdy hn.

s: avqfr isMG mwkV jI, inmrqf sihq bynqI hY ik jy afp jI ny ies srbAuWc pfvn asQfn dI srbAuWcqf nUM bhfl krn df insLcf kr hI ilaf hY qF ies muihMm nMU afpxy Gr qo hI ÈurU kro jI. ies asQfn df muK syvfdfr BfeI joigdMr isMG vydFqI hI ies dI afn-sLfn aqy afpxy ahwudy dy muqfbk jy kfrvfeI nf kry qf hor iksy qo kI afs rwKI jf skdI hY. hr hPqy aKLbfrF dIaF surKIaF ivc ieh BfeI iksy nf iksy `nvyN ivvfd ivc AuliJaf hoieaf huMdf hY . Auh ivvfd idwlI gurdvfrf pRbMDk kmytI dI cox hovy jF ivdysLF nMU gurU gRMQ sfihb jI dIaF bIVF Byjx df hovy, ieh ivsLf rfgmflf df hovy jf iksy gRMQI dIaF gYr ieKLlfkI hrkqF df. ijQy idwlI vfly bfby cMzok nMU bf-iewjLq brI krn dI crcf aKLbfrF ivc huMdI rhI hY AuQy ‘boly so inhfl’ iPLlm ivc inBfey rol dI vI. ijQy ieh BfeI bVUMdI vfly bfibaF nfl XfrI inBfAudf hY AuQy ies dy ivdysLI doiraF dI pYV isLkfgo vfly rMgly bfby dy zyry nMU vI jFdI hY. hor vI keI ivvfd pUrn krfvfeIaF dI ÈUcI ivcoN swB qo vwD gLBIr isLkfieqF df vyrvf hfjLr hY.

iksy gumnfm ilKfrI vloN 1718 ‘coN ilKI gurmiq ivroDI ikqfb ‘gur iblfs pfqsLfhI 6’ dI punr sMpdnf krn df kukfrj BfeI vydFqI jI ny hI kIqf sI ijs ivc mfqf gMgf jI nMU bfbf buwZf jI dI bIV ivcoN hI grBvqI ho ik afAuxf iliKaf hoieaf hY. gurU sfihb jI vlo bIbI kOlF nMU agLvf krn dI sfKI drj hY. gurU jI vlo corIaF krvfAux aqy corI dy mfl nMU sfBx dIaF sfKIaF drj hn. mfqf nfnkI jI BfeI ibDI cMd jI nMU bygmF dy dusLfly aqy ighxy corI krky lY afAux dI pRyrnf vI krdy hn. gurU qyg bhfdr jI aqy mhfn shId BfeI mqI dfs jI BfeI sqI dfs jI dI sLhIdI nMU vI bVy koJy ZMg nfl ivgfV ky pysL kIqf igaf hY. gurU nfnk sfihb jI nMU icwty dfVHy aqy sylI topI smyq mfqf dmodrI jI kuKoN pYdf huMdf iliKaf igaf hY aqy mfqf jI dI bynqI krn qy gurU nfnk jI ny nvjMmy bfl df rUp Dfrn kr ilaf qy Aus df nfm bfbf guridwqf rwiKaf igaf. bIbI bIro vI cMzkf dyvI hI pRgt hoeI sI. ajyhI gurmiq ivroDI ikqfb dI kQf (jo isMG sBf lihr ny bMd krvf idwqI sI) gurdvfiraF ivc krvfAux df Xqn krn vflf ivakqI kI ies srbAuWc asQfn dy muK syvfdfr dI ijMmyvfrI inBfAux dy Xog hY jI? ies gurmiq ivroDI ikqfb dI aslIaq qoN pMQ nMU jfxU krvfAux vfilaF iKlfP vI vydFqI jI ny hukmnfvy jfrI kr idwqy ijhnF nMU awj afp jI vI ‘alfhI Purmfn" dwsdy ho. ies ikqfb nMU qF sLRomxI kmytI ny vfps lY ilaf sI pr sbMDq ivakqIaF dy iKlfP krfvfeI ajy bfkI hY

SGPC stops sale of book edited by Vedanti
Tribune News Service AMRITSAR, Jan 6 — The Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee has stopped the sale of controversial book "Gur Bilas Patshahi 6", edited by Giani Joginder Singh Vedanti, Jathedar Akal Takht, and an eminent Sikh scholar, Dr Amarjit Singh… The book carries information on the life of the sixth Guru, however, many Sikh scholars raised eyebrows over certain ‘distorted’ facts regarding the life of Guru Hargobind… It is for the first time that the SGPC has stopped the sale of a book edited by any Jathedar. …Giani Joginder Singh Vedanti has also confirmed that the sale of the book had been stopped for the time being after it was discussed by other Sikh high priests. He, however, said that the objections raised by some Sikh intellectuals were unsavory as he himself had pointed out that there were certain distorted historical facts which needed to be researched as per the Sikh maryada… However, Jathedar Vedanti said that he had already pointed out that many contents of the book were not as per the Sikh maryada.

13 meI 2001 nMU iek pIVq pRvfr ny afpxI dUK BrI dfsqfn BfeI vydfqI jI dy drbfr ivc hfjLr ho ky ibafn kIqI sI. pr vydfNqI jI ny Aus ivBcfrI aqy jugfVI bfby qoN 70,000 r: lY ky (swco-swc sfkf 22 PrvrI 2003 pMnf 12) asl khfxI nMU axgoilaF krky bfby nMU sLrfb pIx dy aqy hor mnmwqIaF krn leI ijQy mmUlI ijhI qnKfh lfeI sI AuQy bfby dI sLkfieq krn vfilaF nMU sjf dyx df nvF ieqhfs vI isrj idwqf sI. swc dy drbfr ivcoo inrfsL ho ky jdo sbMiDq pRvfr dunIafvI adflq ivc iPrafdI hoieaf qf mfnXog jwj ny Aus bfby dI iksmq ivc 10 sfl vfsqy jyl dy pRsLfdy ilK idwqy. pr BfeI vydFqI jI pqf nhI iks aDfr qy ieh ibafn dfgI jf rhy hn, "ik koeI vI duinafvI adflq pMj isMG sfihbfn vwloN jfrI hukmnfmy ‘qy PYslf nhIN dy skdI".

jQydfr avqfr isMG mwkV jI, inmrqf sihq bynqI krdy hF ik AupRokq gurmiq ivroDI kfiraF nMU muwK rwKdy hoey sB qNo pihlf afpxI pIVI Qwly sotf Pyrn dI KLycl krnI jI. ieh vI pVqfl kro ik gurinMdf nfl pRBUr ikqfb nMU Cfpx leI pMQk srmfey dI (lwg-Bwg cfr lwK ru:) durvrqo krn dI iejLfjLq iksny aqy ikAu idwqI sI. afs krdy hF ik afp jI sbMDq ivkqIaF ivruD CyqI qoN CyqI Xog kfrvfeI krdy hoey afpxI ‘kihxI qy krnI’ dy iewk hox df sbUq idAugy .

hoeIaF BulF leI iKmf krnf jI

‘vfihgurU jI kf KLflsf vfihgurU jI kI PLiqh.

afdr sihq

srvjIq isMG

zf amrjIq tFzf(isznI)

aMqr anuBvqf aqy Drm

zf amrjIq tFzf (isznI)

Drm kdy vMzdf nhIN sdf joVdf hY- ieh qF iek mn dI phuMc, hflq jF avsQf df dUsrf jnm jF nF huMdf hY. Drm dI jgfH sdf hI mwQy dIaF lkIrF ‘c ilKI qy mn msqk qy AuwkrI huMdI hY. lokF ny Drm nMU afpxy Gr ivhVy df isMgfr vI nhIN rihx idqf –glIaF bjfrF c QF 2 qy rol idqf-mn-msqk KflI hoey pey ny-ijs ny iensfn nMU hr BYa qoN dUr rwKxf sI, sgoN mnuwK nMU Drm df nF lY ky hr curfhy zr c KVy kIqy gey hn.

lLoko nYiqkqf afpxy ijLhn c hI pYdf hoeI KusbU huMdI hY. jo sfry hI cuigrdy nMU mihkf skdI hY. pOxF nMU sugMDIaF vMz skdI hY. qusIN BfvyN iksy mjLhb dI bfq pfE jF iksy hkUmq dI gwl kro-iksy vI avsQf c vihMidaF keI lok hrPF nMU ipafr nfl sjfAuNdy hn qy dUsry AuhnF hI hrPF dIaF dukfnF pf ky ibjLns krdy hn. koeI moh nhI hY sLbdF nfl-swB bykfr hY AuhnF leI- sLbdF dI pRIBfsLf hI Kqm hY AuhnF leI- rMg ibrMgy blbF nfl-asIN ajy guMbdF ƒ hI sohxy ZMg nfl sjfAuxf isiKaf hY-ihwk nhI sjfeI- mn nhIN pUMJy-

Drm Brm bx igaf hY- sUrj ny qF EhI loa krnI hY, ijs vyly vI AUdY hovy-Ehdf mksd qF hnyrf pMUJxf huMdf hY dosqo. ajy asIN nfnk dI jnm qfrIK, qy ipMz df nF hI cyqy kIqf hY- nfnk df jnm kwqk dI pUrnmfsLI ƒ hoieaf sI jf ivsfK dy mhIny-sB aihmIaq rihq hY-

ajy sfzI cyqnf jfgI hI nhI-mn msqk c ikqy dsqk hI nhI hoeI- cyqnf bMdy leI mihbUbf vFg huMdI hY-ijs nMU Auh vwD ipafr krdf hY. lgdf hY sfry jwg c ajy lokF df mn msqk suwqf ipaf hY qFhI QF 2 awgF iKwlr rhIaF hn-jMgF pRDfn hn. inwkI 2 cODr leI mn qn vyc idqf hY asIN. Drm ivkfAU hY – mjLhb ny hr curfhy hwtIaF pf leIaF hn-ivAupfr jfrI hY –Drq df, ijsmF df,-Gr 2 ibhbl hoieaf iPrdf hY, asLfqI hI ivcr rhI hY hr ivhVy, hr dr ‘qy-

Drm dI vI koeI cyqnf, afqmf huMdI hY-Auh awj ikqy vI nhIN ids rhI-asIN AuhnMU GroN hI durkfr ky bfhr kwZ idqf hY-lokF Auhdy keI mjLhb bxf ley hn-hr pfsy afpxy 2 mjLhb df sLor pY irhf hY-ieh sfrf kuJ jLor qy Dn dy isr qy Ausiraf hY, keI QFeI golI, lfTI qy KMjLr vI ihwkF c zoby gey-bolHI qy aMnIH pgzMzI qy lokF nMU qoiraf jf irhf hY-

Drm ijs ny rfh ivKfAuxf sI, mjLhbF c pwqf 2 ho igaf-ijs ny loa vMzxI sI, ‘nyry dy jfl c aYsf Pisaf ik qfxI hor AulJ geI-qFhI inwq jMgF ho rhIaF hn, iejLq mfx Kur rhy hn, eImfn qoN AUxy lok BYa gRsq hoey iPrdy hn-Drm dy TykydfrF ny mjLhbF df jfl ivCf ky lokF dy bol Kohy, mnF nMU rfhF c roilaf, idRsLtI ‘qy prdy pfey-plkF dyKxo asmrwQ ho geIaF-pwb pYVF Buwl gey, mMijLlF ivsr geIaF, qy mn msqk pfglF vFg ivcrn lwgy-

loko ajy vI mOkf hY, hujry dI imwtI Bflx df, Drm igafn nMU mwQy c Auqfrn df-ijs nMU isrPL aMqr anuBvqf ny hI pCfnxf huMdf hY-

gurÈrn isMG ksyl

siqkfr Xog sMpfdk sR[ mwKx isMG jIE aqy pfTko,

vfihgurU jI kf Éflsf] vfihgurU jI kI Pqih

sMn 2006 eI[ dy nvy sfl dI sfry jgq ƒ lwK-lwK vDfeI hovy. akfl purK ikRpf kry! ijQy ieh sfl KuÈIaF KyiVaF ƒ mfxidaF bqIq hovy; AuQy lokfeI ƒ aKOqI Dfrimk TwgF vwloN iehnF dI kmfeI Twgx dy nfl nfl vihmF-BrmF, aMDivÈvfsF ivwc Psf ik idwqIaF jf rhIaF mfnisk pIVF qoN bcx leI aijhy byhrUpI cyhiraF ƒ pihcfnx dI vI smwq bÉÈy .

not: torFto ielfky dy iksy pfTk ny ÌrI pVHn leI "gurmq inrxX koÈ" lyKk: "zf[ gurÈrn jIq isMG" aqy " sMqF dy kOqk" Bfg-pihlf, dUsrf, lyKk: "BfeI suKivMdr isMG sBrf" cfhIdI hovy qF dfs ƒ 416-301-4139 qy Pon kr skdf hY.

afp df ÈuBicMqk,

gurÈrn isMG ksyl


pRo: pRIqm isMG gryvfl

mubfrk smf qy sQfn

With best wishes to the readers during these days of festivity and celebrations, let us ponder over the Gurus’ advice about the real value of Time and Place-

DMnu su vylf ijqu mYN siqguru imilaf. (gurU gRMQ sfihb, sPf 99)

Auspicious is the time when I meet the True Guru (through Gurbanee)

vylf vKq siB suhfieaf]

ijqu scf myry min Bfieaf] (gurUu gRMQ sfihb, sPf 115)

All that time is pleasant when my mind adores the True One

vylf scu prvfx sbdu pCfxsI] (gurU gRMQ sfihb, sPf 422)

That time (life) is truly welcome when one realizes Guru’s Word

jh iciq afvih so Qfn suhfvf]

ijqu vylf ivsrih qf lfgY hfvf] (gurU gRMQ sfihb, sPf 563)

Congenial is the place where Waheguru is remembered.

Rueful is the time when Waheguru is forgotten

-Prof.Pritam Singh Grewal

(not:- 'isWK mfrg' nUM pVHn vfly keI pfTkF dy sunyhy sfnUM ikRsims aqy nvyN sfl dy sMbMD ivc imly hn. sB df DMnvfd. ijs qrHF isWK gurUaF nfl keI glq sfKIaF joVIaF hoeIaF hn, ies qrHF bfkI DrmF dy nfl vI juVIaF hoeIaF hn. kuafrI mYrI bfry iek mulfkfq 22 dsMbr 2005 nUM sI[bI[sI[ qy svyry 8:37 qy brfzkfst kIqI geI. ies nUM suxn leI rIal aOzIE plyar dI loV hY. idlcspI vfly pfTk ieWQy kilk kr ky ies nUM sux skdy hn-sMpfdk)

gurpRIq isMG smrf

Vedanti ji Bas karo

Jathedar Vedanti ji,

please perform some panthic duties, which is your responsibility and stop insulting the institution of akal takht, otherwise quit from your post and stop ! making Sikhs a laughing stock in front of the whole world.

A few days back you ex-communicated Joginder Singh of Spokesman and he went to court and you said that no Jathedar of Akal Takht has ever appeared in court.

But Dr. Harjinder Singh Dilgeer has issued a press release along with facts that can not be refuted that in the past Jathedars have appeared in Court.Bhai Ranjit Singh was made Jathedar when he was in Jail and appeared in Court many times, In 1924 Jathedar Achhar Singh and Jathedar Udhham Singh went to jail and fought their cases in the court.Most recent Jathedar Iqbal Singh o! f Patna Sahib has made numerous rounds of Police Stations and Court.

So if a pujari is doing something wrong he should appear in Court.

Then you issued a statement that people who are having relations with Joginder Singh they will be summoned to Akal Takht!!!!!!!Please don’t convert this Akal Takht to police station or Court and stop ex-communicating people from Sikh Panth for personal enmity and at the behest of Badal Inc. and RSS agents.If you keep on ex-communicating people at this speed then soon the figures can reach thousands.Beware Pujari Vedanti ji, what if Sikh Panth ex-communicates you for anti panthic , pro hindu activities and neg! ligence in your duties towards Sikh panth and Sikh cause.

Prominent Sikh scholars like Dr. Harjinder Singh Dilgeer has also issued a press release that this post of peon of Badal should be abolished and this trend of issuing fatwas like Ayatollah Khomieni has to be stopped.

Now you have again insulted Akal Takht in the case of Elections of Delhi Sikh Gurdwara Management Committee by acting as a puppet of Badal(mishra) and has said that Paramjit Singh Sarna will also be summoned to Akal Takht.Have some shame, and stop doing this stupid activities.

Prof. Darshan Singh Khalsa has written you a 2 page letter regarding this DSGMC election row and has doubted your intentions.He has also stated that the same people tried to use him for the same reasons and so he resigned.Its in THE TRIBUNE, Dec. 23, 2005.

If you have any guts then please respond to the letter that why you acted at the behest of antI sikh Badal and justify your stand and fatwa.

The people that you have ex-communicated have been done only because they spoke against you, your anti sikh activities, your anti Gurmat publications and your Masters.

Though you have no power of ex-communicating anyone but still if you want then ex-communicate following people :

1)Your friend Baba Daljit Singh Chicago wala, who has been exposed, and you have received complaints about him.Why are you taking so long in this case? So that people forget about it or you have some gain in not doing so?.If I am not wrong the very next day when he was caught in a Motel, your personal Assistant immediately issued a statement that it is all lie and Babaji was busy in a samagam at that time.(of course he was busy in samagam at that time).This same Babaji’s case for Divorce has been rejected by a Ropar court and his wife also came to you crying for help.Do you think he is not doing anything wrong?

2)Bibi Jagir Kaur who killed her daughter and also has a case of taking money in the college scandal.She even challenged Sikh Gurdwara Judicial Commission.Are you blind or is she your relative.(Chor uchhaka chaudhry, te gundi run pardhan)

3)Prakash Kumar(singh) Mishra(Badal) doing hawans and ramayan ke path.Doing nothing for Sikh Panth and referring to Sikh martyrs in Assembly as terrorists.

Shame on you!!!

4)A recent case of Sant Dhadrianwala and Sant Mann Singh pehowa.

5)Immediately ex-communicate those people who say that Sikh Women can’t do Sewa in Darbar Sahib as it is against Sikh Rehat Maryada and anti Gurmat.Can you do that?

6)What about people saying Sikhs are Hindus and are offsprings of luv kush!!!!!!!!!!

Stop abusing Akal Takht Sahib and stop these anti Sikh activities.If your inner conscious is still not dead, then Do something for the Panth and stop being a puppet of Badal.

Issue a Hukamnama to Badal that he should stop his anti Sikh activities.

Issue a Hukamnama that Sikh Women has all the rights of doing! sewa in Darbar Sahib.

Issue a hukamnama that anti Sikh practices like washing the premises of Darbar Sahib with Milk or Lassi should be immediately stopped.

Issue a Hukamnama that there should be no dera, baba,sant or sant samaj.

Start working for Sikh Panth, Do something for Sikh political prisoners languishing in Jails for past 21 years without any reason, Do something so that the culprits of Nov. 1984 are hanged to death, Take immediate steps for proper Dharam Parchar.

It’s been more then 2 months that the killers of Jaswant Singh Khalra has been punished by Court, I was wondering not even a single word by you and Badal.

Why not ex-communicate KPS Gill????


Jai shri RAM.

gurmIq isMG afstRylIaf

Ç ÃÄ siqgur pRsfid ] Ç


While commemorating the Martyrdom Day of four Sahibzadas during December 2005 CE, let us first recall the Supreme Sacrifice made by Sahibzada Ajit Singh jee and Sahibzada Jujhar Singh jee. Have a long breath and think as to whether we, and our children have been following their footsteps! If not, let us again take pledge that we too would never abandon the Gurus’ teachings but live like them by keeping up our Sikh Identity, Glory and high character. O’ Sikh Youth! Take care of your Sikh Heritage, and continue to recite and follow "Gurbaani", and remember of tying "Turban" from the 7th year class, if not earlier.

Right from the childhood, Sahibzada Ajit Singh jee (1687-1704 CE) and Sahibzada Jujhar Singh jee (1689-1704 CE), both the elder sons of Tenth Master, Guru Gobind Singh Sahib, had undertaken training in physical fitness, horse-riding and make use of weaponry for self–defence and to protect the weak apart from getting formal and religious education at Anandpur Sahib under the guidance of Guru Sahib and other brave Sikhs.

For the last 200 years, new faith of Sikhism was flourishing peacefully but the Mughal rulers and their slave Hindu vassals did not cherish the growth of the new Sikh religion. Although from the days of Guru Nanak Sahib, they were dead against Sikhs, after the Ceremony of Amrit Initiation conducted by Guru Gobind Singh Sahib on 30th March 1699, slave Hindu leaders were so frightened that they instigated the Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb to besiege the Anandpur Sahib Fort. Thus after several months fighting, Commanders of the Mughal army and their subordinate Hindus pleaded with Guru Sahib that they would

uplift the siege and not to attack again if Anandpur Sahib Fort was vacated.

However, as soon as Guru Gobind Singh left the Fort together with his Sikh devotees and hardly reached the bank of rivulet Sirsa, the Muslim & Hindu combined forces followed them and attacked from behind without honouring their earlier promises. During the skirmish, Guru’s family members and several other Gursikhs could not cross the Sirsa rivulet. But Guru Sahib accompanied by his two elder sons and about forty Sikhs arrived at Chamkaur Sahib where they managed to occupy a small fortress for taking rest.

During the night, pursuing enemy forces encircled the fortress and started attacking in the early morning. Guru Sahib and his brave disciples kept the enemy at bay with the help of deadly arrows inflicting heavy casualties. However, when the stock of arrows started dwindling and the enemy forces started coming close, Guru Sahib decided to send the Sikhs in batches to engage the enemy soldiers in hand to hand fight. Sahibzada Ajit Singh jee and Sahibzada Jujhar Singh jee also fought bravely like a lion and attained martyrdom without surrendering. Despite the small number, lack of fighting equipment and other logistics, valiant Sikhs faced the enemy with unparalleled courage and laid down their lives while defending the Sikh Faith and Right of freedom without any exploitation.

This was the height of Khalsa Spirit when Guru Sahib made no distinction between his sons and brave Sikhs as they fought for the right cause of self-defence. The Sikhs were as dear to him as his own sons. Martyrdom of Guru’s sons provided inspiration to the Sikhs for generations to come. Hence, the Sikh Nation since spread all over the world will continue to remember and honour the Martyrdom of Guru’s sons for all times to come.

Since all over the world, Martyrdom Day of Guru’s eldest Sahibzadas is celebrated in the last week of December every year, we all Sikhs (females and males including children, youth and old) should also acquire their Sikhi Spirit in its true perspective. During the passage of time if under the influence of others or due to our own weakness, if any person or family has deviated from the Sikh Way of Life, now is the time when we should bow before the Guru Granth Sahib and seek forgiveness. Akaal Purkh is ever kind to provide refuge to His devotees provided we too obey Hukam of Almighty God as conveyed to us through the Revealed Divine Word enshrined in the Guru Granth Sahib.

On the other hand, if we continue to disobey the Gurus’ teachings and live like apostates then, celebration of Gurpurbs and Martyrdom Days would never yield any fruitful results for the Sikh Nation. Hence, it is our responsibility to read, understand and follow the Guru Granth Sahib, and live like the true Sikhs as guided by virtue of the Sikh Reht Maryada published by the SGPC, a copy of which can be obtained without any cost from any Gurduara Sahib or contact the Sikh Khalsa Mission Inc. As a Sikh, if someone encounters any difficulty either to maintain his/her Sikh Identity together with five Kakkaars, namely –

(1) The Kesh – long uncut hair including untrimmed beard, moustaches and eyebrows, tying Turban by male Singhs and headscarf by female Kaurs;

(2) The Kangha – a small comb made of wood which needs to be tucked in the hair-tress;

(3) The Kaschehra – specially designed breeches worn under the outer garment;

(4) The Karaa – a steel loose ring (not bangle made of gold) worn on the right-hand;

(5) The Kirpaan – a small sheathed sword in a baldric

should not hesitate to contact the Sikh Council of Australia or Sikh Khalsa Mission or any nearby Gurduara Sahib (Sikhs’ Congregation Place) for voluntary assistance and to take up follow up action with the concerned Authorities.

(Sikhs should never dishonour the body-breath-mind-hair-identity)



With the establishment of a ‘casteless & classless society’ on 30th March 1699, by Guru Gobind Singh Sahib, Muslim rulers and their slave Hindu vassals were so alarmed that if Sikhism were allowed to grow so fast then they would not be able to control the oppressed masses for a very long time. Thus the slave Hindu kings of the hilly states around Anandpur Sahib joined hands with the Muslim Rulers with a view to destroy the growing influence of Guru Gobind Singh Sahib. Accordingly, in 1704 CE their combined forces encircled Anandpur Sahib and cut off essential supplies to the besieged Sikhs.

Thus, Sikhs besieged in the fort of Anandpur Sahib had to undergo extreme hardships due to non – availability of adequate rations, water and medicines. After several months struggle, Guru Sahib decided to evacuate Anandpur Sahib despite the severe cold winter of December 1704 CE. In spite of fierce fighting, Guru Sahib, his two elder sons and several brave Sikhs were able to safely cross the Sirsa rivulet. But other two younger sons of the Guru, Sahibzada Zoravar Singh jee and Sahibzada Fateh Singh jee, accompanied by their grandmother Mata Guzri Kaur jee, strayed away walking along the bank of Sirsa as they could not cross it because rivulet was in spate due to heavy rain. On the way, they met their old Hindu servant named Gangu Brahmin, who had earlier worked as kitchen helper at Anandpur Sahib. On his request, Mata jee accompanied by his two grandsons, agreed to go with Gangu to his village Kheri.

Since Mata jee was carrying some valuable items to meet the emergency expenses, while she was sleeping, Gangu quietly stole her purse/bag. When in the morning, Mata jee inquired about the missing valuables, the thief Gangu got annoyed. Instead of helping them, Gangu had his eyes on the prize that he would get from the Mughal rulers if he handed over them to the Muslim Police. Accompanied by the village Chief, he went to the Police Station at Morinda town and informed that Guru’s mother and his two sons were in his house. Due to Gangu’s ungratefulness, Police arrested them and handed over to Nawab Wazir Khan of Sirhand. Mata jee along with her two grandsons aged nine and seven were thus imprisoned in the cold tower. Early in the next morning, both the sons were summoned before the Sirhand Governor Wazir Khan. On entering the Mughal Court, both the Guru’s sons loudly said, "Waheguru jee ka Khalsa Waheguru jee kee Fateh" to the utter astonishment and amazement of Wazir Khan and his courtiers. One of the prominent courtiers, a Hindu Sucha Nand advised the Guru’s sons to bow before the ruler and salute like the Muslims and Hindu slaves do. But they ignored his advice as merely act of appeasement. They were told to embrace Islam and then enjoy all the comforts like Muslim princes and if they did not heed the advice, they would be killed mercilessly. In reply, brave kids said, "Sikh Faith is more dearer to them than their own lives. Nothing in this illusory world can induce them to abandon their Faith." Despite threatening, they remained steadfast.

However, they were given another opportunity to consult their grandmother. Mata jee was glad to see them back. She encouraged them to keep up high spirit of sacrifice and neither be allured by any inducement nor be afraid of threats of torture. When the Guru’s sons were again brought before the Nawab, they continued to stick to the Sikh Faith. At last, Nawab Wazir Khan in consultation with his Qazi Cleric ordered that both should be bricked alive for non-obedience of ruler’s order. Shaken by this inhuman punishment, Nawab Sher Muhammad Khan of Malerkotla protested and said, "Islam does not specify punishment to the small children when they have not committed any offence. They are innocent and should be freed". On the other hand, the Nawab’s toady courtier, a Hindu Khatri Suchanand remarked that the young ones of a snake were equally poisonous. Thus both the Guru’s sons were bricked alive on 27th December 1704 CE. On hearing this sad news, Mata jee about 80 years old also breathed her last.

[Unfortunately, despite UN Charter, such cruel killings are still going on all over the world; especially Hindu Governments in India have been playing havoc with the Sikhs since 1984. Sikhs have been living like slaves in Punjab State and other parts of India]

We, all the Sikhs are required to learn lesson from Mata jee and Guru’s sons that we should not be led by worldly attractions but stick to our Sikh Faith, and fight against the unjust and cruel rulers. It also provides shining example to all mothers and grandmothers how they should imbibe good qualities of religion and sacrifice, in the young minds of their children. Please make sure that no family member cuts his/her hair including beard and moustaches. Here being full freedom of religion in Australia, all Sikh families are requested not to imitate apostates, but keep up their unique Sikh Identity & Glory of the Guru Panth.

Our Sikh Religion is par excellence and contains all the Spiritual and Temporal ingredients as taught by our Guru Sahibaan from Guru Nanak Sahib to Guru Gobind Singh Sahib (1469-1708CE). But it appears that most of the Sikh families have deviated from the True Way of Sikh Life. For instance, let us take the example of "JEWS" whose world population is "14.551" millions whereas "Sikhs" are "24.295" millions:

After struggling for about 2000 years, Jews have their own (i) self-contained religion "Judaism"; (ii) an Independent country "Israel" and (iii) language "Hebrew". They motivate their children to excel in their respective fields in comparison to others. Hence from the very beginning, Jews follow three golden principles – (1) to read and understand their religious Books of Judaism; (2) to study Jews history and (3) to learn Hebrew language. Like them, let us unite and start practicing our Sikh religion with devotion and humility but without egotism and factionalism. Let us live in harmony and peace by maintaining our unique Sikh Identity as explained in the Sikh Reht Maryada published by SGPC for the sake of uniformity.

Waheguru jee ka Khalsa Waheguru jee kee Fateh

gursLrn isMG ksyl

siqkfr Xog sMpfdk jI aqy pfTko,

vfihgurU jI kf Kflsf] vfihgurU jI kI Pqih] jlMDr qoN Cpdy 14 dsMbr vfly ‘ajIq’ aÉbfr ivwc Ébr pVHI sI ik sMq igafnI hrnfm isMG Kflsf qy hor sfD sMq iekwTy ho ky ivÈv iswK sMmyln swd rhy hn . kI bfbf hrnfm isMG jI ijhVy pihlF hvn, cflIey lwuk iCp ky krdy sn hux AunFH ny ivÈv iswK sMmyln swdky Aus kolo Èryafm ieh krn dI afigaf lYxI hY ? jF aXoky sMq sfD aKOqI krfmfqI khfxIaF ijhVIaF gurmiq dy isDFq qoN kohF dUr huMdIaF hn, iswKF ƒ suxf ky ijQy AunFH dy pYsy qF Twgdy hI hn ies dy nfl AunFH ƒ krmkFzI qy gurmiq dy igafn nfl joVn dI bjfey sgoN aigafnI bxf rhy hn aqy iswKF ƒ ihMdU Drm df aMg iswD krn leI aKOqI dsm gRMQ (kuJ rcnfvF ƒ Cwzky) aqy afr[ aYs[ aYs[ vrgIaF iswK ivroDI jQybMdIaF rfhIN pwbF Bfr ho ky Ëor lgf rhy hn; kI ivÈv iswK sMmyln bulfky ieh mnjUrI lYxI hY ik koeI gurmiq dI soJI rwKx vflf sfzy vwloN gurmiq dy nFa hyT pRcfry JUT iKlfP nf boly ? jF iswK bIbIaF qoN Dfrimk brfbrI df hwk Kohx aqy pMQk rihq mrXfdf mMnx ‘qy rok lgvfAux qoN bfad hux iehnf qoN gurbfxI pVHn df hwk Kohx bfry afigaf lYxI hY ? jF sMq gurbcn isMG jI vwloN ilKI ‘gurbfxI pfT drpLn’ ivwc ilKIaF gwlF bfry mfnqf lYxI hY ? ies ikqfb ivwcoN kuJ ilKqF ieh hn : gurU nfnk sfihb kuÈ dy Kfndfn ivcoN; bfkI bydI siqgurU jF mhFpurK BI. (pMnf-1) bfbf suMdr isMG dy ipqf KLjLfn isMG puwqr dy jnm qoN pihlF hr rojL iek pYr qy Kvo ky suKmnI sfihb df pfT kiraf krdy sn. (pMnf-26)

dfeI vI iswKxI hoxI cfhIdI hY. (pMnf-29) Drmrfj XuiDsLtr df iemiqhfn lYx afieaf. (pMnf-40) hMkfr kfrn "suMn smfDI" swc KMz ivcoN kwZ idwqy jFdy hn-sc KMz ivc so dru df pfT huMdf hY (pMnf-61) qMbfkU dI pYdfiesL kfmDyn gAU dy pYrF ivcoN hoeI hY. (pMnf-71) klXug vwCI bxky gfry ivc KuB igaf, isLv pfrbqI ny kMn pUC PV iKicaf qF kMn pUC puwty gey. pUC dwbky DrqI ivc AuWpr kMn lf idwqy qy ikhf iehnF qoN qMbfkU bxygf. (pMnf-71) bIbIaF nUM aMimRq iqafr krn ivc sLfml nhIN krnf. (pMnf-94) aPlfqUn mUrqIaF ivc luwk igaf, mOq AusnUM lwB nf skI. (pMnf-135) iek afdmI hIrf isMG bfxI pVHdf miraf, akfsL ivcoN rwQ afey svfr ho ky gieaf. (p-136) rox kfrn inkly hMJU mrn vfly nUM zob idMdy hn, pfr nhIN lwgx idMdy. (pMnf-143) lLoB krky bhuq kVfh pRsLfd Ck ilaf qF kohV ho igaf. kohVI ny suwK suwKI sI ies krky. (pMnf-166) aMimRqsr drbfr sfihb ivc sq sRI akfl df jYkfrf pMjvyN pfqsfh ny cflU kIqf. (pMnf-168) sfrI dunIaf ivc sfrIaF kOmF ivc koeI kurbfnI vflf nhIN imldf. (pMnf-178) pfTI isMG iksy nfl gwl nf kry mOn rwKy, jy igRsqI hovy qF isMGxI qoN pRhyj rwKy. jy supndosL ho jfvy, jMglpfxI jfvy qF kysI iesLnfn kry. (pMnf-197) ijs ivakqI nimq pfT krnf hovy. AuhI aMdr afvy hor koeI nf afvy bwcy-bIbI iblkul nf afAux. (pMnf-198 )

durbfsf irsI ny ruwKF nUM bMdy lf idwqy, nf Kfx nf pIx, rwb ny roikaf (pMnf-204) iQru Gir bYshu ipafry[[, sLbd df iswK ny iClf kwiZaf svf lwK pfT kIqf, kfrj rfs nf afieaf. iPr gAuVI m:5 rhfAu smyq dubfrf svf lwK pfT kIqf, mukwdmf ijwq igaf. (pMnf-214) soihly qoN pihlF cfr sLbd pVHo soihlf pVHy ardfs kry duafly lohy df kot iklf bx jFdf hY. svyry iesLnfn krky jpujI piVaF iklf ht jFdf hY. (pMnf-226-27) vyKo ies ivÈv iswK sMmyln dy iekwT smyN iswKF ƒ kysfDfrI ihMdU iswD krn vfsqy kI, kI, Auprfly huMdy hn .

akfl purK, aijhy ivÈv iswK sMmyln dy nFa hyT hox vfly iekwT qoN iswK kOm ƒ bcfvy !

gurU pMQ df dfs,

gurÈrn isMG ksyl


amndIp isMG KLflsf

waheguru ji ka khalsa
waheguru ji ki fateh.
I am thankful to you for space my articles at sikhmarg. Please download the new poem ajoke akali. Please mention my email at the sikhmarg.
tuhadi chardiklan di ardass 'c'
amandeep singh khalsa

(not:- amndIp isMG KLflsf jI, asIN iksy vI lyKk df eI-myl df pqf 'isWK mfrg' qy nhIN pAuNdy. ies df kfrn ieh hY ik jLMk myl bhuq afAux lwg pYNdI hY. iPr bfad ivc ies pqy nUM htfAux leI sfnUM kfPI smF dyxf pYNdf hY. hF, iksy df PUn nMbr aqy sYlUlr {mobfiel} nMbr jy kr iksy ilKq nfl hovy Auh asIN jLrUr pf idMdy hF. jy kr iksy nUM iksy lyKk df pqf, ijs dIaF ilKqF 'isWK mfrg' qy CpdIaF hn, cfhIdf hovy qF Auh sfzy koloN lY skdf hY. 'isWK mfrg' quhfzI afpxI sfeIt hY. ieWQy hr Aus ilKq nUM ijhVI ik gurmiq ankUl aqy pMjfbI ivc hovy, jI sdky pRvfn kIqI jFdI hY. ieh sfeIt iksy iek ivdvfn, DVy, zyry, iksy rfjnIqk toly jF iPr iksy Kfs gruwp nfl sMbMDq nhIN aqy nf hI iksy aKOqI jQydfr jF iksy aKOqI sMq dy BY dI kfx rwKdI hY. ieh qF inrox gurbfxI dy swc nUM smripq hY-sMpfdk)

iswKI dy ivhVy ivwc jo gMd, iesdy aKOqI lIzrF ny suwt idwqf hY

AusdI mMUh boldI qsvIr kivqf’ ajoky akflI’ rfhIN pysL kIqI geI hY

ajoky akflI

gurU gRMQ nMU Buwl jFdy hF

cMdRf suafmI qoN hvn krFdy hF

Binafry dy crnF ’c jFdy hF

isDFq iswKI dy Buwl jFdy hF

iPr vI asIN akflI aKvFdy hF

mrXfdf nMU Buwl jFdy hF

afsLUqosL df pfKMz krFdy hF

akfl qKLq nMU jLgIr bxFdy hF

sMklp mIrI dy Buwl jFdy hF

iPr vI asIN akflI aKvFdy hF

gurU pMQ nMU Buwl jFdy hF

inrMkfrI BvnF ‘c Pyrf pFdy hF

aKOqI ‘siqgurU’ qoN mflf puaFdy hF

afdrsL iswKI dy Buwl jFdy hF

iPr vI asIN akflI aKvFdy hF

‘84dIaF ivDvfvF’ nMU Buwl jFdy hF

DrmI POjIaF nMU rulf idKFdy hF

potf dy hwk ‘c votF pFdy hF

aiDkfr mnuwKF dy Buwl jFdy hF

iPr vI asIN akflI aKvFdy hF

Dfrf-25 nMU Buwl jFdy hF

KLflsy nMU lwv-kusL bxFdy hF

mohry sMGIaF dy bx jFdy hF

mnsUby jnsMG dy Buwl jFdy hF

iPr vI asIN akflI aKvFdy hF

gur pfrs nMU Buwl jFdy hF

gurU inMdk gRMQ sugfq bxFdy hF

sLrDflU iswK nMU PLqvy suxFdy hF

hukm gurU dy Buwl jFdy hF

iPr vI asIN akflI aKvFdy hF

amndIp isMG KLflsf

nvIN idwlI

gurjMt isMG aqy kyvl isMG

ipafry sMpfdk jIE

ieh lyK gurmiq igafn imsLnrI kflj dy inAUjL lYtr ivc Cfipaf igaf hY. afp jI ny vI sfeIt qy pfAux dI ikRpflqf krnI jI.

DMnvfd sihq,

afp jI df Cotf vIr,

gurjMt isMG.

gurmiq igafn imnrI kflj.

isMG sBfvF qy iswK jwQybMdIaF dy nF 'iek-pwqr' gurU KLflsf dI hoNd aqy isDFq, inrml qy inafrypn dy jfmn hn. KLflsf pMQ dy sicafr vfrsF df muwK krqwv hY, ienHF dI sMBfl qy zwtvIN pihrydfrI. ies ivc koeI sLwk nhIN ik gurU kfl qoN hux qk inrMqr KLflsf pMQ dI hoNd aqy isDFqF nUM KLqm krn leI gupq-pRgt anyk pRkfrI jugq-pUrvk doKIaF vwloN kMm ho irhf hY bIqy aqy vrqmfn coN ies dy anykF sbUq pysL-pysL hn. ieh vI swc hY KLflsf pMQ dy shI jfgrUp vfrsF ny hmysLF lukvyN aqy sfhmxy Kloqy dusLmx dI insLfndyhI kridaF nf qF dyr lfeI, nf hI Aus dIaF koJIaF qy mfrU cflF nUM pCfVn qoN ipwT PyrI. KLflsf hoNd qy isDFqF dI pYrvI leI BfvyN KLflsf pMQ nUM vwzI qoN vwzI kImq kurbfnIaF dy rUp ivc keI vfr qfrnI peI.

1873 ivc KLflsf pMQ dy jfgrUp drdIaF vwloN bIqy ivc KLflsf pMQ dy hoey nuksfn df lyKf-joKf bhuq brIkI nfl kIqf igaf. kOm dy vrqmfn pMQk isDFqF anusfr sMBflx leI sucwjI ivAuNqbMdI dUr-aMdysLI nfl kridaF kMm dy cMgyry BivwK leI "isMG sBf lihr" df afrMB kIqf. nqIjf ieiqhfs df sunihrI ihwsf hY, ies lihr ny kOmI vyhVy aMdr AudfsI, inrmilaF, hor anmwqIaF qy mnmwqIaF vwloN jo rol-Gcolf krmkFzF, aMD-ivsLvfs, jVH-pUjf (buwq-qsvIr, smfD, mVHI afid) dy rUp ivc pfieaf igaf sI, gurmiq igafn dy pRcfr dI hnyrI Julf ky KLqm krn df idRVH sMklp ilaf. iesy kOmI lihr dI bdOlq hI afeI jfgRqI ny gurduafrf suDfr lihr nUM jnm idwqf. nqIjf gurU GrF 'coN anmqI-mnmqI vIcfr Dfrf qy srkfrI hmfieq dI ipwC lwg mhMqsLfhI sLRyxI ƒ mfq dy ky iswK Drm asQfnF df pRbMD KLflsf pMQ dy hwQF ivc lYx df rsqf sfP hoieaf.

hux KLflsf pMQ dy sfhmxy iswK jIvn-jfc aqy gurU GrF dI mrXfdf nUM iek-surqf dy rUp ivc sQfpq krn df muwK kMm sI. ijs dI pYrvI leI iswK ivdvfn iswK sMsQfvF dy jLuMmyvfrF nUM ieh kMm sONipaf igaf. ijnHF 14 ku sflF dI krVI myhnq krky iswK pMQ dy numfieMidaF dIaF keI vfr rfvF lY ky vfr-vfr pRkfsLq krky sLRo[gu[pR[kmytI dy sihXog nfl sRI akfl qKLq sfihb qoN iswK rihq mrXfdf lfgU krn df PYslf pMQk jugq ivc ilaf. hux kOm pfs mrXfdf iqafr hoeI ijs rfhIN kOmI eykqf nUM n qF brkrfr krnf aOKf sI nF hI asQfnF df pRbMD qy mrXfdf dI sMBfl leI koeI rukfvt sI.

hlfqF jF kOm dI pRgqI vwloN afeI byiDafny pn dI rucI ny ies mrXfdf nUM amlI rUp ivc iswK GrF ivc amlI rUp ivc amlfAux leI Auh hlfq nf pYdf kIqy. nqIjf iswK pRvfrF qy gur-asQfnF aMdr pMQk mrXfdf pRqI jo pkV bxnI cfhIdI sI, Auh nf bx skI. dUjy pfsy mhMq sLfhI df nvF qy bdlvF rUp zyrydfr, sMprdfvfdI DVf-DV afpxI-afpxI mrXfdf nUM pMQk mrXfdf vjoN pRcfrn leI iewkTy huMdy gey. ienHF dI igxqI ivc hoey axikafsy vfDy ny sfzy kOmI ivhVy aMdr dyh pUjf ivakqI vfd dy rUp afx vfVI. bfhrI doKIaF vwloN nklI gurU zMmH nfmDfrI, rfDf suafmI, nklI inrMkfrI afid jmfqF dy rUp aMdr sRI gurU gMQ sfihb aqy gurU pMQ dy amr-inrml qy inafry isDFqF nUM cuxOqI dyx leI bVI qyjI nfl AuBfiraf igaf.
isMG sBfvF dy pRbMDk aqy hor isDFqvfdI iswK jwQybMdIaF df jnm vI smyN-smyN kOmI isDFqF dI pYrvI leI sfhmxy afey. mgr ijqnI qn-dyhI nfl srgrm BUimkf ienHF sMsQfvF rfhIN kOmI swQ aMdr inBfAuxI cfhIdI sI, Aus leI afpsI qfl-myl nf bxf sky. awj isMG sBfvF coN bhuqy pRbMDk aKOqI zyrydfr qy ivakqIvfd dy pRBfv hyT KVy hn. jfgrUp iswK sMsQfvF BfvyN afpxy-afpxy sImq dfiery ivc rih ky KLflsf pMQ dy isDFqF aqy iswK rihq mrXfdf dI pYrvI df Auprflf qy krdIaF hn AunHF aMdr afpsI sihXog dI Gft kfrn awj aKOqI sMprdfvfdI qy zyrfvfdI sLkqI iekwTI ho ky KLflsf pMQ dy inrml isDFqF nfl icwty idn KlvfV krdI idKfeI dy rhI hY. iswK rihq mrXfdf nUM iswDI cuxOqI dyxI jF nfnksLfhI kYlMzr nUM rwd krnf ies sLkqI vwloN pMQk jugq dy pRqIk sRI akfl qKLq sfihb df iswDf ivroD hY. iswK aOrqF nUM iswK rihq mrXfdf ivc idwqy gey gurU KLflsf pMQ vwloN hwkF nUM Kohx dI ienHF vwloN kIqI jf rhI mMg, isMG sBfvF qy isDFqvfdI iswK jQybMdIaF leI KuwlHI vMgfr hY.

isMG sBfvF dy pRbMDkF nUM afpxI BUimkf dI pihcfx krnI cfhIdI hY. pihlF iek hor vwzI Zfh lwg cuwkI hY ipCly keI sflF qoN iswK pMQ isMG sBfvF qy gur-asQfnF dy nfm rwKx dI QF vwK-vwK jfqF-brfdrIaF, gurU sfihb, iswKF, BgqF dy nF qy jF gurbfxI coN sLbd cox krky nfm rwKx nfl isMG sBfvF dI igxqI vI sMugVI qy isDFq dI pkV qoN ienHF ny Cutkfrf pfieaf. iswK pMQ dIaF poitaF qy igxn jogIaF isDFqvfdI sMsQfvF hn. AunHF dy muKI vI afpxI iKwcI lsLmx ryKf coN bfhr inkl ky kOm leI bhu pwKoN kMm krn qoN iJjk pqf nhIN ikAuN pfl rhy hn.
ies pwqr rfhIN isMG sBfvF qy pMQ pRsq jwQybMdIaF dy afgUaF nUM avfjL hY ik kOm pRsqI leI kOm nUM jfgrUp krn leI jo kuwJ krnf bxdf hY, Aus dI insLfndyhI kro. iswK rihq mrXfdf, gurU gRMQ qy gurU pMQ dy isDFqF nUM ijs ijs pfisEN KLqrf hY, Aus qoN kOm nUM bcfE. mnmwq qy mnmwq dI mfr aDIn ijs qrHF sfzf gOrv Kur irhf hY, Aus qoN kOm nUM jfxkfrI idE. pMQ pRsqI lihr df muwZ qoN JMzf cuwko. afpxy jfqI kMmF qoN Aupr AuwT ky pMQ pRsqI dI Bfvnf df sbUq idAu. afey idn aMdrUnI qy bihrUnI hmly ho rhy hn, ienHF df jvfb dyx leI dlyrI kro. aKOqI pujfrI sLRyxI qoN kOm nUM bcfE.

gurU KLflsf pMQ dI pMQk soc dy suihrd hmfieqI pUry ivsLv Br ivc hn, AunHF nUM pMQ dy nF qy avfjL mfrI jfvy. iswK pMQk lihr df idRVH ihwsf ho sky. pRcfr-pRsfr dy sfry sfDnF dI vrqoN kIqI jfvy.

vrqmfn ivc aKOqI sMq smfj vwloN idwqIaF jf rhIaF cuxOqIaF df sfhmxf krn leI afpsI ieksurqf mjLbUq kro. qKLq sfihbfn dy syvfdfrF pfsoN ieh afpxy asr rsUK jF bfhrI dfa qy pRBfv nfl pMQ PYsly iswK rihq mrXfdf nfl CyV=CfV arMB krky gurU pMQ vloN sRI akfl qKLq sfihb qoN hoey pMQk PYsly df apmfn sLurU ho cuwkf hY. jy awj isMG sBfvF qy pMQ drdI jwQybMdIaF aqy ivsLv Br dy pMQ drdI mUk sfDk bx ky bYT gey qF inrml-inafry KLflsf pMQ dy isDFqF nfl iKlvfV krn vfly aKOqI zyrydfr qy sMprdfvF dy dfvydfr mnmfnIaF krn ivc kfmXfb ho jfxgy. vkq cuwp rihx df nhIN, iekwTy ho gurU pMQ inrml-inafrypn leI dlyrI nfl kMm krn df hY.

kyNdrI sRI gurU isMG sBf df pRbMD pMQk swQ aMdr ikDry vI rVk nhIN rhy. ijQy vI hY AunHF nUM gurU pMQ pRqI afpxI ijLMmyvfrI leI inzrqf nfl awgy afAuxf cfhIdf hY. afs hY pMQk jwQybMdIaF, isMG sBfvF qy pMQ drdIaF vwloN ies dy sbMD ivc kOm ihqF dI rfKI leI hF Biraf huMgfrf afvygf.

BuwlF leI iKmf jfcnf krdf hF.

gurU pMQ df dfs

kyvl isMG

sfbkf jQydfr, qKLq sRI dmdmf sfihb.

phone: 093561-33804

zf: suKpRIq isMG Edoky aqy suKmMdr isMG

Respected Gursikhs,
Wahe guru ji ka khalsa!!
Wahe guru ji ki fateh !!
We request to all Guru Nanak Naam leva gursikhs that Institution GURSIKH(Global United Research and Service Institute of Knowledge for Humanity) and its public wing SHAHBAAZ KHALSA are not collecting money for the Shaheed pariwaars. From some responsible and reliable sources we get informed that some individuals are collecting money and using the name of GURSIKH and SHAHBAAZ KHALSA.We request and aware the all Nanak naam leva gursikhs that if any one have any information about that must contact our High Command. We request u again that we had not collected money and any thing on the name of Shaheed Pariwaars and not collecting and we will not collect in future.If any gursikh want to help any Shaheed pariwaar family we can provide addresses only but cannot  role as a mediator between them. So, we request u again if any one have any information about the misuse of the name of our Istitution by any Individual plz contact,Ratinder Singh on –0731 3948933.Amardeep Singh Amar-0956611106 ,Dr. Sukhpreet Singh Udhoke-09316199795.
If any gursikh is related to media , have any paper or magazine then we request thet plz. Must publish our request in his paper, we will be thanks full for that.
Dr.Sukhpreet Singh Udhoke
93161 99795

avqfr isMG 'imsLnrI'

kuwJ myry afpxy bfry

avqfr isMG imsLnrI


dfs muhflI (cMzIgVH) df rihx vflf hY aqy dfs df sfrf pRvfr aMimRqDfrI hY. dfs ny mYitRk krn qoN bfad sLhId BfeI amrIk isMG pRDfn iswKstUzYNt PYzrysLn dI pRyrnf qy dmdmI tksfl qoN gurbfxI dI sMiQaf kIqI aqy isMG sfihb BfeI jsvMq isMG jI nfl iml ky rfjsQFn dy ielfky gMgfngr ivKy Drm pRcfr kIqf. ies qoN bfad dfs sfihbjLfdf juJfr isMG gurmiq imsLnrI kflj ropV ivKy dfKl ho igaf, ieQy rih ky dfs ny gurbfxI dI hor sMiQaf dy nfl pRcfrk dy kors ivwc gurmiq df izplomF pRfpq kIqf aqy pMjfbI XUnIvristI pitafly qoN igafnI pfs kIqI aqy Bfrq dy vwK-vwK sLihrF ivwc Drm pRcfr krn dy nfl-nfl pMjF ipafiraF ivwc sLfml ho ky anykF pRfxIaF nUM KMzy dI pfhul dyx dI syvf df mfx pRfpq kIqf. ipMz-ipMz ivwc gurmiq dIaF klfsF lfeIaF. ienHF idnF ivwc pMjfb dy hlfq bVy nfjk sn aiqvfd dy nF qy iswK nOjvfnF dI PVo-PVI vwzy pwDr qy jfrI sI. sRI drbfr sfihb dy atYk qoN bfad sMn 1984 df iGnfAuxf kFz vfpr cuwkf sI. pMjfb ivwc kriPAU lwgf hoieaf sI imsLnrI kflj ropV nUM vI imltrI ny Gyrf pf ilaf aqy sfnUM sB nUM iewk lfien ivwc KVf kr ilaf qy kihx lwgy qusI aiqvfdIaF nUM tRyinMg idMdy ho qy qlfsLI lYx lwg pey kmFzr muslmfn sI jd Aus dI gwl sfzy ipRMsIpl sR[ jsbIr isMG nfl hoeI qF AunHF ny dwisaf asIN iewQy Dfrimk ividaf idMdy hF aqy kMpYryitv stwzI vI krfAuNdy hF afh dyKo rumfly ivwc sRI kurfn sLrIP vI hY qF Aus kmFzr df sIs Juk igaf aqy kihx lwgf sfnUM glq ieMnPRimsLn iml geI sI. Aus idn qoN bfad kflj nUM Gyrf qF nhIN ipaF pr iekwly iewkvMjy ividafrQI nUM jrUr qMg krdy sn.

ienHF idnF ivwc dfs nUM vI sLwk ivwc PVH ilaf igaf. dfs Aus vyly sRI gurU gRMQ sfihb ividaf kyNdr sYktr 28 ivKy bwicaF nUM gurbfxI pVfAuNx dI syvf krdf sI. dfs nUM iksy axdwsI QF qy lY gey aqy bhuq qsLwdd kIqf ijs ivwc dfs dy cwzy pfVy, dfVI puwtI aqy puwTf ltkfa idwqf aqy bhuq lflc qy zrfvy idMdy rhy. afiKr vfihgurU dI rihmq aqy isMG sBfvF, sRomxI akflI dl mfn cMzIgVH dy pRDfn pRo[ BUipMdr isMG azvokyt[sRI gurU gRMQ sfihb ividaf kyNdr dy jnrl sYktrI sR[ nOrMg isMG aqy cMzIgVH-muhflI dIaF sMgqF dy Auwdm sdkf cfr mhIny bfad dfs nUM byksUr kih ky Cwz gey. iPr dfs luiDafxy sLihr mUv ho igaf aqy sRI gurU isMG sBf BfeI rxDIr isMG ngr ivKy hYwz gRMQI kQfvfck dI izAUtI krn lwg ipaf. ieAuN dfs ny cMzIgVH-muhflI qoN ibnF idwlI, jlMDr, luiDafxf, mfnsf, PfjLlky, ropV, brylI, aqy hor vI keI QfvF qy kQfvfk qy pRcfrk dI syvf kIqI. iPr dfs Bfrq qoN bfhr isMGfpur, mlysLIaF, QfeIlYNz, hFg kFg ivKy vI kQf pRcfr krn jFdf irhf pr pMjfb pulIs qMg krdI rihMdI sI so aKIr dfs sMn 1996 nUM amrIkf phuMc igaf . amrIkf dy vwK-vwK gurU GrF ivwc kQf dI syvf krn AuprMq dfs nUM gurduafrf bRfzsLfh sYkrfmYNto dI kmytI ny hYwz gRMQI rwK ilaf. ieQy rihMidaF hI dfs df 20 nvMbr 1997 nUM gYrbr roz Awuqy jd dfs ieMzIaF qoN afey rfgI isMGF leI Pon kfrz lY ky af irhf sI bVf hI iBafnk aYksIzYNt ho igaf, ipwkf trwk dfs nUM ihwt kr igaf. kudrqI pulIsmYn ipCy af irhf sI Aus ny aYmrjYNsI kfl krky aYbUlYNs bulfeI pr swt bhuqI sI, hspqfl qwk jFidaF dfs df sfrf KUn vih igaf. zfktrF ny vI gurdafry dy pRDfn sR[ igafn isMG jI nUM kih idwqf ik bcx dI koeI afs nhIN KUn nhIN ruk irhf qF igafn isMG jI ny zfktrF[ nUM ikhf asIN gurdUafry ardfis (pryr) krdy hF sMgq dI ardfis ivwc bVI sLkqI hY ikAuNik-ivic sMgiq hir pRBu vsY jIE] so aYsf hI hoieaf sMgiq dI ardfis aqy vfihgurU jI dI bKisLsL sdkf dfs dI nbj cwlx lwg peI, KuUn vI cVn lwg ipaf. ieAuN dfs cfr mhIny XU sI zyvs hspqfl ivKy aYNmrjYNsI rUm ivwc irhf aqy 9 mhIny tyk kyar sYNtr iemrflz gfrzn sYkrfmYNto ivKy. AunFH idnF ivwc gurduafry bRfzsLfh dy pRbMD Auwpr mfn isMG phyvy aqy dmdmI tksfl nfl sbMDq lokF df kbjf ho igaf. EDroN klIink vfilaF vI dfs nUM ikhf ik bhuqf icr nhIN rwK skdy qF dfs bVy mfx nfl gurduafry af igaf pr hMkfrI pRbMDkF ny mYnUM izseybl nUM gurdUafry rihx nUM QF vI nf idwqf. bfbf nMd isMG jI ies gwl dy gvfh hn ijnHF ny aOKy vyly dfs dI tyk kyar iewk ieMnsfnIaq dy qOr qy kIqI . pihlF ieh mYnUM nhIN jfxdy sn aqy mYN ienHF nUM nhIN jfxdf sI.

iewk idn dfs vhIl cyar qy jf irhf sI qF do gory jvfn imly qy ikhf aMkl jI quhfnUM koeI hYlp dI loV hY qF dwso, quhfzI hflq bVI gMBIr lgdI hY qF dfs nUM bVI sLrm afeI ik gurU Gr dy hMkfrI pRbMDkF ny mYnUM izseybl nUM QF nhIN idwqf pr ieh gYr iswK dfs nUM hONslf dy rhy hn. gurU sfihb ny qF gurduafry rogIaF, inafsiraF loVvMdF dI hYlp leI bxfey sn. ienHF msMdF inafeIN pRbMDkF coN mnuwKqf vI KMB lf ky Auwz geI hY. mYnUM sLrm afvy mY ienFH gory vIrF nUM kI jvfb idaF qF afiKr mYN ikhf qusIN mYnUM koeI pMjfbI ivwc bfeIbl dy dyxf mY kMmpYryitv stzI kr lvFgf qF kuJ idnF bfad Auh mYnUM dy gey. iPr dfs bfry jd myry iewk hFg kFg rhy imwqr sR[ kuldIp isMG mjITIey nUM pqf lwgf qF Auh mYnUM vhIl cyar qy cwlx vfly nUM afpxy Gr aYwlsbRFty lfgy sYn pYblo lY afieaf. hOlI-hOlI dfs dI hflq TIk huMdI geI qy dfs by-eyrIey ivwc hI rihx lwg ipaf aqy kAuNtI ny dfs dI mdd kIqI . sfD sMgiq jI dfs prmfnYNt izseybl hY pr gurU df hukm ikrq krnF hY so dfs ny pfrt tfeIm isikErtI gfrz df kMm krnF sLurU kr idwqf qy hux qwk kr irhf hY. vIk aYNz qy gurbfxI-pfT aqy kQf-pRcfr krn dI syvf dy nfl nfl gurmiq qy koeI nf koeI afrtIkl ilKdf rihMdf hY jo aKLbfrF, mYgjLInF aqy ieMtRnYwt qy vI Cpdy rihMdy hn. dfs ny dyiKaf hY ky gurU GrF ivKy afm kQfvfck gurbfxI nUM Cwz ky mno klipq imQhfsk khfxIaF suxfeI jFdy hn aqy gurU GrF ivwc bRfhmxI krmkFz krfeI jf rhy hn. dfs aijhy krmkFzF bfry aFm hI ilKdf rihMdf hY, ies krky gurduafry dy krmkFzI pRbMDk qy gRMQI dfs nUM bhuq Gwt smF idMdy hn.

so dfs gurmiq iltRycr ijvyN iswK ivrsf, imsLnrI syDF, iswK PulvfVI, imsLnrI kflj dy Cpy iltrycr aqy hor gurmiq dy KojI ivdvfnF dIaF buwkF dI stfl gurdUafiraF ivwc lf ky gurmiq df pRcfr kr irhf hY. dfs ny iewk gwl dyKI hY ik bhuqy pRbMDk gurmiq qoN jfxUM nhIN jy koeI gurmiqDfrI gMRQI gurbfxI aqy iswK rihq mrXfdf dI gwl krdf hY qF Aus dI CuwtI kr idMdy hn. gRMQIaF ivcfiraF nUM vI gurmiq qoN axjfx jF sfDF-sMqF dy zyiraF nfl sbMDq pRbMDkF anusfr hI cwlxf pYNdf hY. ies krky gurU GrF ivwc gurmiq df pRcfr Gwt aqy jI hjLUrI pfrtIbfjI vwD huMdI hY. jfq pfq, DVybfjI, nPrq, nf-brfbrI cldI rihMdI hY. so dfs df gurU Gr dy pRbMD dI syvf ivwc ihsf lYx df iewko iewk mksd gurdUafry ivwc inrol gurbfxI df pRcfr krnf, sB mfeI BfeI nUM brfbr smJxf ikAuNik-sB mih joiq joiq hY soie] aqy PjUl dIaF krmkFzI rsmF nUM Kqm krnF jo aigafnIaF jF hMkfrIaF ny Dwky nfl clf idwqIaF hn. pRbMDk nfm qF akfl qKLq df vrqdy hn pr mrXfdf zyiraF jF sMpRdfvF vflI clf rhy hn jo mhMqF ny gurduafiraF qy kbijLaF vyly clfeI sI.

sfzf mksd gurbfxI dy AupdysL-sBy sFJIvfl sdfiein](97) avil alfh nUru Aupfieaf kudriq ky sB bMdy](1349) sB mih joiq joiq hY soie](663) Bfv sB brfbr hn-sBu goibMdu hY sBu goibMdu hY goibMdu ibn nhIN koeI](484) KqRI bRfhmxu sUdu vYsu Aupdysu chuM vrxf kAu sfJf](747) eyku ipqf eyks ky hm bfirk](611) qum mfq ipqf hm bfirk qyry](268) nf ko bYrI nhI ibgfnf sgl sMig hm kAu bx afeI](1299) hm nhI cMgy burf nhI koie](728) afid df pRcfr krnf hY. awj iswK iswK ivwc vI Prk smiJaf jf irhf hY. gurU sfihb iswK dI zYPInysLn gurU gRMQ sfihb ivwc qF ies pRkfr idMdy hn-so iswK sKf bMDpu hY BfeI jy gur ky BfxY ivic afvY](601) isKI isiKaf gur vIcfir](465) gur siqgur kf jo isKu aKfey su Blky AuiT hir nfmu iDafvY]Audmu kry Blky prBfqI iesnfnu kry aMimRqsir nfvY]Aupdyis gurU hir hir jpu jfpY siB iklivK pfp doK lih jfvY]iPir cVY idvsu gurbfxI gfvY]bihidaf AuTidaf hir nfmu iDafvY]jo sfis igrfis iDafie myrf hir hir so gurisKu gurU min BfvY] ijsno dieaflu hovY myrf sUafmI iqsu gurisKu gurU Aupdys suxfvY]jnu nfnku DUiV mMgY iqsu gurisK kI jo afip jpY avrh nfm jpfvY](305)

so Auprokq syvf vfsqy dfs iswK alfieMs jQybMdI nfl iml ky gurmiq pRcfr krn aqy sB dy brfbr hwkF vfsqy qwqpr hY. dfs dI isMGxI hrismrq kOr KLflsf jo iewk amYrkn iswK hY aqy AuwckotI dI pRcfk hY ijs ny kyvl pMjF mhIinaF ivwc gurmuKI iswK ky gurU gRMQ sfihb jI dI bfxI iswKI hY qy hux qndyhI nfl gurmiq df pRcfr kr rhI hY. aYs vyly hr somvfr sLfmI 6-7 ryzIE apnf pMjfb Auwpr hyvz ivKy gurbfxI pRcfr kr rhI hY aqy Drm pRcfr ivwc dfs dI bhuq hYlp kr rhI hY. so sfD sMgiq jI ijq hfr qF bxI hoeI hY sfzf mksd iekwlf cox ijwqxf nhIN sgoN gurU gRMQ sfihb dI bfxI sMgqF nUM afp pVHn, ivcfn aqy Dfrn dI sMiQaf dyxf hY-ividaf vIcfrI qF prAupkfrI](356) dfs nUM afs hY ik ijs idn sMgiq afp gurbfxI pVHn ivcfrn lwg peI qF gurduafiraF dy bhuq sfry msly afpxy afp hI hwl ho jfxgy jo aigafnI pRbMDkF aqy pRcfrkF ny AulJfey hoey hn ikAuNik gurbfxI sB nUM brfbr df sFJf AupdysL idMdI hY pr ieh lok gurU gRMQ sfihb jI dI bfxI nfloN hor gRMQF qy mnGVq sfKIaF df pRcfr vDyry krdy hn. so sfD sMgiq jI gurduafry dy pRbMDk iekwly mfieafDfrI hI nhIN sgoN ikrq kmfeI krn, vMz Cwkx nfm jpx aqy srbwq df Blf mMgx vfly hoxy cfhIdy hn. ardfis hY vfihgurU sfnUM sB nUM aijhy sLuB guxF dI dfq bKsLy-sFJ krIjY guxh kyrI Coiz avgux clIaY](766) nfnk nfm cVHdI klf qyry BfxY srbwq df Blf. (ardfis)

blbIr isMG sUc, luiDafxf

Property of Non Resident Indian

ivdysLI dI jfiedfd

ieQoN vflI BuwlI nhIN jFdI,

awgoN dI df cfa nhIN,

rwbf ivc ivcfly ltkf rwiKaf,

hux koeI rfh nhIN.

dfnI lwBdf hF,

mMgqy njLr afAuNdy ny,

bMdy lwBdf hF,

sfry vpfrI aKvfAuNdy ny.

jfiedfd dI Kfqr sB Cwzy,

jfiedfd dI Kfqr nyVy afAuNdy ny,

jfiedfd dusLmn bx geI,

jo hnyrf hI hnyrf idKfAuNdI hY,

afpixaF qoN ivCoVf krvfAuNdI hY,

ieh mrn qoN pihlF hI qVPfAuNdI hY.

blbIr isMG sUc, luiDafxf


December 11, 2005

Life and Death

ijAuxf qy mrnf

jIvn ijAux leI hY,

mrn dI gwl ikAuN kryN,

aYsf kMm kr,

ik qUM ikAuN mryN.

afpxy leI hI ijAuxf hY,

qF qMU kuwJ ikAuN kryN,

qyry ijAux qy mrn ivwc,

qF koeI Prk ikAuN kry.

eynf sOKf nf jIa,

ik qMU mrn qoN zryN,

mrn qy ijAux ivwc,

qMU qrk kryN.

jIvn ijAux leI hY,

mrn dI gwl ikAuN kryN,

aYsf kMm kr,

ik qUM ikAuN mryN.

gurU nfnk dI mMn:

"jAu qAu pRym Kylx kf cfAu

isru Dir qlI glI myrI afAu"

blbIr isMG sUc, luiDafxf


December 11, 2005

pRo: gursLrn isMG

Press Statement of Sardar Simranjit Singh Mann , President

Shiromani Akali Dal(Amritsar) at Dalhousie (H.P.) on dated 9.12.2005

The Shiromani Akali Dal(Amritsar) considers it a red letter day in the history of this region that the Panjab and Haryana High Court is celebrating its golden jubilee. Himachal Pradesh till 1966 was also a part of its jurisdiction. The makers of the Indian Constitution gave the High Court the same powers as the Supreme Court, the most important one being the power of judicial review. However, our High Court has not lived up to its name and the aspirations of the peoples or of those of the founding fathers of the Constitution. It is never struck down draconian, undemocratic and unconstitutional laws like MISA, NSA, TADA or POTA which rob the citizen of his fundamental rights guaranteed under the constitution. In the violation of the citizens rights guaranteed under article 21, that of life and liberty the High Court has favoured the brutal methods of the state and police, rather than the individual. Under the stewardship of Chief Justice B.K. Roy it has torn valuable hand woven tapestries designed by Le Corbusier. It has nurtured corrupt judges one of whom was elevated to the Supreme Court. The judges of this Court have allowed their wards to practice as lawyers, a corrupt practice. It is the first High Court of a democratic country whose judges have gone on strike. It is the first High Court whose Chief Justice has been shuttled from High Court to High Court because he wanted to enforce discipline and probity amongst fellow judges. Our party feels that it is not the architectural beauty of a Court that brings out its character but the standard of integrity, honesty, probity, impartiality, intelligence, dress, manners, poise and silence in public of its judges to deliver justice impartially, fearlessly and courageously. We will hope while wishing the High Court every success that its judges do some introspection.

The present test of the High Court is whether it will allow a Panjab Government order to allow police officers to head the states Jails. Prisoners in jail are legally meant to be in judicial custody. Placing jails under police officers would mean handing these prisoners to police custody. The Indians police is well known for torturing prisoners. India is neither signed nor ratifies UN Convention against Torture. As a prisoner I myself was tortured by the police while confined in Bharatpore Central Jail in Rajasthan in 1984 and 1985 and recently on 15.6.2005 in Ludhiana Central Jail in the Panjab.

The other test would be whether two Panjab Police officers Jaspal Singh and Swarn Das sentenced to life imprisonment by the Congress Supreme Court of India and pardoned by the Congress ruled state government in Panjab would be held legally and constitutionally sound by the High Court. These two police officers had killed countless Sikhs in extra-judicial murders.

Simranjit Singh Mann

President, Shiromani Akali Dal(Amritsar)

dlIp isMG Kflsf

vfihguru jI kf Kflsf,
vfihgurU jI kI Pqih,

gurU ipafry Kflsf jI,

sLhId jsvMq isMG KflVf dy kfqlf nMU sjLf hoeI nMu qkrIbn do hPqy qo vwD smf ho igaf hY. pqf nhI ikAu akflI dl bfdl, sLromxI kmytI, jQydfr sRI akfl qKq sfihb vloN iewk vI sLbd pRYs dy nfm nf bolxf iewk bhuq hI vwzI sfijsL jfp rhI hY. jQydfr dI DfrI cwup iswK kNOm nMU aMDyry ivwc Dwk rhI hY. cfhIdf qF ieh hY ky sLMGrsL dorfn mfry gey hr iswK dy kfql nMu jQydfr sLRI akfl qKq sfihb afpxf Prj smJ ky sjf dvfAux leI awgy afvy. pr aPsos ky jQydfr koloN bfdl dI jI hjUrI qo ibnHF hor smf nhI irhf. spoksmYn nMU bMd krfAux nflo iswK sLhIdf pRqI suihrd hoxf cfhIdf hY.

dfs, dlIp isMG Kflsf

rmnIk isMG rMDfvf

S. Makhan Singh JI

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Fateh,

I feel truth from your writings. You seems to have truthful heart and this where Sikhi starts because if your heart is not true than how can you walk on the path of truth? I have been reading articles from other authors on your web site also, which I would like to discuss with you at some later time.

Right now I would like to point out what I just notice that an article on http://www.sikhmarg.com/2005/0807-mundavnee.html which says about Mundaavanee but the shabad discussed in the article is not about the Mundaavanee shabad in SGGS Ji. Mundaavanee shabad starts; Thaal which tin wastu payeo ... Please notify the author Bibi Har Simrat Kaur and make the corrections.

Waheguru Mehar Kare, Guru Rakha

Best Regards,

Ramneek Singh Randhawa

ky[ aYWs[ huMzl

Bhai sahib jeo ,
We are sorry for missing your inquiry call. All the info posted on www.srschicago.org is 100% true. We have procured the police report which will remove all doubts about the lies of this fake and mean, self acclaimed sant. Tomorrow we will send you the copy of the police report from the Lake county police under which the notorious and imfamous motel is located. We really appreciate your dedication and devotion to promote and protect Sikhi from the pkhandi's and their co -hoots within the Panth.

gopfl isMG

Dear Sr. Makhan Singh Ji
Waahguru Ji Ka Khalsa
Waahguru Ji Ki Fateh

S. Arvinder Singh Khalsa wrote about your article 'Ithihas nal baeimani' I have not seen it could please guide me. Because of job situation I could not get to the site as often as I used, Sorry I liked this site and the articles, I do not want to miss any.
Wish you well.
Gopal SIngh

hrjIq isMG hOlYNz

sLhId jsvMq isMG KflVf dy kfqlF nMU adflq vloN sjf cMgI sLurUafq

zYnhfg (holYNz)(28-11-05) iswK kimAuintI bYnyluks ny jfrI ibafn ivwc sLhId KflVf dy kfqlf nMu sjf dyxf iewk cMgI sLurUafq dwisaf hY. koh koh ky mfry inrdosy iswK nojvfnf dI ilst bhUq hI lMbI hY. pr awj sfzI lIzrisLp bIqy nMu Bulf ky kursI doV ivwc hI lwgI hoeI hY. sR kuldIp isMG ny moky df gvfh bxky kurbfnI dI jo imsfl pYdf kIqI hY. asI iswK kimAuintI vlo AuhnF dI kurbfnI nMU ieiqhfsk kfrnfmf krfr idMdy hF. jQydfr joigMdr isMG jI bydFqI nMU bynqI krdy hF ky ijs mhfn pwdvI qy afp ibrfjmfn ho Ausy pdvI Auwpr rhy sLhId jQydfr gurdyv isMG jI kfAuky klF nMu jflmf ny byaMq aqy aish srIrk qsIhy dy ky sLhId kIqf sI afp jI AuhnF dy kys nMU dunIaf dy sfhmxy pysL kro. aqy jflmf nMu sjf dvfAu. sLromxI kmytI dy nvyN bxy pRDfn sR avqfr isMG jI mwkV qo vI afs pRgt krdy hF ky Auh aijhy kysF nMu vDIaf qrIky nfl adflqF ivwc pysL krn leI Xog Auprfly krngy. iswK kimAuintI bYnyluks hOlYNz vlo sR avqfr ismG jI qo afs pRgt kIqI geI ky Auh PrFs ivcly dsqfr msly aqy iswKI pRcfr vwl ivsys iDaFn dyxgy. AuhnF dy ies iban Auwpr vI hYrfnI pRgt kIqI, sR mwkV vlo ikhf igaf ky mYN hfly Prfs df dsqfr mslf cMgI qrf piVaf nhI . hux qwk hr iewk iswK nMU dsqfr msly qo jfxU hoxf cfhIdf

arivMdr isMG Kflsf

Dear Sr. Makhan Singh Ji

wjkk wjkf

Your article 'Ithihas nal baeimani' is great I was so pleased with the linguistic and sprit of writing. You deserve a reward my friend. And I salute your courage and sprit. May Satguru ji always shower his love and harmony upon you. Thank you for serving the Khalsa Panth the way it should be by us all. Your site is the best one I came across two years ago.

Many Kind Regards

Arvinder Singh Khalsa


blbIr isMG sUc, aYzvokyt

Respected  Sardar Makhan Singh Purewal ji,
The Editor,
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa
Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh
Please see attachment here for publication, circulation, forwarding the Bihar Election Results- An Analysis in larger interest.

With regards
Balbir Singh Sooch, Advocate,
Human Rights Activist; and
November 24, 2005
(ibhfr dIaF votF bfry jfxkfrI lYx vfly ivafkqI ieWQy kilk krky, sUc sfihb dI sfeIt qy jf ky dyK skdy hn-sMpfdk)
