
blbIr isMG sUc aYzvokyt

Respected S. Makhan Singh Purewal ji,
Sat Sri AKAL!

Please do accept my heartily thanks & best regards for displaying a part of my complaint to the Chairperson, National Human Rights Commission; NEW-DELHI in a befitting manner on your web as I requested to all relevant sources but you obliged me spontaneously. You fully understand that the issue, 'Sikh Boy Made Impotent' under the head, "MERA BHARAT MAHAN ???????.." I picked up & wrote, is of national importance.
Please seek the co-operation & assistance of all reliable International Human Rights Groups to obtain the meaningful results in all respects in this case. You and your associates are in capacity to do so whereas I alone may not be in the same boat. I believe in remedy but not afraid of any threats from any quarter.
I have more expectations from you & your associates. Whosoever shall sincerely prove helpful in the just cause, be serving the humanity.

With regards & best wishes to all
Dated: 23-9-2003


rUp iZloN

Dear Sirs,

I am actively involved in a project in the UK not only promoting Punajbi but developing new words and nouns for situations and items that to date have no word in Punjabi. I am concentrating mainly on animal names, as I am assuming all other areas are being researched by Universities in Punjab. However my research is no good unless it reaches the ears of those bodies in Punjab. Please can you assit in doing this for me?

Please see links below to read my arguements for my ideas. International Animal names is an urgent area in which Punjabi must chooseits own naming system or adopt convienent names from Hindi, Urdu, English, Spanish or other languages. In the Diapora we are in touch with these all the time, therefoer in common use many of these language have leant us words that Punjabi had gaps in. Just like America has developed different English from Britain, The diapora is developing fast a cross between Doabaon Punjabi and European terms.

The argument is valid and i think it does carry a weight. In my opinion it is not possible to include any words on any topic without the help of universities and schools. These institutions are the keys which can spread words in the society and that is the only reason I always emphasize the point that our authorities should start teaching Punjabi.

Let me take a very simple example that when kids go to school they get the idea from their teachers and other fellow students that if they want to progress then they have to master English or Urdu (in Pakistan's case). They drift away from their mother tongue Punjabi gradually. The point comes when they stop speaking it for good except talking to their parents. The languages obviously evolve but when people speak them and if no body speaks them even in their home territories then the point comes when they start to die down.

There is no point fighting on the scripts. Both scripts Shahmukhi and Gurumukhi are good but the point which is important is education in the language. I consider myself illiterate in Punjabi because i automatically start speaking English or Urdu when any discussion tilts towards modern technology, computers, or other sophisticated topics. People of Punjab and in particular the people of this forum must put a lot of pressure on the authorities in their countries and should push them towards taking positive measures for our language. I think that is our only option.

'The other arguments are also part of the non-use of the language in the domains of education, administration, commerce, judiciary and the media. All languages are adequate for the expression of the social reality of the societies in which they are born. However, it is only when they are used in other domains, domains which modernity has brought in, that, their vocabulary expands. To some extent it expands by borrowing from other languages spontaneously but for the most part, language planners create new terms. This process, called modernisation or neologism, is necessary when 'a language is extended for new functions and topics' and takes place even in developed, modem societies though not to the extent it occurs in developing ones (Cooper 1989: 149). But this, too, is done by powerful language-planning institutions, generally state supported ones. In the case of Punjabi the state did nothing of the kind. Hence, if Punjabi is deficient in modern terms (technical, administrative, philosophical, legal etc ), it is not an inherent limitation but merely lack of language planning. Once again, the fault is that of the state and not that ofPunjabi.,' the above is a quote from an article in APNA and proves my point. I am not powerful enough on my own, and need support here




The words are:,
Orca-Vehl for Killer whale
Otsounate for Rattlesnake
Espaada for Swordfish
Bokeroness Muchchi for Herring
Dhuddaa for Toad
Tara Muchchi for starfish
Talada for Cricket, so as to separate from Tiddha for Grasshopper
Dhuddee for Tadpole
Jeengha Muchche for Crayfish
Dallo for Squid
Langosta for Lobster
Mero Muchchee for Sea Bass
Ghambass for Prawns
Troocha for Trout
Robalo Muchchee for haddock
Toona for Tuna
Faissan for Pheasant
Pavo for Turkey
QuoQuo for Robin
Jiodaga for Mink
Golanv for Raven
Valelu for Hummingbird
huhu for mockingbird

These are just a small sample. please provide your opinions, and if anyone
actively wants to be involved, let me know

minMdr isMG/kOr koCV

Waheguru ji ka khalsa
Waheguru ji ki fateh
I visited your site and found it to be very informative. At lot of these questions are asked by young people especially those growing up in western countries.
Thank you for all the effort you have put into making it so informative.

DnvMq isMG

Ex-Communication is not Sikhism

Sikhism is a religion of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji & not of a particular person or a body. A person who dedicates & surrender one’s life to the teachings i.e. Sikhaya of Guru Granth Sahib is entitled to be called a Sikh. Appearance of a Sikh person is also natural & not man made. That is also fashioned by its Creator Himself-only for the man being. All of us should be grateful to the Great GURU who reverted us into a proper man’s appearance. The Supreme Guru also re-energized us into our natural living with Gurbani teachings. No doubt, the human being had defaced & lost, one way or the other his appearance & living human values. Hence the Sikhism is a property of the Supreme Guru Himself & its Creator, and not the property of any body else. It is only Gurbani, which has to decide if a person is a Sikh or not. Therefore if a person or a body, which claims or dares to ex-communicate some Sikh person or personality from Sikhism, resides in heaven of dreams. They should first learn the teachings & Philosophy of Gurbani which clarifies:

"nf ko bYrI nhI ibgfnf sgl sMig hm kAu bin afeI" (Page 1299 GGS) "hoie iekqR imlhu myry BfeI duibDf dUir krhu ilv lfie ] hir nfmY ky hovhu joVI gurmuiK bYshu sPf ivCfie ] 1 ] (Page 1185 GGS) & so on which can be translated as "No one is my enemy, and no one is a stranger. I get along with everyone" & "Come and join together, O my Siblings of Destiny; dispel your sense of duality and let yourselves be lovingly absorbed in the Lord." Respetively. Be cautious that excommunication is not the principal of Guru Granth Sahib and this medieval verdict itself goes against are those persons or the society as a whole, who claims so.

On the other hand if a few misguided or ignorant persons goes to some Bhaniara, Asutosh, Narinkari or somebody of the category and claims, these people as their gurus, instead of Guru-Gurbani. It all is due to the clergies and gurdwara system of the day, which is absolutely responsible for this. But the people who are deserting Sikhism are again less faulty than these. For this ignorance which is increasing day by day in Sikhism, rather the clergy system as well as Sikh preachers & the Gurdwara management of the time should get ashamed of it. The day will come, when those ignorant persons will have to repent and come back. But at that time, they will have to curse the clergies and Sikh preachers along with Gurdwara management of this day. But these original culprits, who are wrongly boasting and declaring themselves the right persons and ex-communicating the genuine devotees, simply because of some chair-table issue. Also ex-communicating the Research Scholars or Intellectuals of the Community. When Such researchers & scholars who declare that none of writings on the earth can be parallelized to Sahib Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. The genuine researchers & scholars who dare fully warns the Sikh masses from brhmanical living which has highly crept into Sikhism & damaged the Sikh living-rom socalled Dasam Garanth etc.

Alas! our Christian brotheren have increased their population and converted 1/3 of the whole universal population. The Mohammedans have got so many countries in the world but the Sikh masses are daily busy in ex-communication of their Researchers, Scholars and genuine Devotees- but can not control apostasy, intoxication, gurudom, which seriously is being crept into Sikhism and has already swallowed above 95% of the Sikh masses.

jgimMdr isMG

Respected Sadh Sangat

Waheguru Ji Ka khalsa Waheguru ji Ki Fateh

From when it started "EK-Onkar- Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh"???

Within Sahib Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji the Manglacharn is given in one & only one form i.e. from "Ek-Onkar to Gur parsad" Then it was briefed in other three other forms. It was briefed extremely into the form "EK-Onkar Sat GurParsad" but Guruji did not left its basic starting word "Ek-Onkar" and closing word "Gurparsad" in all the four forms. Whereas, within this the word ‘Sat’ was included from the word ‘Sat Nam’ which defines the ever living character of the Almighty. This Manglacharan clarifies that a person can only emerge within the ‘Almighty’ The ‘EK-Onkar’ when the Almighty Showers His Own Blessings Becoming Himself ‘Guru’ and not otherwise. It also clarifies that as per Gurbani Teachings ‘Guru’ is not a person but the everlasting ‘Character’ of the ‘Ek-Onkar’. It is obvious frpm Gurbani-till a person won’t enlighten one’s life with the teachings of ‘Gurbani Guru’ he/she can’t get rid of janam-maran cycle.

So it is noticeable that the extra brief form of the ManglaCharn’ which is entered in Guru Granth Sahib at 524 times is ‘EK-Onkar Sat Gurparsad’ is final for Sikh masses’. Guru Ji never gave its any substitute or alternative’

On the auspicious occasion of Baisakhi 1699 the Tenth Master honored the Sikhs & privileged with a ‘khitab’ of Khalsa. He Himself gave them the meeting and embracing each other the slogan of "Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh" Even then, He did not changed, altered or added this new Manglacharn. Hence it is the issue to find out from which day this new Manglecharn "EK-Onkar Waheguru Ji ki Fate, or "Sri Waheguru Ji Ki Fteh entered within the Sikh masses & Sikh literature and who did it. Either it was entered to confuse the Sikh Masses. If it was entered from the mischievous elements to make adulteration within the Sikh living and Sikh literature from the

Sikh opponents. The question is Where from it came within our community. Sikh masses must remain alert from such elements within or outside the community to face their ill thoughts.

‘ÃÄvfihgurUU jI kI PLqih’ kdoN qoN ??????

sRI gurU gRMQ sfihb jI aMdr mMglfcrx ieko hI rUp ivc drj hoieaf hY aqy iPLr Asy hI mMglfcrx nUM iqMn hor sMKyp rUpF ivc drj kIqf igaf hY. iesdf sMpUrx rUp "ÃÄ siq nfmu krqf purKu inrBAu inrvYru akfl mUriq ajUnI sYBM gurpRsfid"] iesyqrHF iesy mMglfcrx nUM aqI sMKyp rUp ivc pRBu df guxvfck ‘siqnfm’ qoN hI pRBU df sdIvI gux ‘siq’ lYky "ÃÄsiq gurpRsfid" kr idqf igaf hY. bfkI "ÃÄ" aqy "gurpRsfid" cfrF hI rUpF ivc Ausy qrHF kfiem irhf hY. AusnUM ikWDry Gwt-vWD nhIN kIqf.

"ÃÄ" dy arQ hn ‘akflpurK iek hY, jLry jLry ivc iek rs ivafpk hY aqy Ausdf aMq nhIN pfieaf jf skdf’. iesyqrHF "gurpRsfid" dy arQ hn ik ‘ krqf afp hI gurU rUp hoky jIvF Aupr ikRpf krdf hY ijsqoN ieh vI spsLt ho jFdf hY ik gurbfxI anusfr ‘gurU’ krqy akfl purK df apxf hI ivsLysL aqy sdIvI gux hY aqy jdoN qIk mnuK dy jIvn aMdr ies ielfhI gux ‘gurU’ df pRkfsL nhIN huMdf ieh mnuK jnm-mrn dy gyVH ivcoN surKrU nhIN ho skdf. ieh PLYslf vI gurbfxI df hI hY. iesvfsqy gurbfxI anusfr "gurU" koeI srIr nhIN blik krqy akfl purK df apxf hI gux hY. iesqrHf sfihb sRI gurU gRMQ sfihb ivc ‘ÃÄsiq gurpRsfid’ vflf aqI sMKyp rUp BfvyN 524 vfrI qF drj kIqf hY pr iesdf koeI bdl ikWDry nhIN idqf igaf.

dsmysL jI ny ivsfKI 1699 nUM jdoN ‘isK’ nUM Kflsy dI AupfDI nfl invfijaf qF bolf vI idqf "vfihgurU jI kf Kflsf] vfihgurU jI kI PLiqh]" ieQy qIk vI ikWDry ‘ÃÄvfihgurU jI kI PLiqh jF iPr "ÃÄsRI vfihgurU jI kI PLiqh" df ijLkr qIk nhIN imldf. iPr acfnk hI "ÃÄsiq gurpRsfid" dI QfvyN jF hor mMglfcrx "ÃÄvfihgurU jF sRI vfihgurU jI kI PLiqh" kdoN qoN pRcilq ho igaf. kI ieh sB pMQ nUM duibDf ivc pfAux dI jF KyrUM KyrUM krn dI koeI ivroDI guWJI cfl qF nhIN sI? pMQ nUM jfgirq hoky cln dI loV hY.

(sMpfdkI not:- "ÃÄ vfihgurU jI kI PLiqh" dsm grMQ ivc pMnF 92 qy ijWQoN cMzI cirqR pihlf sLurU huMdf hY aqy hor keI QfvF qy iliKaf imldf hY. ieh guwJI cfl hY jF kuwJ hor hY ies vfry afp hI soc lE)

srvjIq isMG

ptnf sfihb dI pRbMDkI kmytI dy pRDfn mihMdr isMG romfxf nMU isMG sfihbfn vlo lgfeI geI qnKfh ipCNo sMq smfj dy bulfry sMq vIr isMG mwdoky dy ibafn AupRMq bfbf blvIr isMG vlo spwsLtIkrn dyky dsm gRMQ dy msly nMU iek vfr Pyr aKbfrF dIaF surKIaF ivwc lY aFdf hY. ieh mslf vI AunF hI purfxf hY ijMnf ik dsm gRMQ, smy smy ies ivwc Auqrf cVf afAudy rihMdy hn. ies dy hwk ivwc buhq kuJ iliKaf igaf hY aqy ivrlf-ivrlf sUrmF ies dy ivroD ivwc vI inqiraF hY. (zf: jwgI dovy pfsy sLfml hY) iswK sMgq dI buhigxqI, ieh nf jfxdy hoey vI ik ies ivwc kI iliKaf hoieaf hY dsm gRMQ ivwc sLrDf rwKdI hY pfTkF dI jfxkfrI vfsqy dsm gRMQ ivwco iek sfKI pysL kr irhf hF jo ieQy ilKI jF skdI hY vrnf ies ivwc qF aijhf buhq kuJ hY ijs nMU ieQy ilKxf qF kI iekwly bYT ky pVnf vI musLkl hY.

"jyhf ik asIN agy vI afKL cuky hF ik sfrIaF khfxIaF iqRXf cirqr nhI, keI purK cirqr vI hn ijnHF ivc ikqy ikqy mrdF dI cuqrfeI qy bIrqf df icqr drsfieaf igaf hY. ies df Bfv vI ieho hY ik ibKm hflfq ivcoN vI cyqMn hoky inkl jfxf isafxy pursLf df kMm hY. guru sfihb ny kuJ afpbIqIaf vI drj kIqIaf hn jo ik QF QF afey hvfilaf qo spsLt ho hI jFdIaF hn. aMndpur dy keI cilqr hn, ijvyN 16, 21, 22, 23, afid. 15 nMbr kIrqpur df hY.

ijs smyN siqgurU pfAuNty sfihb qoN vfps muVdy kpfl mocn qIrQ qy afey qF iKafl afieaf ik afpxy isKF nMU isropfAu vjoN pwgf idqIaF jfx prMqu pwgF ikqo imlIaf nhIN, kuJ iswKf nUM pfAuNty qy bUVIey vI Byijaf igaf pr ieqnI mlml AuQoN n imlI aKIr PYslf kIqf ik ies pivqr qIrQ lfgy jo ipsLfb krdf hovy AusnMU PLV lE qy AusdI pwg lfh lE, ajyhf krn qy AsnMU nsIhq imlygI ik Drm asQfn qy gMd iKlfrnoN pRhyj krnf cfhIdf hY. gurU sfihb dy ispfhIaF nMU ieh hukm imlx dI dyr sI ik QoVy smyN ivc hI aT sO pwgf iekwTIaF kr leIaF qy AuQy hI Duaf leIaF geIaF. ies qrf AunHF Aujl dsqfrF dy, afey isKF pRymIaF nMU vMzky isropfAu idqy gey. ieh Gtnf guru sfihb ny ‘purK cirqr’ dy rUp ivc 71 nMbr qy drj kIqI hY-


ngr pFvtf buh bsY,sfrmor ky dys .

Jmunf ndI inkit bhY,jnk purI alkys . 1 .

ndI jmn ky qIr mYN,qIrQ mucn kpfl .

ngr pFvtf Coir hm,afey qhF Auqfl . 2 .


iKlq aKytk sUkr mfry. bihqy imRg aory hin zfry.

pRin iqh qF k ohm mug lIno. vf qIrQ ko drsn kIno. 3.


qhF hmfry isK sB, aimq phUMcy afie.

iqnY dYn ko cfihXY, joir Blo isrpfie. 4 .

ngr pFvty bUirXY, pTey lok bulfie.

eyk pfg pfeI nhIN, inhPl phUMcy afie. 5 .


molih eyk pfg nihN pfeI. qb msliq hLm ijXih bnfeI.

jfih iehF mUqNq liK pfvo. qF kI CIn pgirXf lXfvo. 6 .

jb pXfdn aYsy suin pfXo. iqhI BFiq imil sBn kmfXo.

jo mnmUK qIrQ iqh afXo. pfg ibnf kr qFih pTfXo. 7.


rfiq bIc kir afT sY pgrI leI Auqfir.

afin iqnY hm dIh mYN, Doivn deI suDfir. 8 .


pRfq lyq sB Doie mMgfeI. sB hI isKXn ko bMDvfeI.

bcI su byic qurq qihM leI. bfkI bcI ispfihan deI. 9 .


bitky pgrI ngr ko, jfq Bey suK pfie.

Byd mUrKn nf lhXo, khF gXo kir rfie. 10 .

‘dsm gRMQ drsLn’ lyKk ipafrf isMG pdm (eyky nfl pMdrf ibMdIaF! )

(cOQI vfr- 1998, pMnF 125) ivcoN DMnvfd sfihq .

pfTkf nMU bynqI ik ies sfKI nMU arQF smyq pVn leI hyT ilKy anUsfr Kycl kr lYxI jI (Click on the link or copy and paste it into the address bar) http://www.gobindsadan.org/institute/dasam/pdf/v4_2.pdf

pMnF 99/122 cirqR 71 pVo jI .

iesy qsvIr df dUjf pfsf vyKx leI, www.sadapunjab.com click on gurbani, book online then Vol 10 B, page 20 pVn dI Kycl krnI jI.

ipafrf isMG pdm dy bcn ik ,"guru sfihb ny kuJ afpbIqIaf vI drj kIqIaf hn" dy anusfr ieh guru jI dI afp-bIqI hY. siqkfr Xog pfTk jI ,jrf soco ik, kI ieh guru goibMd isMG jI ny afpxI hwz bIqI afpxI klm nfl afp hI ilKI hovYgI ? jy ieh sfKI swc hY qF lokf dIaF pwgF lfh ky vycx vflf kOx hoieaF?. "bcI su byic qurq qihM leI". pfTkf df Gyrf buhq ivsLfl hY ies leI sfry pfTkf nMU inmrqf sfihq bynqI hY ik ies nMU pVn qo ipwCo afp jI ijs vI nqIjy qy puhco , afpxI rfey jrUr pRgt krnI jI .

hoeI Bul dI soD:- ipCly pwqr ivwc ivrsf isMG dI bYb sfeIt dI qrIK glqI nfl akqUbr 2002 ilKI geI sI Aus nMU akqUbr 2000 piVaf jfvy .

hoeIaf BulF leI iKmF krnf jI,

afdr sfihq

srvjIq isMG

aYzItr isWK ivrsf

26 akqUbr nUM cMzIgVH ivKy ho rhI srb sMsfr pMQk knvYnsLn vfry msilaF qy ivcfr krn leI 21 sqMbr, 2003 nUM iswK ivrsf (kYlgrI) dy dPqr ivwc iewk ivsLysL mIitMg rwKI geI hY. sfiraF nUM phuMcx leI Kuwlf swdf idwqf jFdf hY. sMprk leI Pon kro: (403) 250-8898

(sMpfdkI not:- knvYnsLn vfry ivsQfr nfl jfxkfrI aYqvfr 21 sqMbr sLfm nUM isWK mfrg qy pfeI jfvygI)

Seeking apology for misrepresentation of Sikhs and its dangerous implications for Sikhs worldwide


Dear Ms. Lay,

We believe your reference to the Sikh gentleman in the AP photo as “Randy Bin Laden” was not only distasteful but simply dangerous and possibly life threatening for innocent Sikh men in turbans. Such gross misinformation within the media leads only to cause more confusion and negative sentiment towards innocent people.

In the post 9-11 wave of misdirected anger and violence, Sikh Americans have been victims of hate crimes, religious and racial profiling and harassment. In fact, a man is currently on trial in Arizona for the hate crime killing of an innocent Sikh man. Sikh Americans have been and are continuing to educate the American populace about Sikhism. There are many resources available on the internet (e.g. www.sikhs.org, www.sikhnet.com, www.sikhcoalition.org, www.sikhmediawatch.org, www.unitedsikhs.org) to educate yourself about the principles of Sikh faith and details of its dynamic history.

However, we realize this is major endeavor because most Americans are completely ignorant about Sikhs, who first made the United States their home over 100 years ago. The fact is that 99% of people who wear turbans in the United States are Sikhs. Therefore, using your art to make a connection between a Sikh man and the world’s biggest fugitive, especially by using remarks such as “a shady character” and “Osama’s no good cousin, Randy bin Laden” amounts to stereotyping, and is likely to trigger more misdirected behavior and hate crimes against Sikh Americans.

Your cartoon attempt at de-propagation seems equally sarcastic as the first and does nothing to clear the mist of confusion that the initial image created. Sikh Americans are deeply disappointed with your disregard in representing members of the Sikh faith.

We believe in the best interests of education and therefore are kindly requesting that you to post an apology on your site as well as in The Hartford Current. Additionally, we ask you to take down these two cartoon pieces on www.waylay.com.


UNITED SIKHS-Legal Advisory Team Director

Click here to Sign the Petition created by the UNITED SIKHS Legal Team

CC: Editor, The Hartford Current.




rxDIr isMG

kpUrQlf idvflLI nfeIt 18 akqUbr nUM hovygI

ipCly idnI kpUrQlf ijly nflL sbMiDq trFto dy afs pfs dy ielfikaF ivc vsdy pNjfbIaF dI iewk mIitMg imsIsfgf dy nYsLnl bYNkuaYt hfl ivc hoeI. ies mItMg ivc kimAUintI dy jfxy pihcfxy srdfr guibMdr isMG rMDfvf, mlkIaq isMG idEl, rxDIr isMG rfxf, hrgurnfr isMG rMDfvf, crnjIq isMG pwzf, jsjIq isMG Buwlr, pMmF isEl, iekbfl isMG, suKinMdr isMG, kulvMq isMG rMDfvf, srbjIq isMG, plivMdr isMG iswDU, dlbIr isMG, jsvMq isMG qoN ielfvf hor keI kpUrQlf ijly nflL sbMiDq pqvMiqaF ny ihwsf ilaf. ies mIitMg ivc iewk smfj syvI sMsQf " kpUrQlf vYlPYar sosfietI" df gTn kIqf igaf. ieh sMsQf pMjfb ivc kpUrQlf ijly ivc smfj BlfeI dy kMmF ijvyN grIbF leI awKF dy muPq kYNp, nOjuafnf nUM nisLaF qoN dUr rwKx, grIbF dy bwicaF leI pVfeI df pRbMD, loVvMdF nUM muPq ikqfbF, aqy ijlf invfsIaF nUM trYiPk dy inXmF pRqI iswiKaq krn afid vrgy kMmF ivc sQfink pRsLfsLn dI mdd nflL Xogdfn pfvygI. ieh sMsQf ijly nfl sbMiDq pRvfsIaF nUM lfmbMd krky ijly dy BlfeI kMmF nUM Auqsfihq krygI.

" kpUrQlf vYlPYar sosfietI" vwloN trFto ivc sfl ivc do vfr ijly nflL sbMiDq pirvfrF leI smfgm aXoijq kIqf jfieaf krygf. grmIaF ivc ipkink aqy srdIaF ivc mnorMjn pRBUr iekwT hoieaf krygf qF ik afpsI imlvrqn vDfieaf jf sky.ieh sMsQf nvyN afey ieMmIgRFtF dI muPq shfieqf kiraf krygI. ieh sMsQf nvIN pIVHI nUM afpxy swiBafcfr dy bolI nflL joVI rwKx leI Auprfly krygI.

" kpUrQlf vYlPYar sosfietI" vwloN iesy sMDrb ivwc ivwc 18 akqUbr idn sLinwcrvfr nUM rYkszyl ivcly sMgIq bYNkuaYt hfl ivc "kpUrQlf idvflLI nfeIt" krvfeI jf rhI hY. ieh iewk pirvfirk iekwT hovygf. ies sLfm nUM bwicaF leI ptfikaF df Kfs ieMqjLfm kIqf igaf hY. gIq sMgIq qoN ielfvf ies sLfm ivwc sbMiDq pirvfrF dI jfx pCfx krvfeI jfeygI. " kpUrQlf vYlPYar sosfietI" vwloN kpUrQlf ijly nflL sbMiDq knyzf invfsIaF dI pMjfb ivcly ipMzF sLihrF dy piqaF smyq iewk zfierYktrI iqafr kIqI jf rhI hY. smUh ijlf invfsI jo iehnIN idnI knyzf ivc rih rhy hn ies zfierYktrI ivc afpxf nfm drj krvfAux leI rxDIr isMG rfxf nflL 416-953-7262 hrgI rMDfvf 416-677-6706 qy sMprk kr skdy hn. guibMdr isMG rMDfvf ies kmytI dy pRDfn hoxgy. rxDIr isMG rfxf aqy hrgI rMDfvf nUM koafrzI nytr Qfipaf igaf hY. mlkIq idEl sYktrI qy suKinMdr isMG qy kulvMq rMDfvf KjfncI hoxgy. idvflLI nfeIt dI vDyry jfxkfrI leI Aupr dwsy gey iksy vI mYNbr nflL sMprk kIqf jf skdf hY. iehnf muZly mYNbrF vwloN smUh ijlf invfsIaF nUM sMsQf dy mYNbr bxn dI bynqI kIqfI jFdI hY.

gurjMt isMG

siqkfrXog isrdfr[ mwKx isMG jIE

vfihgurU jI kf Kflsf]

vfihgurU jI kI Piqh]

ardfs hY vfihgurU afp jI nUM hmysLF cVHdIaF klf pRdfn krn. afp jI kOm dI vzmuwlI syvf mIzIey rfhIN kr rhy ho. afp jI duafrf ijhVf kfrj arMiBaf igaf hY bhuq hI sLlfGfXog hY. afp jI hr hPqy nvyN lyK gurmiq dI soJI dyx vfly qy awj dy aKOqI DrmI afgUaF bfry jfxU krvfAux vfly pfAuNdy ho. s[ gurbKsL isMG kflf aPgfnf jI dIaF rcnfvF nUM afpxI sfeIt df aMg bnfAux leI Kfs qOr qy quhfzf Dnvfd hY . hr nvyN hPqy sB qoN pihlF afp jI dI vYb sfeIt Koldf hF jI. afp jI BfvyN pMjfb doN dUr ho pr iPr vI vYb sfeIt qy hmysLF nfl pfeIdf hY.

afp jI jykr Xog smJo qF ieh CotI ijhI ilKq vI hPqfvfrI kflm qy pfAux dI ikRpflqf krnI jI.

Dnvfd sihq,


gurjMt isMG

gurmIq isMG astRylIaf

Dear Khalsa jee after the excommunication of Author Bhai Gurbakhsh Singh jee (Canada), Hindu's slave scholars have again started vomitting because they are now in possession of a sealed Hukamnama/certificate from the servants of SGPC! In this regard kindly a have look at Dr. Amarjit Singh's article at pages 21-24, Sant Sipahi, September 2003. Earlier, they remained dumb and did not respond. These clever guys could be identified: Bhai Joginder Singh Talwara, Baba Thakur Singh through Bhai Mohkam Singh, Gurcharanjit Singh Lamba, S. Ratinder Singh Indore, Dr. Amarjit Singh of Kanshi. But they did not respond to the various articles appeared at www.sikhmarg.com

I am sure Bhai Gurbakhsh Singh jee must have given appropriate reply to the points now raised in Sant Sipahi - Sept. 2003.

Gurmit Singh

blbIr isMG sUc aYzvokyt

Complaint to The Chairperson, National Human Rights Commission, New-Delhi-110001( INDIA )


Hon’ble Justice A.S.Anand.


Submission :SIkh Boy Made Impotent- Request & Relief: Action & ensure safety of other children who are helpless & in custody of so called saints running the Akharas, Deras etc in India in connivance with the respective governments and it seems Union Of India & its agencies are actively involved in such inhuman & cruel acts.

In Continuation of the Complaint sent through email on the Subject


I am forwarding a copy of the complaint dated: 22-8-2003 for favour of consideration & necessary suitable action.

2. That on 13-9-2003 in the morning about 25-30 persons along with Sh. Talib Singh Sandhu Ex-MLA and one advocate Narinder Singh Gill came at my residence to pressurize me not to pursue this complaint any further as they are all followers of Sant Balwant Singh otherwise to face consequences.

3. That Jaswant Singh then Jhanda Singh then Jhanda Dass now Amritdhari Sikh was also brought by them and visibly appeared to be under some threat and feeling disturbed & unsafe.

4. That in the evening on the same day two successive telephone calls from a lady claiming herself to be the wife of said advocate, a follower of Sant Balwant Singh since her childhood were received and she also requested me not to pursue the complaint any further. On my showing inability to do so, she gave veiled threats to face the wrath of crowd of ladies brought by her to force me to follow their dictates.

5. That thereafter two successive telephone calls, on the same night, from unknown persons were received by me near about 9 PM pressurizing me not proceed with the complaint otherwise they would bring a crowd of one hundred persons at my residence to settle with me, but I advised them not tread such a path.

6, That I expect more such calls with threats in the coming days.

It, therefore, prayed that suitable action be taken in all respects and effective measures may be taken as earlier as possible to ensure justice in the matter.

Dated: 14-9-2003

Yours faithfully,

Balbir Singh Sooch, Advocate

gurqyj isMG

The Sikh intellectual Dr Harjinder Singh Dilgeer, a writer with 40 books to Sikh studies, was honoured by the Delhi Sikh Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee, at special function at gurdwara Damdama Sahib.

srvjoq isMG svwdI

aKMz kIrqnI jQy vfly sRI akfl qKq sfihb nUM pulIs Qfxf bnfAuNxf cfhuMdy hn

sYn hojy (svWdI) isWK afgU srbjoq isMG svWdI ny spWsLt kridaF ikhf ik Auh hmysLF sRI akfl qKq nUM srbAuWc mMndy hn aqy sRI guru gRMQ sfihb dI bfxI dI rOsLnI ivWc pMQ pRvfixq ley gey hr PYsly nUM vI svIkfrdy hn. pr aKMz kIrqnI jQy ijs ny isWKF nUM bRfhmxvfdI krmkFzF vWl Dkyilaf hY Aus dy pihlF vI ivroDI rhy hn qy hux vI hn aqy aKMz kIrqnI jQy nUM pMQ ivWcoN KdyVn leI Auh afpxI pUrI vfh lfAuxgy. sR[ svWdI ny ikhf ik AunHF iehI gWlF sRI akfl qKq sfihb dy jQydfr joigMdr isMG vydFqI nfl tYlIPon qy hoeI gWlbfq dOrfn khIaF aqy jQydfr sfihb nUM afpxy vloN ilKI icWTI ivWc vI khIaF.

sR[ svWdI ny spWsLt kridaF ikhf ik idWlI ivWc hnUMmfn dy buWq qy rYxsbfeI kIrqn krn vflf ieh aKMz kIrqnI jQf afey idn afpxy ivroDIaF nUM pMQ ivWcoN Cykx dIaF sLkfieqF krky sRI akfl qKq sfihb nUM pulIs QfxF bnfAuxf cfhMudf hY. sR[ svWdI ny ikhf ik ipClI 4 qfrIK nUM jd isMG sfihbFn aMdr mIitMg kr rhy sn Aus vylyy myry, sR[ grqyj isMG aqy sR[ hrdyv isMG sLyrigWl bfry koeI PYslf krnf sI qF Aus smyN ieh aKMz kIrqnI jQy vfly akfl qKq dy bfhr sfnUM pMQ ivcWoN Cykx dy PYsly dI AuzIk ivWc bfhr KVy KusLI df iejLhfr kr rhy sn. pr Aus smyN myry njLdIkI irsLqydfr BfeI hrI isMG kFAuky spuWqr(BfeI gurdyv isMG kFAuky sfbkf jQydfr sRI akfl qKq sfihb) aqy myry hor dosq imWqr aqy ipMz vfsIaF nfl do iqMn vfr tkrfa vI hoieaf. kI ies qrHF dIaF pMQ ivroDI kfrvfeIaF krky sRI akfl qKq sfihb dy gOrvmeI ieiqhfs nUM Kqm aqy sRI akfl qKq sfihb qoN jfrI huMdy hukmnfimaF nUM cYlMj nhIN kr rhy?

sR[ svWdI ny ikhf pihlF vI ieiqhfs gvfh hY ik aKMz kIrqnI jQy dy puriKaF ny BsOV vflI sMprdf nfl iml ky sRI guru gRMQ sfihb ivWc drj BgqF qy BWtF dI bfxI, afsf kI vfr aqy rfgmflf nfl CyV-CfV kIqI sI. pMQ pRvfixq PYsly dy Ault rfgmflf qoN bgYr sIR gurUu gRMQ sfihb dIaF bIVF dI CpfeI kIqI sI pr Aus vyly Kflsf pMQ ny ienHF df zt ky ivroD kIqf sI. sR[ sWvdI ny spsLt kridaF ikhf ik aKMz kIrqnI jQy dy gurmiq ivroDI bRfhmxI krmkFzF dy iKlfP pihlF vFg hI isDFqk tWkr jfrI rWKFgf.

srbjoq isMG svWdI

srvjIq isMG

prm isqkfr Xog igafnI joigMdr isMG vydFqI jI,

vfih gurU jI kf Kflsf

vfih gurU jI kI PLqih,

pMj isMG sfihbfn dI 4 sqMbr nMU sRI akfl qKq sfihb ivKy hoeI iekwqrqf ivc afp jI vwlo ptnf sfihb dI pRbMDk kmytI dy sfbkf pRDfn aqy sLRRomxI kmytI mYNbr s: mihMdr isMG rumfxf nMU qnKfhIaf krfr idqf igaf hY. ikAik mihMdr isMG rumfxf ny dsm gRMQ bfry crcf CyV ik afp jI vwlo jfrI kIqy, 14 meI 2000 vfly hukmnfmy dI AulgMGxf kIqI hY.

afp jI ny ieh hukmnfmf, gurbKs isMG kflf aPgfnf dI ikqfb "bicwqr nftk gurbfxI dI ksvwtI qy" Cpx (meI 1999) ipCo hoeI crcf krky jfrI kIqf sI qF jo ies ikqfb df dUjf Bfg "cirqR pKXfn" nf Cp sky. afp jI nUM pqf sI ik Aus ikqfb ivc kI iliKaf hoieaf hY ikAuik Aus df KrVf afp jI pfs puhc cuwkf sI.

inmrqf sihq bynqI hY ik ieh hukmnfmf isrP AUnHf vfsqy hI hY jo dsm gRMQ dI aslIaq nMU pysL krdy hn jf ik qusI dsm gRMQ bfry hr iksm dI crcf bMd kIqI sI?

jy ieh hukmnfmf isrP AuhnF vfsqy hI hY jo aoKqI dsm gRMQ nUM gurU sfihb dI ikrq nhI mndy qF ieh byiensfPI hY. jy afp jI ny hr iksm dI crcf bMd kIqI sI qF idwlI vfly ivrsf isMG dy iKlfP kfrvfeI ikAu nhI kIqI geI? ijs ny afp jI dy hukmnfmy dI AulgMGxf krky akqUbr 2002 dy ivc bYb sfiet bxfeI sI (http://www.dasamgranth.org). 2002 ivc ieglYz invfsI hrijMdr isMG kMvl ny ikqfb "dsmysL bfxI drpx" ilKI hY ijs dy pRksLk "vYWlivsL pbilsrjL" pI pI 5 mOrIaf aYnklyv pIqm purf, idwlI- 110088 hn. huxy huxy iek hor pusqk CpI hY, "sRI dsm gRMQ sfihb - dsmysL-ikRq pRmfixkqf" ijs dy lyKk qy pRkfsLk hn amrjIq isMG Kosf aqy ipRMtr Bf: cqr isMG jIvn isMG, bjLfr mfeI syvF, aMimRqsr hn. kI ieh afp jI vlo jfrI hukmnfvy dI AulGxf nhI hY ?.

siqkfr Xog vydfqI jI kI sfry dosLIaf iKlfP ieko jyhI kfrvfeI nhI hoxI cfhIdI ? sMq vIr isMG mwdoky dy ibafn vfry afp jI dy kI ivcfr hn jI?.

siqkfr Xog vydfqI jI afp jI dy ibafn anusfr srvjoq isMG svwdI ny muafPInfmf Byj ik ieh spwsLt kIqf hY ik myrf gurbKLsL isMG kflfPgfnf nfl koeI sbMD nhI hY. Aus sbMD ivwc inmrqf sihq bynqI hY ik Aus pwqr nMU aKbfrF ivwc CpvfAux dI ikRpflqf krnI jI . dfs nMU qF zr hY ik jy ikqy srvjoq isMG svwdI ny ieh ibafn dy idwqf ik mY muafPI nhI mMgI qF ikqy aKvfrf vfly ieh hI nF ilK dyx ik jQydfr df ieh ibafn vI JUTf.

hoeIaf Bulf leI iKmf krnf jI

siqkfr sihq

srvjIq isMG

imsjL ey isMG

This so-called dasam granth is not even a granth but a slapping together of puranic myths (braj in gurmukhi script - quite clearly stated). It is more in keeping with the puranic/kabbalisitc ideology and theory of creation and a split God who is unable to tend to or even create its creation without creating other creatures to do it for him. This is a direct contradiction of the Akal Purukh of Sikhi. Some extensive sexist literature and elaborate kavita of the kind indulged in by darbari kavis of rajas with their far-fetched tales. (khalsa having dropped from Shiva's prayer mat!). There is an ocassional red herring thrown in to make it seem compatible to gurmatt - but it is just window dressing. Anyone who has read this stuff is repulsed and nauseated by it. This is the anti-literature of Guru Granth sahib, even worse than the hindalia granth, and successor to it nevertheless, with a view to undermine the teachings of Sri Guru Granth Sahib.

This evolved from a few pages to the granth of the present day, to be set up as a rival and to subvert the philosophy of Guru Granth sahib. Most people have not bothered to read it, or have chosen to pull a few paragraphs/stanzas that suit their purpose to mislead. This is despite the fact that it is clearly a very shoddy job of putting together a credible granth - that can remotely rival any previous literature compiled - let alone Guru Granth sahib.

My request is to read the avtaras and the charitopakhyan to the females of your household and then decide if one would think this is in any way shape or form to be even worthy of keeping in the vicinity of their sons, daughters and parents. Here we have some wise one trying to put it in gurdwaras and indulge in bhang parsads and the most un-khlasa like behaviour, in order to justify this supposed granth, which so has no mention of khandae di pahul/Amrit ceremony (so far) With the increase in literacy this is not going to be hidden like the misdeeds perpetuated in the 18th century. Once any one reads this stuff, it will be exposed. No amount of hiding behind Jaap sahib is going to help.

Granths may come and go, but for the sikh there is only One - The Guru Granth Sahib, the container of the Divine knowledge. The shenanigans of other created and time limited gods and goddesses are of no importance to us. The pages after pages of viles of women cannot be justified even if they were matched with viles of men like Chandu and Gangu, these kinds of perversions make for granths to be read in brothels not Gurdwaras. Let the mythology and eroticism - meant for baser instincts be revered by those who have no intention of moving above it be their self-created shackles and tall tales of imaginary beings, and those who want some spirtual uplift and advancement in their lives will automatically seek Guru Granth Sahib - our mentor and Shabad Guru. No amount of coercion is going to make us accept parallel granths or literature at par with the one given in written shape by our Guru sahiban.

If it is knowledge we seek, it is all in there- including the basis for khandae di pahul/ Amrit/khalsa. Those who seek find it as promised and those who flounder running in circles trying to find justification for their misdeeds by trumping up granths are just deluding themselves. We can only pray for bibek budhi to actually open up and read the 1430 pages in front of us. Things would not have come to this if we has been reading even one stanza daily and contemplating and imbibing it. We would have known any misleading literature at a glance - but our so-called maryades of akhand paths by hired pathis, kathas by hired kathakars and kritans by hired kirtanyas has resulted in our not knowing or misinterpreting our second-hand knowledge of our Treasure - resulting in granths galore in the names of our Guru Sahiban, because the khalsa of today is too busy promoting himself and has no time to listen to his Guru, the Guru Granth Sahib, and seeks to justify his bhang parsads form other literatures deeming them at par with the one ACTUALLY given to us by our Gurus.

Those individuals have spoken up against this mass subversion of our faith in Guru Granth sahib in form of spurious literatures are the true and few khalsa - because theirs is courage that made them stand up against all odds and at the cost of their personal and intellectual safety to reiterate what every Sikh should have. We have only one Granth and that is the Guru Granth. Least we can do is to declare loudly, above the din created by vested interests and their RSS swamis - there is no other Granth for us but Guru Granth.
Koor nikhutae nankaa orakh sach raheen....

Mrs A Singh

isWK stUizMt asosIeysLn (sYkrfmYNto)

ATale of Deception and Treachery

(Lesson from Indian History)

Coming October, 2003 Presented by Sikh Student Association CSU,Sacramento For more info and video visit: www.ssacsus.com

ikrpfl isMG

Justifying??? ……Sach Noo Phaansee???!!!

Date: Bhadon 21, 535 NS (Nanakshahi)

The Indian Express Chandigarh (August 28, 2003), reporting about SGPC meeting, said,

"SGPC plans to hit out at Kala Afghana ……HAVING ex-communicated the controversial Sikhism preacher Gurbakhsh Singh KalaAfghana, the Sikh clergy and the SGPC top brass have now decided to bring out a special issue of SGPC mouthpiece journal Gurmat Parkash, a CD ROM and a book to counter Kala Afghana’s supporters."

This whole SGPC proposal begs a very serious question. …… Where were the Sikh clergy and the SGPC top brass before excommunication of S. KalaAfghana? …..Why wasn’t a body of "Sikh Scholars" convened to study S. KalaAfghana’s scholarly work before his excommunication? ….Why are they scrambling for excuses now?. ……Why was such a serious action of such a far reaching consequences taken so lightly, without any due process of thought, investigation, justice and fair play? …..Why did the Jathedar Sahiban chose to tattoo such a big irremovable black blot on the face of the beacon of TRUTH, Sri Akal Takhat Sahib? …..What was the rush to dishonor the "House of Nanak" by getting the Sikh hands soaked with the blood of such an act of ……"Sach Noo Phaansee"?

Why was S. KalaAfghana excommunicated without a thorough study of his works? ……Now, are we in search of some excuses to justify our unjustifiable Takhat actions? …Is that what Jathedar Joginder Singh Jee Vedanti, S. Manjit Singh Jee Culcutta, and Joginder Singh Jee Talwara trying to do? …..Why did Sri Akal Takhat Sahib reject all such earlier pleas for the formation of a committee of "Sikh Scholars"? …(For everyone’s information, a plea for forming a committee of eleven scholars was sent to Sri Akal Takhat Sahib by this author.) ….Why were the BIPAR forces allowed to hijack the entire Sikh conscious of Justice and Fair play?

We know that this present day move of forming a "committee of scholars" under duress comes from the public outcry triggered by the extent of injustice inflicted upon S. KalaAfghana in the name of Sri Akal Takhat Sahib. This repugnant action by the Sikh leadership has forced the Sikh masses to raise the very serious questions even about the authority and rights of the Jathedar Sahiban to carry out such an action. ….."Whom does this power belong to???" The concerned Sikhs are asking everywhere! ….Does this power belong to ….. Guru Panth??? …..Or a couple of Granthis???

It seems the Khalsa Panth will have to come to grips with an answer to this question.

Let us not forget that the biggest contribution of the Sikh Guru Sahiban to Humanity is to free it from the clutches of the Priests (Bipars). By advocating the shifting the power back to the Granthis aren’t we undoing that the Guru Sahiban have done over a period of 240 years? …..This is an issue, which every Sikh needs to ponder about.

Next regarding the proposed "committee of so-called scholars", what is its objective at this stage of the game? …..The committee idea being initiated by the newly appointed SGPC cracker-jack Jathedar Manjit Singh Jee Culcutta, under the guidance of the Jathedar Joginder Singh Jee Talwara (taken to task by S. Kala Afghana in his book titled "Maas Maas Kar Moorakh Jhagray" for Talwara Jee’s distortion of Gurbani), and Jathedar Joginder Singh Jee Vedanti ( exposed by S. KalaAfghana for Vedanti Jee’s blasphemous book titled "Gurbilas Patshahi 6"), raises the following serious questions in one’s mind regarding this proposal’s intent.

  1. Will this so-called Scholarly production (consisting of a journal, a CD, and a book) be a piece of literature that will shine some light (Parkash) on Gurmat and Truth? OR will it be just another pack of "gunny bags of mud" to be slung at S. KalaAfghana.?
  2. Will "HONESTY" be its leading criteria to establish the "Sach daa Marag" of TRUTH?, OR Will it be collection of "FALSHOODS & DISTORTIONS" to build an after the fact case of EXCUSES to justify the un-thoughtfully taken unjustifiable TAKHAT action?
  3. Will the "UNDISTORTED GURBANI" be its guiding light? OR the "OUT OF THE CONTEXT BLASPHEMOUS DISTORTIONS" the guiding principle?
  4. In this production, will the so-called scholars display some "INTEGRITY" worthy of a SIKH?, OR will it be another obscene display of "CHAMCHAGIRI" of some cheap hirelings to carry out a pre-planned plot of character assassination?
  5. Will it be an exercise in some sort of "Sikh Soul searching" OR just a plot to bully a frail old man, who has dared to challenge the orthodoxy.
  6. Will it be an act to re-establish the lost prestige of TRUTHFULNESS, JUSTICE, and Fair play of Sri Akal Takhat Sahib? OR, Will it be a game of settling some old scores of personal vendettas?
  7. Will the objective of this journal, book and the CD be to find out the "Sach daa Marag "of TRUTH? OR, Will it be just another Propaganda material (like the 1984 White Paper by the Govt of India) to eternalize the falsehood of "Bipran Kee Reet"?

Only time will tell, if the intentions of this proposal are to guide the Khalsa Panth to its eternal GLORY, Or just another "summersault" like that of Jathedar Badungarh’s, of advising Sri Akal Takhat Sahib to back out of its "Takhat Promise" of holding a transparent Video Conference with S. KalaAfghana. The advice, that has pushed the prestige of Sri Akal Takhat Sahib into the dumps.

Hoping for the best for Khalsa Panth all that we can do is to pray, saying, O Waheguru Jee, ……Please give us enough strength to learn to walk on your "Sach Daa Marag." Please make us bold enough to admit and correct our transgressions and mistakes. ……Please provide us the understanidng to discontinue our present day march on the path of "Bipran Kee Reet." The Path in which, we are searching for EXCUSES to justify our unjustifiable act of …..Sach Noo Phaansee!!!

Kirpal Singh, USA.

pRo[ ieMdr isMG 'Gwgf'

siqkfrXog vIr s[ mwKx isMG jI

vfihgurU jI kf Kflsf]
vfihgurU jI kI PLiqh]

mflk pfs ardfs hY afp jI sdf cVHdI klf ivc ivcro. dfs vwloN Byjy gey lyK nUM afp jI ny afpxI vYbsfeIt qy pfieaf hY aqy nfl hI kuwJ ku aDUrIaF rih geIaF pMgqIaF vwl vI iDafn idvfAux dI Kycl kIqI hY.

afp jI nUM ieh lyK kuwJ ku soD suDfeI krky Byj irhf hF jI. ieh lyK kyvl kuwJ ku tUkF hI hn jykr iesdf df ivsQfr krn nfl ieh bhuq vwzf ho jfxf sI so ieh sMKyp ivc hI Byj irhf hF jI. dyrI leI iKmf. dfsrf afp jI df bhuq DMnvfdI hY ik afp jI ny mfx bKLisLaf hY.

DMnvfd sihq.
pRo[ ieMdr isMG 'Gwgf'
gurmiq igafn imsLnrI kflj,
pMjfbI bfg, jvwdI, luiDafxf-2

crnjIq isMG bwl

Vedanti defends ludicrous Gurbilas Pat.6

Charnjit Singh Bal

Advocate Gurcharanjit Singh Lamba sent out an e-mail titled ‘Vedanti defends Gurbilas’ that reveals the nature of the sinister strategy of the lobby group that promotes so-called Dasam Granth, Gurbilas, Panth Parkash, Suraj parkash, etc. that are written by quasi-Sikhs or pseudo-Sikhs.

These so-called Granths are replete with ludicrous Hindu mythology, blind devotion Idolatry, pilgrimages, prejudices, witchcraft, etc. and portray Sikh Gurus as Hindu Avatars (prophets), Clairvoyants, Wizards, reclusive Mendicants (Dasmesh Guru meditating standing on one leg for eons (ages) without food or water on Hemkunt, see Bachiter Natak), vindictive, unscrupulous (6th Guru Sahib sending Bidhi Chand to steal Shahjahan’s horses, eloping with Kaulan, see Gurbilas Patshahi 6) and addicted to Bhang (Marijuana).

The sad irony is that the overwhelming Sikh majority, including the scholars, academicians and preachers, hasn’t even seen, let alone read, this fantastical literature that vilifies the eminent Sikh Gurus and corrupts the quintessential Sikh religious philosophy, edification (Gurmut) and practice. Obviously anyone who translates, edits, publishes, promotes or acclaims these books cannot be considered sympathetic to the noble cause of inimitable Sikhism. On the contrary he/she aids and abets the fanatical Hindu (RSS, Shiv Sena, Bajrang Dal, etc.) zealots who are inimical to any non-Hindu religion and want to either swallow or annihilate Sikhism.

Rationalistic Sikh scholars like Bhai Kahn Singh Nabha, Dr. Ganda Singh, Dr. Sahib Singh, Prin. Teja Singh, Prof. Kartar Singh, Prof. Karam Singh historian, et al have separated the minuscule authentic Sikh philosophy, practice and history content, that is interspersed in these books merely to delude innocent/ignorant Sikhs, from Hindu mythological chaff. Because of mythological inclinations, blind faith/devotion, illiteracy or fallacious propagation of Sikhism by the semi-literate priestly Sikh preachers, these books by true Sikh scholars have not found appropriate readership among the Sikh majority.

The priestly hierarchy that professes surrealism rather than realism has always been averse to any rational school of thought and felt threatened by its detractors. The historical events like crucifixion of Jesus Christ, Prophet Mohammad’s exile from Mecca (622 AD), persecution of Galileo Galilei for his advocacy of the Copernican theory (The earth rotates daily on its axis and the planets revolve in orbits around the Sun.), Martyrdom of Guru Arjan Dev, Guru Teg Bahadur and two juvenile sons of guru Gobind Singh Sahib bear witness to the begrudging acts of sanctimonious priestly hierarchies.

Ironically the Sikhism that owes its origin to rationalist Guru Nanak’s rejection of priestly hierarchy hasn’t been immune to the unsanctioned Sikh priestly hierarchies from Pujaries, Mahants, Granthies, Sarbrahs, Ministers, Singh Sahibs and Jathedars. The various illegitimate Sikh clerical hierarchies have introduced Hindu mythological literature that inspires blind faith rituals, prejudices, idolatry taboos and stigmas that are totally anti-Sikh. Anyone who tried to criticize the contents or challenge the authenticity of writers of the anti-Sikh literature, was accused of blasphemy and ostracized and excommunicated.

In 1883 Akal Takht head Granthi, Khem Singh Bedi who proclaimed himself the Sikh Guru in violation of Sikhism’s fundamental doctrine ‘Word is guru’ and Guru Gobind Singh Sahib’s edict, "Guru Maaneo Granth" excommunicated Sikh stalwart Prof. Gumukh Singh who denounced Bedi’s un-Sikh act in 1887 AD.

In 1976 Gyani Bhag Ambala wrote and published a critical review of the so-called Dasam Granth, that for the most part contains erotic, mythical and surreal compositions that promote blind faith rituals and anti religious practices. He was excommunicated by the then Akal Takht Jathedar Sadhu Singh Bhaura at Sant Singh Maskeen’s instigation and Harmander’s head Granthi Chet Singh’s collusion.

Now Joginder Singh Vedanti (follower of Hindu Vedant’s creed. See Mahan Kosh, page 1108) has excommunicated Gurbakhsh Singh Kala Afghana mainly out of vindictiveness because he wrote and published a critical review of Gurbilas Pat.6 that Vedanti and Dr. Amarjit Singh had edited and got it published by the SGPC. This time Ritinder Singh and Joginder Singh Talwara performed Muskeen and Chet Singh’s roles.

These are clear-cut instances of guilty persecuting the righteous. It is all the more outrageous because Sikhism is a lay religion i.e. there is no place for priestly class. Also there are no precedents of the Sikh Gurus excommunicating Sikhs anyone except the Masands (Masnands) who were exploiting the Sikhs just like the various post Guru-period unsanctioned Sikh priestly hierarchies wielding illegitimate authority.

Prof. Gurmukh Singh, founding member of Sikh reform movement, Singh Sabha and Khalsa College Amritsar, Gyani Bhag Singh and Gurbakhsh Singh Kala Afghana should have been acclaimed and honored for the reasons they were excommunicated. But it is naivety to expect rational approach from stereotypical priestly hierarchy especially an illegitimate one to contentious temporal issues because by nature the priestly clerics are averse to any rational school of thought.

To read more details on the issues touched upon in this article please read my articles Gurbilas Pat.6, Excommunication, Akhouti Singh Sahiban & Jathedar, Akal Takht &Jathedar and Jathedar and Hukamnama published in my Website www.sikhsundesh.net.

ikrpfl isMG


Date: Bhadon 14, 535 NS (Nanakshahi)

Manyog Jathedar Joginder Singh Vedanti Jee,

Waheguru Jee Kaa Khalsa, Waheguru Jee Kee Fateh.

Veer Jee, as per the august 12, 2003, Indian Express report by S.P.Singh, titled "Vedanti defends Gurbilas, Calcutta backs him" it is reported that you said "this (Gurbilas Patshai 6) is a source about the many important events connected with the life of Guru-Hargobindje, like the creation of Akal Takht."

Your above defense was in response to the criticism of your retaliatory action of excommunicating S. Gurbakhash Singh KalaAfghana (a Canada based Sikh Scholar) who had dared to expose the contents of your work, the Gurbilas, and had branded it as nothing but a collection of blasphemous material.

In the light of these diametrically opposite claims, the question is, "is your work a source material for Sikh History? (as claimed by you)? ……..Or a source material for perpetuation of Blasphemy? (as alleged by S. KalaAfghana)?

To answer such a question what one needs to do is to have a dispassionate look at S. KalaAfghana’s contentions, to see if they have any truth in them.

As contended by S. KalaAfghana, (and confirmed from the pages of your book by this author for accuracy) given below is a small sample of the episodes that S. KalaAfghana brands as "Blasphemy," and you claim to be a "source material for Sikh History." You have written;

  1. Guru Arjan Dev Jee sent his wife, Mata Ganga Jee to Baba Budha Jee for a blessing of a son. And, from there she came back visibly pregnant. …..Seeing which, the Guru Jee rejoiced and had a party. ……(GB Page 15)
  2. Mata Ganga Jee did not really carry the pregnancy. Her belly was just bloated with air (a fake pregnancy?). …….(GB Page 19)
  3. Sahibzada Hargobind was not really born. He just appeared at the scene as Chattar-Bhuj (a four armed baby), as an incarnation of Hindu Lord Vishnu. At the time of his birth he was wearing a yellow robe, arm bands, and ear rings. …..(GB Page 19)
  4. Mata Ganga Jee parayed to the new born baby (Lord Vishnu) thanking him for becoming her baby. ……(GB Page 19)
  5. When Sahibzada Hargobind Sahib became the Guru, he struck a deal with Kazi Rustam Khan to buy a Horse, with a promise to pay for it later. On Guru Sahib’s repeated failure to keep up the promise, the Kazi got mad and used some very foul language for the Guru. In retaliation to which, Guru Hargbind Sahib Jee abducted Bibi Kaulan, the sixteen year old daughter of the Kazi.. …..(GB Page 296)
  6. Baba Gurditta Jee, eldest son of Guru Hargobind Sahib was born (with a Seli around the neck, a Toppee on the head, and with wrinkled skin that of an old man) as an incarnation of Guru Nanak Sahib. All the women in the room are mentioned to have pulled their veils seeing the old-man-baby. ….Then, the new born baby (Guru Nanak) talked to the ladies and explained the reason for this kind of odd birth etc. …….(GB Page 330)
  7. Bibi Veero Jee, daughter of Guru Hargobind Sahib was born loaded with weapons as an incarnation of Hindu goddess Chandika. ……(GB Page 364)
  8. Next, Bibi Veero Jee was married to a man by the name "Sadhu" whom, the Guru proclaimed as an incarnation of Hindu Lord Shiva. ….(GB Page 370)
  9. Baba Budha Jee, took the first Hukamnama from Guru Granth Sahib and distorted the Gurbani by altering its words.. …….Instead of reading "Santaan Kay Kaaraj aap khaloyaa, Har Kam kravanh aayaa Ram" he read " Sant Kay Karaj aap Khaloyaa, Kaar kadhanh hit kaamaa ho-aa." …..(GB Page 122)
  10. Guru Teg Bahadur Sahib was not martyred by the Muslim rulers. He chose to commit suicide by directing one of his Sikhs to behead Guru’s head and then himself commit suicide. …..(GB Page 242)

And thus, the list goes on.

Veer Jee, if the above sample of episodes of anti-Sikh, anti-Gurmat insults, distortions, superstitions, and wild imagination look like HISTORY to you, then what possibly is out there that will look like BLASPHEMY ????!!!!

How can any person with even an iota of honesty, and understanding of Gurmat, defend the above sample of episodes as "Sikh History"??? ….Let alone a pair of Sikh leaders like you and Veer Manjit Singh Jee Culcutta, the beacons of honesty and Gurmat!!!!

Veer Jee, have you ever entertained the idea that all the confusion that the Sikh Nation is possessed with today, may be the result of the confusion created by the kind of writings that you and our present day Sikh Leadership is trying to justify and clinging on to???? …..And, may be S. KalaAfghana is telling some very bitter but harsh Truths that the Sikh Leadership is unwilling to listen to???!!!

Shouldn’t we the Sikhs of the Guru listen a bit to his advise of; "kUV inKuty nfnkf EVik sic rhI ]2] (Falsehood will come to an end, O Nanak, and Truth will prevail in the end.)" and learn to distinguish between the TRUTH of History and FALSEHOOD of BLASPHEMY???!!!

Kirpal Singh, USA

mnjIq isMG shoqf

Satkarjog GurSikh Sahiban jeo

Sat Sri Akal

Jathedar Joginder Singh Vedanti disobeyed the Hukam-Nama of Akal Takhat.

Jathedar Joginder Singh Vedanti disobeyed the Hukam-Nama, issued by Bhai Ranjit Singh about banning the marriages in marriage palace (party halls), by sending a blessing letter and Siropao to Swaran Singh Patar a chela (follower) of Harbhajan Jogi on the marriage of his son.

This marriage took place here in Mississauga (Greater Toronto Area) in the Payal Banquet Hall. Mr. Patar sent an invitation to Jathedar Vedanti to attend the marriage and asked him to bless bride and groom. Mr. Patar mentions in the letter that the card I am sending with the letter contains the information about the place and details about the marriage. In the card it is clearly mentioned that Anand Karaj will take place in Payal Banquet Hall. In spite of that, Mr. Vedanti had sent a blessing letter and Siropao to Mr. Patar. The letter was read by Raminder Gill Member Provincial Assembly (Ontario) and Siropao was given to the bride and groom in the Banquet Hall.

What kind of hypocrisy is this that Jatedar Vedanti can disobey Hukam Nama and normal Sikhs must obey Hukam Nama?

It will be interesting to watch that how chamchas of Jathedar Vedanti will counter this issue?

I am enclosing the Invitation letter, copy of the card and letter of Jathedar Vedanti to Mr. Patar.

Guru Fateh.

Manjit Singh Sahota


blbIr isMG sUc aYzvokyt

Respected S. Makhan Singh Purewal ji,
Sat Sri AKAL!

In Re: "Mera Bharat Mahan???."

Thanks for giving priority to a true & painful story, " Sikh Boy Made Impotent" though as one of the letters on your web. Where as every investigator/ writer always expects more than this, which can not be fulfilled in every case especially when I am not capable to divide the Sikhs in the name of self created different Maryadas (way of living), interpretation of the SRI GURU GANTH SAHIB etc.

To my mind, our religion is very simple but made complicated by the persons having their vested interests best known to them. The so called re-known writers/ religious contractors are always playing in the hands of corrupt rulers and acting at their instance to divide the people/ Sikhs to malign our religion. They know when to defect, raise hue and cry or join in the corrupt mainstream for their own reasons. You are now the best judge as you have communicating & other resources with you. With regards

Dated: 24-8-2003

hrikMdr isMG

Dear Sir:

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa
Waheguru Ji KI Fateh

I am trying to confirm exact reference to the actual text from where the following reference has been taken to be that of Sri Guru Gobind Singh Sahib ji:

Jab Lag rahey Khalsa niaraa
Tab lag tej dioo mein saraa
Jab eh gahey Bipran ki reet
Mein na karau inn ki parteet.

The above has been used by many scholars including S. Kala Afghan's title book and many others. I was told it is from Sarb Loh Granth and dasam Granth but I could not find it there. I was also told that it is from Rehatnamas, but I could not find any Rehat Namah that included this. Could you please help me in this request?

Sri Akal Sahaiey
Harkinder Singh, London, Ontario Canada Aug 24, 2003

blbIr isMG sUc aYzvokyt

myrf Bfrq mhfn ????????

iswK pirvfr dy puwqr nMU aKfVy dy sfDF vwloN gMgf ivwc KVHf krky nfmrd bxfAux

dI rONgty KVHy krn vflI swcI khfxI qy ies ipwCy CupI

srkfrI mMdBfvnf dI mUMh boldI qsvIr

blbIr isMG sUc, aYzvokyt

ies drdmeI dwsI jf rhI mMUh boldI khfxI nMU iekwlI-dkwlI nf smJ bYTxf sgoN ieh pMjfb ivwc bYTy kuJ sfD jo sMqF dy nfm nfl jfxy jFdy hn, AunHF df iswDf qfl-myl hirduafr dy bYTy sfDF dy aKfiVaf dy nfl hY. ieh grIb GrF dy bwicaF nMU alwg-alwg QfvF ’qy hjLfrF dI igxqI ivwc rwK ky brbfd kr rhy hn. kI zyry srkfr dI srpRsqI qy KuPIaf eyjMsIaF dI jfxkfrI qoN ibnF hI lokF dy bwicaF nfl ieh iGnOxf qy axmnuwKI DMdf cl rhy hn?

iewk iswK pirvfr ipMz bGOr, qihsIl KMnf, ijLlHf luiDafxf dy vfsI s[ lfl isMG puwqr s[ jgq isMG ijs dI pqnI surjIq kOr dI kuwKoN cfr puwqrfn qfrf isMG, guljfr isMG, dlbfrf isMG, jsvMq isMG qy pMj lVkIaF qfro kOr, guljfr kOr, mnjIq kOr, rxjIq kOr, mfieaf kOr aOlfd pYdf hoeI. sfrIaF lVkIaF hux ivafhIaF hoeIaF hn. pirvfr dI afpxI koeI jmIn nhIN hY qy iswK Drm df pRcfr hI AunHF dI afmdn df sfDn irhf hY. iswK pirvfr hox krky ienHF df iswKI nfl hI JkfE irhf qy pirvfr cfry puwqrF coN Coty jsvMq isMG nMU vI iswKI dy lV hI lfAuxf cfhuMdf sI.

acfnk pqf nhIN ikvyN ies gwl dI sfDF nMU iBxk peI qy AunHF ies iswK pirvfr qoN jsvMq isMG nMU afpxy kol rwKx leI mMg rwKI. pirvfr nMU sfDF dy mwkVI jfl df koeI igafn nhIN sI. iswK pirvfr ny sfDF dy khy sLrDf ivc af ky jsvMq isMG sfDF nUM dy idwqf. muwZlI pMj klfs dI ivwidaf jsvMq isMG ny afpxy ipMz bGOr dy srkfrI pRfiemrI skUl ivwc hI pRfpq kIqI. Aus qoN bfad (sMq bfbf) blvMq isMG, iswDsr shOVf sfihb vfilaF ny jsvMq isMG nMU ipMz rsUlVf dy srkfrI imzl skUl ivwc awTvIN jmfq dI ivwidaf pfs krvfeI. aMgryjLI pVHn qoN rokI rwiKaf. iPr jsvMq isMG ijs df nfm blvMq isMG (sMq bfbf shOVf sfihb) ny JMzf isMG rwK idwqf sI .

blvMq isMG (sMq bfbf shOVf sfihb) df iswDf qfl-myl hirduafr ‘c sfDF dy aKfiVaF nfl hY. blvMq isMG bwicaF nMU alwg-alwg QFvF qy rwKdf hY ijnHF dI igxqI hjLfrF ivwc hY. jsvMq isMG ijs nMU JMzf isMG df nfm idwqf jf cuwkf sI, nMU ‘sRI pMcvqI aKfVf nXf AudfsIn’ hYwz afiPs-knKl (hirduafr) ivwc hY qy rijstrz hY, aKfVy dy sfDF pfs Cwz idwqf. ijwQy jo huMdf hY ibafn krn qoN JMzf isMG df idl kMbdf hY. jdNo AusnMU puwiCaf igaf ik qyry aMdr sfDF dy mhOl dI ieqnI dihsLq bxI hoeI hY ik qYnMU ivsLvfsL nhIN afAuNdf ik qyrf qy hor bwicaF df drd koeI lokF qwk phuMcf ky iensfP dvf skdf hY? JMzf isMG ny Jwt ikhf ik hF ieh swcI gwl hY. mYN byafs hoieaf iPrdf hF aqy jo duwK sfDF dy nfl rih ky mYN kwitaf hY AuhI duwK qoN AuhnF sfDF pfs rih rhy hor bwicaF nMU bcfieaf jfvy .

JMzf isMG ny kuJ hoNslf PiVaf qy mOky qy hI iewk noits dy jvfb ivwc afpxy qsIhy Bry jIvn coN iewk sLrmnfk, drdnfk, qy aQfh axmnuwKI afp bIqI ieAuN ilKvf idwqI:-

"ieh ik jvfbkrqf sfDU bxn vyly (ds sfl) dI Aumr qoN hI byGr qy byafsrf irhf hY. hux jvfbkrqf dI Aumr lgBg qIh sfl hY. bcpn qoN hI mF-bfp iswK pRcfrk bxfAuxf cfhuMdy sn. pr jdo sbMDq afKfVf, "sRI pMcfvqI afKfVf inaf AudfsIn" hYz afPs-knKl (hirduafr) vfilaF nMU ieh pqf lwgf qF afKfVy vfly sfDUaF ny mYnMU afpxy afKfVy leI lY ilaf qy AuWQy mYQoN ds sfl dI Aumr qoN hI BgqI krvfeI aMq mYnMU sfl 1995 ivc gMgf ivc KVHf krky sfDUaF ny mMqr pVHdy hoey hyToN myrIaF nsF nMU mroVy kdI Aulty qy kdI iswDy bfr bfr dy ky pUrf nfmrd/npuMsk krky lfcfr bxf ky pwkf sfDU bxf idwqf. Aus qoN bfad hI smF pf ky afKfVy vfilaF ny rij nM[ 37 PfeIl nM[ 1-799 ivc myrf nfm bqOr sMq JMzf dfs, myry gurU df nfm hjfrf dfs drj krdy hoey mnIhr dfs, aKfVy dy pRDfn ny snfKqI pwqr R-00147/2001 imqI: 06/ 10/2001 nMU jfrI kIqf hY ijs dI kfpI nfl nwQI hY. jdoN mYƒ pwkf sfDU bxfieaf myry leI gMgf ivc KVHy qy kuJ smF bfad bhuq duwK qy qsIhy Jwlx df smF irhf. Auh Bugiqaf duwK qy qsIhy vI muV Xfd krvf idwqy hn ikAuNik hux mYƒ dfn idwqy Gr sbMDI glq noits dy idwqf igaf hY".

JMzf isMG ny imly noits dy jvfb ivwc Aukq drdmeI khfxI nMU dwsx leI Auc -aiDkfrIaF nMU noits dy jvfb df afsrf lYNidaF hoieaF, mfnXog kYptn amirMdr isMG, muwK mMqrI pMjfb, cMzIgVH, sRI anurfg vrmf, izptI kimsLnr, luiDafxf qy blfk ivkfs qy pMcfieq aPsr, luiDafxf-2 (mFgt blfk) nMU rijstr pwqr nMbr 824, 825 qy 826 imqI 21-8-2003 nMU kRmvfr Byjy hn. pr pUrI gwl kihx qoN horF dy bYTy hox kfrn JMzf isMG Gbrf irhf sI . ijs df nfm bfad ivwc iewk qsIhy ivDI nfl gMgf ivwc KVHf krky nfmrd qy lfcfr bxfAux qoN bfad JMzf dfs rwK idwqf sI .

iewQy ieh ieh iDafn dyx Xog gwl hY ik ies iswK pirvfr dy bwcy nMU gMgf ivwc KVHf krky Auprokq Aus vloN dwsI qsIhy vflI ivDI nfl nfmrd bxfuAx leI gMgf dy pfxI nMU hI sfDF ny ikAuN cuixaf? aijhf hI hor bwicaF nfl ho irhf dwisaf igaf hY, ijnF nMU mF-bfp dI grIbI kfrn zyiraF, aKfiVaF afid ivc sfD afpxI vrqoN qy lokF qoN bwicaF dy nFE pYsf iekwTf krn leI lY afAuNdy hn. ieh sLMkF qoN bfhr nhIN afieaf jf skdf hY ik awgoN ienHF nMU aijhI syvf leI ikDry hor vI Byj ky iehnF dI durvrqoN krvfAuNdy hox.

ieh sfP hY ik jykr nsF nMU mroVy jfx smyN qsIihaF dI mfr nf Jwldf hoieaf idl PylH ho ky bwcf mr vI jFdf hovygf qF sfD bwcy nMU gMgf ivwc roVH ky hI Aus df Bog pf idMdy hoxgy . dUsrf gMgf dy pfxI ivwc KVHf krky bwcy nMU nfmrd bxfAuxf sfDF leI qF vI jrUrI hY ik bwcf qsIihaF qoN bcx leI Bwjx df vI Auprflf krn df nf socy qy jy aijhf krn dI koisLsL krdf qF sfDF ny ies nMU cIkF mfrdy hoey hI Bwjx qoN rokx leI zubo ky hI mfr suwtxf huMdf hovygf. ieh sB zyiraF, aKfiVaF afid dy muKIaF qk hI gupq/ sIimq rih jFdf hY.

ies leI ijs nMU vI sfD nfmrd bxfAuNdy hoxgy Aus leI gMgf dy pfxI df invyklf sQfn hmysLF cuxdy hoxgy. kI kdI koeI eyjMsI jF iensfP psMd koeI hor sMsQfvF, pRYWs aijhIaF iGnOxIaF qy axmnuwKI vfrdfqF jo bwicaF nfl sfDF dy zyiraF qy aKfiVaF ivwc vfpr rhIaF hn dI qih qwk jf ky pVqfl kr skx dI ihMmq krngIaF? smfj syvI qy aijhf hI hor dfavf krn vflIaF jwQybMdIaF nMU vI inwjI lfB pRfpq qy afpxy hI isafsI AuBfr leI kMm krnf isKfieaf hoieaf hY. loV anusfr ieNnHF nMU srkfr mIzIey rfhIN lok pRiswDI vI idMdI rihMdI hY. lgdf hY pVqfl myry Bfrq mhfn ivwc sMBv nhIN ijwQy srkfrF hI zyiraF, aKfiVaF qy ienHF ivwc iGnoxy kMm kr rhy sfDF dy isr ’qy hI clfeIaF jf rhIaF hox.

Auprokq JMzf isMG ny ibafn kIqf ik pMjfb aqy pMjfb qoN bfhr (sMq bfbf) blvMq isMG, iswDsr, shOVf sfihb dIaF anykF jfiedfdF qy asQfn hn ijwQy ienHF ny dUsry sfDF nfl iml ky hjLfrF dI igxqI ivwc grIb mF-bfp dy bwcy rwKy hoey hn aqy jo AunHF nfl bIq rhI hY Aus ivwc dwsx dI ihMmq nhIN hY qy bVI imTfs nfl kihx lwgf ik (vfihgurU jI) quhfnMU sB kuJ ieMnf kih kI dws idMdf hF ik jo mYnMU nfmrd bxfAux leI ies hwd qwk gey hn Auh horF bwicaF nfl kI-kI nhIN krdy hoxgy. myry vFg nfmrd bxfieaF dI igxqI axigxq hY qy dwsx qoN bfhr hY.

ijs pRkfr iswK pirvfr dy jsvMq isMG nMU iPr JMzf isMG iPr JMzf dfs bxfieaf igaf, Auh duKI qy ziraf hoieaf hY. do sfl pihlF shOVy vfly blvMq ( sfD) ny iksy afpxy aMdrUnI imwqr/chyqy rfhIN Aus nMU gRMQI, Auh vI aMimRqDfrI iswK dy rUp ivwc ipMz BmF klf qihsIl qy ijLlHf luiDafxf ivwc hI rwKxf awCf smiJaf. ies leI keI aMimRqDfrIaF qy horF nMU nfl lY kyy ibgl bjf-bjf ky ipMz BmF klf ivwc gurduafrf bxfAux df ierfdf Cwz ky iesdy Gr df nINh pwQr rwK idwqf.

ieh vI ho skdf hY shOVy vfly sfD blvMq ny hor aKfiVaF vfilaF sfDF nfl rl ky ies jgHf nMU awzf bxf ky hor koeI Kyz Kyzx dI ivAuNq bxfeI hovy qy hux Aus ivAuNq ivwc qbdIlI ho geI hovy qy iesdf bixaf mkfn ipMz BmF klf qoN igrf ky ies nMU muV shOVy jF hor iksy zyry ivwc iljf ky pfr bulfAuxf (mOq dy Gft Auqfrnf) hovy. iesdI pVqfl iksy inrpwK eyjMsI qoN hoxI cfhIdI hY qF jo ies JMzf isMG ijsnMU alwg-alwg nfmF nfl hux qwk jfixaf igaf hY dI jfn dI rfKI ho sky ikAuNik iesdy ies idwqy Byd ny sfDF dI qF pol KolI hI hY AuQyy BfrqI isafsI pfrtIaF, pRbMDkI ZFcy, KuPIaf eyjMsIaF aqy pRYWs dI cuwp ’qy vI pwky qOr ’qy svflIaf insLfn lfieaf hY jo sihjy kIqy dUr nhIN kIqf jf skdf.


blbIr isMG sUc,aYzvokyt

mnuwKI aiDkfrF leI srgrm

blbIr isMG Kflsf (isWK builtn)

dsLmysL drbfr lMzn

ÃÄ siqgur pRsfid ]

akfl shie! gur Pqh !!

adfrf isWK bulytn jIE !

gur Pqh !

sMpfdkI mMzl dy pRDFn jIE , afp df prcf isWK bulytn iek imqr dy GroN lY ky piVHaf . hYrngI hoeI ik aFm qOr qy ‘iqMn aMk’ qoN bfad aMq ho jFdf hY pRMqU sR gurbKsL isMG kflf aPLgfnF df kys cOQf bx igaf hY sLfied po[ gurqyj isMG jI nUM vI pMQ ivcoN Cyk ky pMj ipafry Qfpy gey , nhIN sgoN Cyky gey ‘ pMj ipafry ‘ dy rUp ivc isWK ardfis ivc sLfml kIqy jfxgy .

afp nUM pqf hovygf isWK buWDI jIvIaF qy pMQk afgUaF vloN pihlF igafnI igafn isMG jI nUM Cyikaf jF pMQ coN dUr DWikaf sI-pVHo igafnI jI dI ikRq ‘irpvmn pRkfsL’ Aus qoN bfad Bf[ sfihb Bf[ kfnH isMG nfBf jI dI vfrI afeI iPr zf[ ipafr isMG aqy hux sR[ gurbKsL isMG jI kflf aPLgfnF dI vfrI af geI aWgoN pMjvF ipafrf pRo[ gurqyj isMG vI blI df bkrf bx jfxf sI pr hux sLfied tOhVf sfihb ies iprq nUM rok lYx nhIN qF jy AunHF df vI pMj ipafry sfjn df sMklp hoieaf qd ieh vI Cyky jfxgy .

guru BlI kry-dyKo rMg krqfr dy

dfsn dfs

blbIr isMG Kflsf

dsLmysL drbfr lMzn .

blbIr isMG sUc aYzvokyt

Respected S. Makhan Singh Purewal ji,
Sat Sri AKAL!

Really you are nicely projecting Sikh viewpoints through your web sikhmarg.com if you feel satisfied with those viewpoints. It is a great service of humanity as Sikh religion is a great source of pleading for welfare of all without any discrimination provided IT is allowed (presently, it is a missing link between Sikh religion & reality) to function realistically & freely in India & abroad by devotion.

Please do accept my heartily thanks & best regards for displaying my Articles on your web.

rfjf isMG


The RSS in their resolution no. 2 passed in their meeting held on 5th and 6th July ,have criticised "Pope" for his call to the chritians for the spread of christianity. The brief text published nthe magazine "YUG BODH" August 2003 (Page 15) is given below:

Pope stated that some of the states in India have passed anti conversion Bills under the influency of extremist Hindu idealogists . The christians should go ahead with their mission of christianity.

In the above resolution the RSS has interpreted the statement of Pope as" interference in India and challenging its sovergnity . With conversion not only the prayeris changed but the sinceretiy and integrity towards country is changed. Some states like MP, Chhatisgarh, Gujrat, Orissa, Arunachal and Tamil Nadu have passed anti conversion Bills. Other states should also pass such bills."

This Resolution esxposes the RSS of their sole moto to convert India as Hindu state. Our constitution provies that India being a secula state , every Indian is free to choose and preach the religion of his choice. How does it affect one's sincereity towards his country by following one or the other religion? Are some religion(s)moreaithful towards the nationa than the others? The answer is definitely "No". We are first Indians then Hindu, Muslim, Sikh or Christian etc. To project a particular religionas "The only naitonalist" is notla hearlthier suggestion. Such peoplel just want to create communal hatred. The RSS appears to have pledged to saffornize India.

Raja Singh
Ex General Secy
World Sikh Council

srvx isMG ZMzf

Dear S. Makhan Singh Ji,

I read with great interest an ad re T.V. Debate on the subject matter between Gurcharnjit Singh Lamba and Mohinder Singh Josh (Rekhi) being held on Sunday, Aug 24 and Monday Aug 25, 2003 on Alpha TV Punjabi. I and most of my friends and relatives would like to watch the debate live. Could you adv if the debate is being telecast live in the Toronto area of Canada? If so, pl adv the name of T.V. channel and time of telecast. Also pl adv the source where copies of the debate in cassette or C.D. form can be had.

You are doing a great service to the Sikh community around the globe. Please accept my sincere thanks and kind regards.
Sarwan Singh Dhanda, Canada

gurcrnjIq isMG lFbf







24TH AUGUST, 2003 (SUNDAY) 9.00 A.M AND

25TH AUGUST, 2003 (MONDAY) 9.00 A.M. [IST]




arivMd kOr



By: Arvind Kaur

August 13, 2003

The latest hate crime attack against a Sikh family in Queens, New York has prompted various organizations to come under a common flag and appeal to the government that some action has to be initiated so that incidents like this do not happen again. New Immigrant Community Empowerment Inc, (NICE) a non profit organization organized a meeting on Tuesday last , unifying various communities against bias. The meeting was chaired by members of NICE, UNITED SIKHS (USSA), SAFE HORIZON and other immigrant associations, highlighting the bias attacks against Asian, Arab, Sikh and Muslim communities since 9/11 and planned for a vigil against violence and ignorance.

Various issues were raised in the meeting from the increase in innocent detainees to the implementation of the anti-hate crime legislation. UNITED SIKHS representatives spoke about their plan to fight for the rights of the detainees. The speakers at the meeting expressed their concern and frustration towards the way the recent hate crime case has been handled by the local authorities. UNITED SIKHS activist, Arvind Kaur, got in touch with the victim's family personally and expressed the organization’s concern and offered unrestrained support.

The climate of hate and fear does exist. We must make an endeavor to educate the ignorant and help put an end to the cruel and vicious attacks of the biased. An active participation from all diverse communities and especially Sikh organizations is essential to make the vigil a success. The vigil is to be held on August 19th 2003 at PS69 77-02 , 37th Avenue in Jackson Heights, New York-11370 from 6.30pm till 8:30pm.

Please join hands and work towards immigrant rights, peace and justice.

For more information please contact a UNITED SIKHS representative at

UNITED SIKHS A Non-Profit, Non-Governmental Human Development Organization

153 Bennett Avenue Suite 6E, New York, NY 10040,Tel: 516-984-5612 Fax: 775-845-4397


prdIp isMG

My name is Pardeep Singh and I am in the United States Air Force. I came across a problem where I need to show a proof of Sikhs being vegetarian. I have been researching online but can't really find anything to show to my hire ups, if you please can take just a quick second and find something about why Sikhs are vegetarian or just a proof of us being vegetarian. I would really appreciate it.

Thank you,

Singh, Pardeep --- USAF

Work DSN 634-2---

Home DSN 633-4---


Hi there,

I came across your very interesting and insightful site; I think it is a very valuable resource. I'd like to thank you for doing such a service to our community :)

However, I also have a question: Was it the Guru's wishes not to have pictures taken of them and displayed, in order to eliminate the confusion of people worshipping them (such as the way Hindus worship idols). Is this true? As me and my friend had a discussion on this and he has heard that it was the Guru's wishes not to have their pictures displayed as people would get confused and worship them instead of God.

Thanks again :)


BuipMdr isMG nfrvy

Vir ji,
Guru fateh parwan karni ji.
Pls. print me S. Gurbaksh Singh Kala Afgana ji e'mail's adress. I am really proud of this scholar and ask same time that how i can get all books written by him.
Reading Spokesman from mohali and like to read his LIKHATS.
Bhupinder Singh from Norway

gurmIq isMG astRylIaf

Dear Bhai Makhan Singh jee,

Waheguru jee kaa Khalsa Waheguru jee kee Fateh Thanks for your assistance and cooperation. Attachment for your kind information. Any service which I can render for the awakening of the Diaspora Sikhs. Please continue your efforts boldly and fearlessly. Guru Sahib says: "O Nanak ! The person, who is neither afraid of anyone nor strikes terror or fear in someone else, O my mind, is to be considered a true scholar or learned person, having full understanding. (16) Guru Granth Sahib - Page 1427" Gurmit Singh (Retired but not tired)

arivMd kOr



By: Arvind Kaur

The latest hate crime attack in Queens, New York, towards a Sikh family from, has left the Sikh community in America unsettled once again. The family was roughed up by three drunken white youth, who mistook them for supporting Osama Bin Laden and his allies. The attack evokes many other reported and unreported incidents, which have been taking place since 9/11. According to the media reports, three men attacked the family - a married couple and a relative - when they were returning to their home on August 3, 2003. The victims were allegedly punched, spit on and told, "Bin Laden family, go back to your country." The Sikh turban, a religious head covering, has in the past prompted attacks by perpetrators who believe it is part of Islamic attire. This raises much concern about the lack of education within our society about Sikhs and the increasing need to develop educational programs to prevent future bias attacks on Sikhs.

Various organizations have condemned this hate crime and called on law enforcement agencies to prosecute the attackers. USSA, the United Sikhs in Service of America, a non profit, non governmental human development organization at its end has appealed to the community at large to come forward, report and seek help on cases of hate crime. It along with other organizations is pushing anti-hate crime legislation sponsored by Sens. Edward Kennedy and Gordon Smith, which will allow the federal government to prosecute hate crimes if the state government does not have hate crime statutes or does not prosecute certain hate crimes.

The United Sikhs which is a coalition of organizations and individuals who share a common vision to transform underprivileged and minority communities and individuals into informed and vibrant members of society through civic, educational and personal development programs is committed to help and educate people about their rights and assist them to overcome the trauma of bias and racism which they have suffered.


A Non-Profit, Non-Governmental Human Development Organization
153 Bennett Avenue Suite 6ENew York, NY 10040Tel: 516-984-5612 Fax: 775-845-4397


bldyv isMG

Dear Friends, Sat Sri Akal,

This is in respose to a Pakistani movie about a Sikh girl. I think we ought to take the high road. There are over 6 billion people in the world and probably there are lot of them who are insane. Gurbani advises us to fight our battle with knowledge, not ignorance; with love, not hate and with humility, not arrogance. We should reflect on our own lives and follow the Guru's path. Read our past history when Sikhs were true Sikhs, they were hunted like animals and there was price on their heads, I am talking aboout the 18th century. Even enemy historians like Kazi Nur Mohammed could not help,but admire the character of Sikhs, whom he called dogs in anger and out of prejudice. When the Hindu Rajput Kings declared war on Guru Gobind Singh, it was Pir Budhu Shah who came to the aid of Guru Gobind Singh. He lost two sons and many of his followers. There is no such example in world history. Similarly, at the crtical time in Guru Gobind Singh's life, Khan brothers, Nahar Khan and people like Rai Kalah helped Guru Gobind Singh at alter of their lives. All most all the battles against Guru Gobind Singh were fought by Rajput Hindu Kings. It was only in the last battle when all the the Rajupt Kings's combined forces wre unable to defeat Guru Gobind Singh that they appealed to Aurangzeb to come to their aid. Similarly, Guru Hagobind Sahib's two battles were against the Khatris. Not withstanding the perscution of Sikh Gurus and Sikhs by the Mughal authories after the martyrdom of Guru Arjan Dev, the relationship between Sikhs and the Muslim pouplation were very cordial. After the death of Guru Gobind Singh, Sikh religion was hijacked by yhe enemies of Sikhs and Sikhim and they still continue to control the Sikh masses. The good relations between Sikhs and Muslims were destroyed through subversion of Sikhism by creating spurious literature.

When we put any thing on the internet, we must be carefulul that it is not based on rumor. Do a thorough investigation before you post any thing on the internet.

Last year Niranjan Shah asserted in the India Tribune published from Chicago that Sikhs are Hindus. I wrote a rebuttal which the Tribune failed to publish. However, this rebuttal was published in several Sikh publications and an organisation in Ludhiana has bulished it as a booklet to couter the propaganda that Sikha are Hindus. Would you please post that article for benefit of Sikhs and non-Sikhs.

Regards to all.
Baldev Singh

zf: hrmn

I have heard that Akal Takhat Sahib is the sarab uch adalat of the sikh clone. I use to thinnk that what ever decisions comes from there are done with full counciousness and honesty but the way Akal Takhat has done or made up the decision about Jathedar Vedanti vs SGurbakhsh singh kalaafghana it shatters away the minds of sikh community mean thoughtfull and believer of the true sikhi. Jathedar vedanti wrote the book with the help of the SGPC funds and everybody knows about that book( Gurbilas patshahi 6) how and upto what extent he has played with the sikh emotions and how he has disrespected the faith of sikhi. The interesting thing was the person (kalaafghana) who has put light on this book and told the SGPC that how jathedar vedanti has played with the history of Sikhs. Yes SGPC agreed with Kalaafghana sahib and said that he is right and they banned the book written by jathedar Vedanti that was good decision but but was the punishment for both of them Vedanti was awarded the AKAL TAKHAT JATHEDARI on other hand Kala Afghana was awarded he was EXPELLED from the SIKHI.........What a justice?

Dr Herman

siqnfm isMG

New Punjabi Film ?

Plz read......

Attention to all my apna Brothers and Sisters. There is a new film that's going to be released in the UK on August 14th called LARKI PUNJABAN (one of the most expensive films ever to b produced in Pakistan) . This film is about a Sikh woman who is converted into Islam and it shows the struggles she had to face being a Sikh and converting. This film degrades Sikh women and also Sikhism in general. Please make sure you do not watch this film under any circumstances and do not talk to a Muslim about it because that is promoting the film. We do not want filthy films like this to get far in society therefor please make sure you do not watch this film under any costs. Do not watch this film in cinema, video, VCD or dvd. Even if its a pirate copy going cheap you still donâte to the filmakers and more copies will be made and the film would be circulated to more people. Please can you send this to as many Apna Lok you know.

Shamyl Khan
Babar Ali
Rashid Mahmood
Rasheed Naz
Tariq Shah
Azhar Rangeela
Bahar Begum
Naghma Begum

Director - Syed Noor
Writer - Mrs. Rukhsana Noor
Editor - Z.A. Zulfi
Music Director - Zain
Vocals - Zain, Saira Naseem, Shabnam Majeed

Afzal M. Khan

